Nazeer 14

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Catfish with cheesy grits was on the menu and while they devoured to food like they haven't had food in months, then again I knew how to throw down in the kitchen courtesy of my dad and my paternal grandma but while they ate my mind was somewhere else. I couldn't stop thinking about that box that was left for me, knowing my dad it was something sentimental and as badly as I wanted to open it I knew I had to wait until I was alone. I looked around the room and got a little sad; Quran and Semaj were feeding eat other, they weren't even using utensils they were using their hands and I'm not going to lie there was something sensual about the way they were doing it, effortlessly seductive. Then there was Tripp and Victor, well they weren't as interesting as Quran and Semaj but just by looking at them you could tell they were in love. Jacobi ate like an animal.... there was no other to put it and Jerell just stared at him in disgust; seeing these couples made me wish I could have that with Luciano; finally I couldn't take it so I walked up to my bedroom and stared at the package. I opened it up and found a cellphone and I couldn't help but laugh because me and Quran were just talking about this; attached was a letter that said he wanted to meet up a little later as well as a key so I had to figure out how I was going to sneak out the house.

"Ayy Cobi I need a favor right quick." I said walking back into the kitchen, me and Jacobi walked into the dining room. "I need you to cover for me, my dad wants to meet up and I need you to cover for me just in case my mom calls." I said looking at him because I figured Lucci wouldn't be back tonight.

"Why don't you ask your new best friend Quran? I mean y'all seem to be bonding and everything so I'm sure he can come up with some immaculate cover story, see this is why I didn't want his ass down here." Quran said and I could tell that his therapy session had went poorly. "Fine I'll do it but you owe me Naz." Jacobi said walking off and I just shook my head my boy had a lot of problems and I was starting to believe that it was getting worse, not better........

A couple hours later I was pulling up to the address of the place that my dad had texted me and wondering why it was so damn dark, my first thought went to one of those stupid ass Lifetime movies that my mom loves but I quickly brushed the feeling off and walked up the gravel driveway. I called Lucci but Kelly answered and I quickly hung up before I cussed that bitch out then knocked on the door..... when I walked into the house the light came on and I saw my dad sitting in the corner looking at something on his phone..... was that porn?

"Damn you got here earlier than expected..... don't mind me I was just going over one of my many sextapes, looking for ways to improve." My dad said smirking before turning his phone off. "You hungry I was just about to cook?" He asked getting up but honestly, I came here for answers.

"Nah I'm coo dad.... what I really know is why mom gets so pissed whenever I even think about you, you're not doing anything illegal are you because the last time I saw you, there was a bunch of money on your bed and I'm not going to lie that shyt looked a little sus...." I said looking at him and he got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Nazeer sit down..... here's the truth, last time we talked I told you the main reason for me and your mom's divorce was because of two things m infidelities and money. So I'll explain the money first; I hate banks, I don't trust them.... don't get me wrong I have a couple banks accounts but if it was up to me I'd keep all my money close to me at all times. That irritated your mom to no end, then we started arguing because I wanted to invest the money into something useful while she just wanted to let it build." My dad said pulling a bunch of stuff out of the cabinets.

"What did you want to invest in?" I asked curiously.

"Nah this is what we'll do since I answered one of your questions you gotta answer mine. So tell me something about that dude you're talking to." He said and I got nervous.

"He's cute..... and uhh, he's my stepbrother," I said trying to gauge his reaction but didn't get one.

"I invested my money into three things.... one was suits, you know how much I love my suits The other luxury apartments and condos in downtown Atlanta, New York, Chicago, Dallas, Miami, Los Angeles, and a couple other cities. In fact De'Vaugh got his place from me..... the other thing I wanted to invest in was you. Nazeer I've always believed you were smarter than me and your mom, so I wanted to put some money to the side for you but you know your mom she feels like you should make your own way and not live off our names. Which led to a lot of arguments.... I was of the mindset that what's the point of making all this money if we can't leave it for our only child." He said and I nodded, my mom was always hassling me about getting a job or whenever I asked for money I'd have to slave for it so I knew he was telling the truth. "What made you start fuckin with your stepbrother." My dad said as if it was a joke.

"Because Lucci is..... he makes me feel alive, sex is better than I've ever experienced with anyone else and there are nights when we would just sit on my balcony and talk.... he gets me." I said honestly.

"I told you me and your mom hadn't had sex in three years before I ultimately cheated on her.... but I had my suspicions that she was fuckin someone else; it was little things staying out late saying that she was at business dinners but coming home smelling like another dude or missing her panties. The day I snapped was the day I was in a store and this dude kept looking at me and laughing, I'm not stupid I'm guessing that was her side nigga because he seemed so amused by me, so instead of beating his ass... I fucked your mom's assistant on her desk, in our bed, in the garage....."

"Okay dad I get it....." I said quietly but then I froze and my eyes met his.

"What? That nigga had a fat ass.... do I regret it, yes and no. Yes because my actions caused me a lot of time with my son and no because sex with Andre is better than I've ever experienced." My dad said shrugging. "But once your mom found out she said she didn't want me anywhere near you because she didn't want you to turn out like me.... I'm not going to say what she called me but I almost punched her ass. But I guess I passed on more than my extremely good looks." He said smiling.

"So was.... Andre the first dude you've ever fucked with?" I asked and he looked at me for a second.

"Answer my question first, is Lucci the first dude you've ever fucked with?" He asked and I nodded. "But to answer your question nah.... I was a frat boy and we did some things in those fraternity parties that would blow your mind.... if I was to ever write a book about the things me and some extremely powerful and famous dudes did I'd ruin a bunch of lives and make a lot of money, but that's not how I was raised." He said and I sat there quietly.

"So basically what you're saying is my mom doesn't want me around you is because your gay?" I asked and he nodded. "So how do you think she'd react if I came out?" I asked and my dad almost dropped his skillet.

"Nazeer I didn't raise you to hide who you are but you can't tell her about your true self, there was a point when I honestly and truly loved your mom and I still think I know her better than anyone..... if you tell her she'd flip and if she puts her hands on you I'll...... just wait until you move out to tell her or tell her... she'll kick you out and then you can come live with me." He said half-joking/ half-serious.

"I won't say anything..... but umm is there anything else I need to know because you know I trust you and since my mom won't tell me anything I feel like you're the only person I can turn to." I said and my dad shook his head. "Aight well I'll take your advice and I won't say anything to my mom." I said getting up. "Who's house is this?" I asked walking around the kitchen.

"Yours.... well technically it's mine, but it was supposed to be a gift for you graduating next year but I couldn't wait to show you. It still needs some work but I have some people coming over in the next few days to finish the last little bit of stuff that needs to be done..... I want you to consider this our secret meeting spot. Whenever you wanna talk or see me just hit me up on that phone I got you and we'll set something up." He said and I really wanted to go look around. "Oh and one more thing whenever De'Vaugh gets back from overseas Dex wants to do something and he said you better have your ass there." My dad said, after that we spent the entire night just talking until I made the mistake of falling asleep and waking up to a bunch of missed calls from my mom.................................

****** QUESTIONS ****** 

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Semaj, Luciano, De'Vaugh, or Jacobi?

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