62 Wu Xingxie's New Name

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"Miss, since you can't remember your name, how about I give you one?" Chan suggested since he couldn't just keep calling her Miss all the time.

Wu Xingxie looked taken aback but thought it was actually a good idea.

"Since I don't know my name, I'll let you give me a name." The female replied with a smile that was hidden.

"Great! I actually thought of one. From now on, your name will be Sasithorn!" Chan exclaimed as he pointed at her also smiling.

"Sasithorn...." Wu Xingxie repeated the name a few times.

"It means "The Moon" if you're wondering, in my mother tongue. I chose this because when I found you, the moonlight was shining on you. If it hadn't, I wouldn't have seen you in the darkness." Chan explained why he wanted to call her this.

"I like it." Wu Xingxie nodded as she accepted her new name, Sasithorn.

"Prince, I have the clothes." Raka came back holding a bunch of clothing.
Chan nodded at him and told him to give them to Sasithorn.

The female took the clothes and gave a confused look.

"What's wrong? Do you not like them?" Chan saw her expression and asked.

"No, it's just.... I don't know how to wear this type of clothing." Wu Xingxie admitted with her head down.

Chan laughed as he closed his eyes and started chanting again. This time, a parrot appeared as it flew around the male.

After flying for a while, a beam of light came from the parrot as it began to take on a human form.

"Prince!" The parrot exclaimed in a squeaky voice.

"Masatee, Go help Sasithorn change her clothes." Chan told the parrot who was female to be specific.

"Yes!" The parrot, Masatee turned to Wu Xingxie who stood there in awe. This was her first time seeing such a thing so she was very intrigued.

"Follow me." The parrot spoke in Thai.
Wu Xingxie didn't understand but looking at her body actions, the parrot wanted her to go with her.

Once the two were in a different area with no males, Wu Xingxie began to take off her outer layer of clothes.

"Why aren't you taking that off?" Masatee pointed to her veil and Wu Xingxie stopped.

It was weird but she slowly took the veil off and looked at the parrot whose mouth was wide open.

"Am I that ugly?" Wu Xingxie asked and touched her cheeks.

"Really pretty!" Masatee yelled but Wu Xingxie thought she was calling her ugly so she looked down.

"Then, I'm going to put this on. Tell me if I'm doing it wrong." Wu Xingxie said and took the first piece of clothing. It was an excessively long piece of rectangular cloth with brown patterns on it.

"This is a sabai, you have to wrap it around your chest." Masatee told her but when Wu Xingxie gave a confused look, she sighed.

"Give it here." She held out her hand so Wu Xingxie handed her the cloth.

"Stretch your arms out to the side, like this." Masatee stretched her arms out to show Wu Xingxie who followed along.

Getting closer, Masatee wrapped the cloth around Wu Xingxie's chest a few times and draped the remaining cloth over her left shoulder. She carefully pinned the long cloth so that it would not fall off her shoulder.

Wu Xingxie was a bit skeptical because of how much skin was showing. Her whole right arm and shoulder was exposed which was weird as Chinese clothing covered everything.

"Time for the skirt." Masatee grabbed the other piece of cloth.

"Wrap it around your waist and tuck it."
She demonstrated it for Wu Xingxie who nodded.

"I understand."

Wu Xingxie carefully wrapped the long piece of cloth before tucking it in so that it would not unravel.

"Good, now put this belt on to secure the whole skirt." The parrot handed it to Wu Xingxie who recognized it and did so.

"How do I look?" Wu Xingxie was proud of herself. This was her first time wearing clothes not from her culture so she was very excited.

"Very very beautiful." The parrot gave a thumbs up.

Wu Xingxie looked down at the clothes and felt like a different person only because she did not recall her past.

Losing your memories is a scary experience because you don't know what kind of person you were or how you behaved.

Even though Wu Xingxie felt grateful for receiving help, she still wondered who she really was.

A pair of hands grabbed her hands and dragged her off. Wu Xingxie was startled by Masatee's actions as she tried to process what was happening.

Soon enough, Masatee brought them back to where Chan was waiting. Once he saw Wu Xingxie, his eyes lit up.

"Sasithorn, you look very great!" He walked up to her while she stood there embarrassed.

"Is it normal to show this much skin where you're from?" She asked looking at her arms and the part of her stomach that was exposed.

"Of course! It never snows so we never have to worry about the cold."

"I see." Wu Xingxie awkwardly replied.

"I feel like something's missing though." Chan thought for a while.

"I know!" Chan exclaimed and he conjured up accessories on her body.

"If you're going to be following me, you have to look like my people." Chan stated.

"Let's go, I have to meet a very important person." Chan took her hands and guided her.

They eventually got out of the forest and entered the nearest area where people were living. They were in the capital city still so it was already busy despite being morning

Since y'all are the MVPs, I wanted to post a pic of myself as a gift. It's not a face reveal tho cuz my face is cropped out.

I'm the one on the right in the traditional clothing. Can you guys guess what my ethnicity is?

 Can you guys guess what my ethnicity is?

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