{Chapter 1} ~Zayn~

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"We have an appointment for you today, boys," Announced Paul one morning as we were lounging around my new house. I was whupping Harry in some Xbox, but now we had to put that on pause to hear what Paul had to say. He didn't have a smile on his face like he usually does with fun appointments, so this must be serious.

"This girl, about eighteen, has cancer and the Make A wish Foundation gave her the chance to make a wish," Paul began when he finally had our undivided attention, but Niall interrupted.

"And she wants to meet One Direction was here dying wish?" 

Paul glared at him irritatedly. "No, Niall. If you would've let me finish, you would know that her first wish was that her hospital bills were taken care of so her parents won't have to suffer debt if she dies. Her second wish was small enough that they could do both. She said she loves One Direction and wants to see them if she dies,"

A heavy silence blankets over us. The mood has changed from fun and playful, to morbid and serious. We don't look at each other and seem to find the burgundy carpeting extremely interesting.

"Wow," is all Liam could say.

Paul nodded. "So, we'll be heading out around three, be ready by then," And he was out the door once more to take care of our other priorities today.

The silence still hovered over us a bit. Nobody really knew what to say about our little "appointment" this afternoon.

"Well, I'm ready to continue whupping you in this game, Harry," I finally said. Harry's face finally showed some emotion and he grinned at me.

"Please Javadd, I was just letting you win," He lied--just as I ripped the head off his player.

"No, my dear friend, I was just letting you lose. I know how much you love it,"

Harry Styles was one of my four bestest friends. The other three were Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan. We have been together since X-Factor grouped us into a boy band when we didn't make the individual boys' cut. We've through so much together, touring two years and making two new albums at the same time. 

We've managed not to choke each other in our sleep from the two years of touring and were now working on our new album and getting some much needed rest. Although they sometimes get on my last nerve(Harry with his constant nakedness--I swear, not a day went by while we were touring, that I din't catch a glimpse of his junk at least once; Louis with his gross smelling, Niall with his gross smelling farts, and Liam with his cheerleader attitude when he's excited about something) I couldn't have asked for any other group of friends to spend hours with.

We dillydallied that day, basically doing nothing because there was nothing TO DO. Paul was managing our album stuff right now so we didn't have any recording to do today and everyone kept flocking to my house like moth to flame.  Liam spends more time at my house than at his own. Most of them do; they practically live here now. They would stay longer, but my mom wasn't around to cook for them so they had to go home to their own mother's for dinner--unless they wanted some of my special burnt Ramen noodles.

Paul called us two hours before our appoitnment and told us to get ready. We definitely needed those two hours. Harry kept prancing around--naked of course--screaming, "I will never dress again!" Louis wouldn't hang up with Eleanor for just a couple of seconds to throw on clothes, Niall was still stuffing his face--with what, i don't know because I thought he'd emptied it the last time he visited. Liam was the only one ready with time to spare, the rest of us made it just in the nick of time.

Paul eyed our slightly rumpled attire and sighed. "At least you match," We took his SUV to the hospital that was surprisingly close. With a speedy entrance and no busy bodies, we were able to make it without any crazed fans noticing us.

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