76 The Scroll (3)

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"Brother, Wu Xingxie has met Uncle Wan Yu as you planned. Are you happy now?" Bao Zemin frowned upon his brother's weird actions. If he liked the girl so much, why didn't he just court her like every other man does when they like a woman?

Hearing his brother's words, Bao Ling brightened up. He guessed it was the right choice to let her meet her idol.

He knew how much Wu Xingxie looked up to Wan Yu because of the deeds he had done.
Unlike him, he only knew how to kill, not save someone's life. She probably heard of his clan's reputation, which was why she didn't want to get involved with him.

It wasn't his fault though. Since he was a child, he incapable of using regular magic. When he tried to use regular magic, his body would react in pain. Therefore, his parents resorted to teaching him Black Magic and Forbidden Magic.

Black Magic was used as an evil means to obtain something one wanted. Unlike Black Magic, Forbidden Magic was much harder to learn and cast because there were certain requirements which had to be met. Despite their minor differences, they were both dangerous to use if the person had a weak body or mind.

For Bao Ling, it came easily so he mastered the spells in just days. His parents always warned him not to use it for evil gains, only for the sake of his clan was he allowed to use it.

"Sasithorn's real name is Wu Xingxie?" Chantara, who was eating asked with his mouth full. Bao Zemin rolled his eyes at the question and nodded.

"Why are you even still here?" Bao Zemin wondered why this Thai prince was still here when he should be home helping his kingdom.

"It's ok, I'm staying for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Your brother invited me so why should I leave?" Chantara retorted as he stuck his tongue at the male.

"You!" Bao Zemin was easily offended by the foreigner's actions but he couldn't do anything since the prince was his brother's guest.

"How's the situation in Ayutthaya?" Bao Ling asked his friend, not caring about his younger brother's dismay.

Chantara was chewing his food so he swallowed it before speaking.

"The cities are back to normal. Since we won the last war, we were able to seize Dawei and Tenasserim. However, I'm afraid that they'll return and another war will break out soon."

Chantara didn't want to talk about ongoing conflicts. He came here to have fun and experience the traditions of the Chinese.

After leaving the room, General Tang didn't return to the banquet hall immediately. Instead, he found a secluded place. Taking out the scroll Wu Xingxie handed him, he slowly unrolled it.

Upon seeing the content of the scroll, his eyes widened. General Tang quickly rolled the scroll, tucked it in and returned to the banquet hall.

Seeing General Tang return, General Wu asked how Wu Xingxie was to show that he was worried.

General Tang looked at him and replied,
"General Wu, don't worry. Your daughter is safe."

He turned to the emperor who was rubbing his temples from the incident.

"Your Majesty, my men will thoroughly investigate this matter." General Tang declared with deeper meaning and glanced at General Wu.

Unlike Wu Dingxiang, General Tang came from a humble background but he managed to earn his title through blood sweat and tears.

Meanwhile, the Wu clan was military based so Wh Dingxiang's title was passed down from his father.

"General Tang, is there an antidote for this drug?" Princess Shuchun asked the man in a soft voice. For a thirteen year old, she was more worried about other people than herself.

"Princess, there is an antidote but I do not have it with me. My men are on their way to bring it. Please be patient. Throw all the food and drinks away, otherwise the guests will keep craving for it." He suggested which the emperor agreed and ordered the servants to do just that.

As the servants were removing the food and drinks, an eunuch came running in.
The look on his face let everyone know something bad must have happened.

"Your Majesty! The storage room where the salt are kept has been burnt down. The guards were going to check for anything the culprit may have left behind, but it was already burning by the time they got there."
The eunuch was out of breath but he told everything what had happened.

Loud gasps and whispers filled the banquet hall as the guests became even more distraught than ever.

"What?!" The Emperor stood up from his seat in disbelief.

"Your Majesty, calm down. It's not healthy for your health." The Empress worried and tried to hold him back.

"Imperial Father, I think this matter too suspicious. Could there be someone plotting tp usurp this throne?" The Crown Prince asked, as it seemed like the most reasonable answer.

"Who dares!" The Emperor was incandescent at the situation. The officials surely would not let this go. This was an assassination attempt on not only him but everyone else here as well. Who would benefit from killing off the government?

No one spoke a word for quite a long time.

Then, he came to a realization.

"Whoever, or the people behind this must be planning on destroying Buxiu empire. If he kills the Long clan and my officials, there would be no one to tend to state affairs!"

I've been wanting to write a System novel. They're really fun to read so I wanna give it a try.

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