10 The Banquet (4)

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The servants of the Wu manor finished the preparations in just three days. After all, the Master Wu was going to use this chance to reveal his eldest daughter although they knew the Madam wasn't quite fond of her.

The banquet hall was prepared with seats for the designated guests and in the middle was a platform for the performers. Master Wu instructed everything himself because everything had to be perfect. He even warned the servants that if one thing is messed up, the one responsible would be beaten and then sold off. He told them they better act right which the servants understood right away.

He was warning them to treat the Eldest Miss properly and not give her the cold shoulder.

The same for his other children because he knew they would try and embarrass Wu Xingxie. In the past, Wu Xingxie tried to befriend them and they would insult her, but the girl would simply smile and take in everything.

This time however, Wu Xingxie wasn't going to let them be satisfied.

At around noon was when the guests started to arrive, each from other noble families. They weren't here for the food or entertainment. They were really attending to see how much of the rumors surrounding the Eldest Di was actually true. Inside their hearts, many were hoping for it to false because the girl seemed to not only be beautiful but also a genius as it was claimed.

Master Wu and Madam Wu were greeting the guests with a beam on their face. The couple seemed to be genuinely happy for their daughter to hold such a grand banquet for her.

Although Madam Wu was secretly burning with rage as she had to say something good about that bastard daughter of hers.

"Our Xing'er is a really nice girl. She follows our every rule and is a good role model to all her siblings." Madam Wu said through gritted teeth.

"His Highness the Crown Prince!"

One of the guards announced, alerting all those present.

Even Master Wu was surprised. He had indeed sent out an invitation to the imperial family but he didn't expect the Crown Prince to actually show up. This was a blessing to him.

At once, everyone greeted the Crown Prince since he was of higher rank.

"Greetings to His Highness!"

All of the young ladies present were blushing because of his good looking face. How lucky they were that their parents made them come. They got to see the capital's most handsome male.

The youth told his subjects to rise as he was escorted to his seat.

The reason he came was the same as the others. To see the famed Eldest Miss of the Wu family.

"Everyone, thank you for coming to celebrate today. It's not a big deal, but to know that Xing'er received a perfect score on the exams that not even the smartest scholars could achieve is a gift from the heavens."
Master Wu started to speak and garnered the attention of his guests.

The exams were one that all scholars and officials must pass in order to qualify for a position. Therefore, many heirs were taught to learn it in hopes that they would one day enter the state.

For a female, the exam was useless as they weren't allowed to hold office but there was no law that forbade a woman from taking them. Therefore, Master Wu made Xingxie take the exam. Other families had tried this with their daughter but they flunked badly as they thought it was boring and of no use to their future anyways.

Master Wu had Xingxie take the exams to make a point. In the capital, not only was his eldest daughter beautiful, she had a brain that was better than other families' son. Such erudite was something many people during their times admired. Especially since Master Wu was a general, he wanted people to know he wasn't just all about fighting and wars.

Education was not required for those in the military but as he was of noble birth, his children had to be well educated and cultured.

After his words, a bold guest asked where the Wu's Eldest Miss was. The lady was the Madam from the Ning family. Although they were rich, their reputation was bad because their eldest son was known for being a womanizer and spending money like water. Not only that, the Ning Young Master was also illiterate and would often skip his lessons.

Master Wu politely smiled as if he was looking down at her.

"Xing'er is very shy around those she has never met. It's partially my fault for not letting her out to socialize with other children."

After he said this, Madam Wu butted in.

"That's right. Xing'er rarely sees her siblings . She's always in her chambers studying alone or sometimes with a tutor."

Everyone soon turned their attention to the banquet door. Six young boys entered the hall. All whom were cute or handsome in their own ways.

Madam smiled as she looked at her sons with love in her eyes. Even though they weren't her biological children, she treated them really well.

The young girls in the hall began whispering among themselves about who's the cutest.

"Master Wu, I guess the rumours are true!
All your sons are handsome just like you." A man commented after seeing the young masters for the first time.

The six youths who just entered were indeed the young masters of the Wu manor. However, all of them were illegitimate children, as their birth mother was not Madam Wu, the legal wife.

Everyone present knew or at least heard that Madam Wu's real children are the eldest daughter and the youngest son. While there were positive rumours of the daughter, the rumours of the son were negative.

Some said he had an illness so Master Wu sent him far away. Others thought the boy was born stillborn and that he was already dead. Certain people claimed the boy was the most useless of the sons so he was confined in his chambers.

"Come, take your seats. Your jie will be arriving soon." Master Wu instructed his sons. Most of them were 13 and 14 but were very arrogant behind people's back. Because they could cultivate, they would not hesitate to bully Wu Xuan who couldn't.

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