97 Wu Xingxie's Marriage (15)

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Wu Xingxie indifferently glanced at the person who had grabbed her, pulling her arms free from their grasp.

"Why are you here?" She questioned flatly seeing his handsome face looking at her with a poker face. He stood a few feet away but the way the light shone on his face, she was able to notice the mole under his eye clearly.

"It's normal as your bodyguard to follow you around. What happened wasn't your fault."
Although he didn't specify, she knew exactly what he was referring to. The explosions killed many people yet she came too late.

Wu Xingxie blamed herself for their deaths.

Perhaps, if I had knew this was going to happen, I could have stopped it. I knew about the assassination attempt, but there were no ordinary citizens involved so why this time?

Maybe it's because I have changed so many things that more bad incidents are happening.

Wei's gaze on her remained but a flash of dejection filled his eyes. He could tell she was upset about the situation, so he tried to comfort her.

"It was out of your control. After all, you are not responsible for anyone's life." He told her, moving closer to stand next to her.

Gently, he took her small hands into his larger ones, ignoring the glare she was giving him. It was natural that she's mad at him but Wei knew, no matter how much he loved her, he had no chance of being her lover.

"You pretend to be heartless but truthfully you're still the same Wu Xingxie as before."
He resolutely stated, his lips curling into a small smile.

He watched her for years so he had seen her acts of kindness which had been in vain because of her stepbrothers who slandered her.

If there was one thing that he would never forget, it was the time when he witnessed her saving a wild animal. For reasons he didn't know, the wild animal had accidentally ended up outside her room. It was severely injured, barely breathing.

When the child Wu Xingxie opened the door, she had almost stepped on the poor creature but caught her leg in time.

That year, Yuyan had not entered the estate yet so Wu Xingxie remained in her chambers alone without anyone. A maid would only stop by three times a day for her daily meals. Being a positive child, she tried to speak with the maid but had been ignored. The maid never said a word to her when bringing her food.

So, when she found the animal, Wu Xingxie picked it up and brought it to her room. She tried talking to it, telling it stories but seeing as the animal gave no reaction, the girl poked it a little. Still, the creature showed no movement so she gasped out loud, wondering if it had died. Despite being a child, she knew how to take pulses so the girl checked the creature's pulse and to her surprise and relief, it was faint but that mean it had a chance to live!

From then on, Wu Xingxie snuck into Wu Dingxiang's study to look for books on how to save animals. Since she had not been outside, she had no idea what kind of the animal was.

She looked through multiple books until finding one which was about the animal she'd found. The creature had black fur with strange spotting and golden eyes.

"So it's a leopard..." Wu Xingxie did not know that the character for leopard and panther were the same so she thought that the animal was a leopard.

After all, wasn't a black leopard just a panther?

Having learned about the animal, Wu Xingxie began to nurture it like it was her own child. Due to the limited times she was allowed to see Wu Xuan, Wu Xingxie desired a friend.

This animal was her hope because if she saved it, the creature would naturally become attached to her, right?

She tended to his wounds, fed it meat and water. She even bathed with the animal and sang it a lullaby every night, allowing it to sleep by her side.

From what Wei recalled, as it got better and more healthy, the panther disappeared mysteriously one day, leaving Wu Xingxie in a state of misery.

As much as he admired how she cared for the panther, what irked him was the fact that the panther was none other than Bao Ling, the Demon King.

Wei developed a sense of dislike for him since he left her when she basically saved his life. Over a decade had passed since then, but he remembered the incident better than Wu Xingxie.

In fact, it was something she had never mentioned. After Yuyan became her personal attendant, she buried the incident with no intentions of talking about it.

Deep down, he knew if someone was in need, she wouldn't hesitate to help them. It was her thirst for vengeance that prevented her to be the same.

"You're wrong! I'm not the same person I was back then." Wu Xingxie vehemently denied, shaking her head and retreating from his touch. She hated how he could read her like a book. It was like he knew her every move but turned a blind eye to it because he didn't want to dictate her actions or life.

"If you're going to follow me, then keep it so that I don't have to see you!" She yelled before turning on her tracks, leaving him alone.

However she paused for a moment, remembering that she forgot something important. Wu Xingxie reluctantly turned back and walked past Wei with a pouty look and grabbed her fallen shawl. After putting it back on, she left the area without turning back.

The explosion incident was covered up with the victims being paid off to keep their mouths shut and witnesses claiming that it was a fire from one of the families who perished.

Knowing the actual truth, Wu Xingxie returned back and tried to find General Tang. Luckily, he had waited for her just half an hour walk away. Once she found the man and Sizheng, the boy ran up to him, worry in his eyes.

He checked her body for any possible injuries, making Wu Xingxie feel a bit better.

"I'm fine." She told him, patting his head affectionately. Such a simple gesture warmed Sizheng's heart and he beamed, hugging her waist. Since their first meeting, he felt a comforting connection to her, but he didn't know exactly why.

Sorry I haven't updated. It's been two days in school and I'm already stressed. Tomorrow's picture day.

This isn't related but last week, I was at the store and this 19 year old was trying to hit on me. He even followed me whenever I went to a different aisle. I was with my siblings so he didn't try anything weird. I thought I'd never see this creep again but the scary part is that he goes to the church I go to. I saw him today and he kept on staring at me, calling me over to sit next to him. Of course I ignored him and sat with my friend but she told me he kept on looking where we sat. I'm really creeped out.

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