{Chapter 25} ~Zayn~

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"And you just zip it up and you're good to go," says Dan. It's only a week later and we've already begun our sky diving training. After this, we'll come every week to do it again. Today, we had a short lesson about how to put on the suit and in the wind machine, they'll teach jumping techniques and opening our parachutes.

"Thanks," I say when he's done. Everyone else is just finishing up with theirs, too, so we're all pretty much ready at the same time. Dan leads us through a series of hallways before we get to the room that contains the wind machine. It's like a giant shower with a fan at the bottom.

"Alright, who's going first?" Dan asks, grinning at us amusingly. We look around at each other, waiting for someone to step forward.

"Go Zayn," Harry whispers before pushing me forward. I try to resist, but I wasn't prepared for him to that so i stumble forward. 

"Okay, Zayn's going first," I glare at them before following Dan to the entrance of the machine. He gets in the middle and demonstrates a squatting position.

"You're going to stand like this before I turn it on," He instructs. "Relax your muscles so it doesn't hurt like hell when the wind knocks you back. My assistant will manage the wind speed and turn off the wind for me when I'm ready. While in the wind machine, I'll teach you basic diving positions and how to open the parachute correctly,"

I nod my understanding and get in position. His quiet little assistant has managed to sneak his way in here. Dan starts the machine.

I forget to relax my muscles so, when the wind comes, it knocks me back like a new born calf. I steady myself as I lift into the air. The wind is blasting against me with no mercy. My jumpsuit flaps around me and I feel like my mouth looks like the cartoons when they get wind blasted in their face and their cheeks flap against their face. 

It feels like flying, yet the wind let's you know that it will all come to end. I ignore that part and enjoy the exhilarating feeling of falling without falling. It's indescribable.

Dan steps in and floats beside me. I can't hear a word he's saying and I think he knows. He points to his mouth and mouths "copy me". He does a series of flips and twists and I do my best to imitate. He gives me two thumbs up when I've finally nailed it.

He then mimes a jerking motion from his parachute to his side and I know it's time to open the parachute. I watch him carefully, and then try it myself. I expect it to be easy, but you have to really jerk the cord to get it out. I jerk it with as much power as I can muster with the wind blasting against me and it pops open, lifting me even higher.

The wind starts to dwindle and I make an awkward--but safe--landing on my butt. Dan grins as he puts out a hand for me to take. He helps me up and out of the machine. 

"That was great for a beginner, Zayn," He compliments me.

"Thank you," I say as I try to get me bearings. My face feels weird after the experience and the adredaline is still pumping through my blood. 

"How was it?" Ask Niall. I had forgotten the boys were even here. 

I explain it the best I can ."It was awesome. The best high you'll ever get,"

"I'm next!" Liam shouts and he pushes me out of the way before anyone can protest. One by one, they all pretty much do well (except for Harry, who epically fails) and come out, well, windblown and exhilarated.

By the end of the lesson, nobody's hair has survived the treatment; we all look like we just rolled out of bed this morning. Good thing I have my emergency beanie in my dashboard--although, i never thought sky diving classes would be the reason for its use.

"You guys did great," Dan says, "Can I ask you a favor though?"

"Yeah, sure," We all answer. He disappears down the hall and returns with one of our books.

"My daughter loves you guys and she wanted to come meet you, but I work during her school hours, so she couldn't," Dan explains. "You wouldn't mind signing this for me? She'll be ecstatic when I bring it home,"

"Definitely," I immediately answer. If the person ask politely, we have no problem signing things for them. "But, who do we make it out to?"

"Jordyn, with a 'y" Dan says.

Liam writes the message for her and we sign our name sat the bottom.

"Thank you so much," Dan beams with pride. "She's going to love it," He goes back down the hall, probably to his office and we start taking off the jumpsuit. We had been wearing our regular clothes underneath and now they were as wrinkled as an elephants hide. I need to go back to my house to change.

We thank Dan for instructing us. As we're heading out, Louis suggests that we go to Milkshake City to talk about the experience. We all agree because, let's face it, we were just bursting to tell someone about it. I put on the beanie and Tweet and Facebook the experience before heading over.

I order a malt shake this time and Louis and I wait for everyone else to arrive.

"Did anyone else forget to relax their muscles?" I ask.

"Yeah, I did," they all mumble. 

"Good I'm not the only one," We chuckle. 

"That was so cool. It was like flying and then not because you know you're going to fall and then the parachute pulls you up one last time and it was just awesome," Niall rants with a sudden burst of energy. He bounces in his seat like a hyperactive child. 

"I know right! I didn't know opening the parachute would be so hard though," Liam chimes. We all audibly agree.

"But Harry was like the only person who messed up," Louis says.

"So?" Harry tries to defend himself. "I didn't know you were suppose to keep your legs together during that flip,"

"Anyone with eyes could've seen that when Dan demonstrated," Louis counters. They get into a heated debate about this that we just ignore as we continue to talk about the lesson. By the time we run out of things to say, out milkshakes are drained and the sun is setting low in the sky.

"Anyone want to go clubbing with me tonight?" Harry asks when we're leaving.

"No way, mate," Liam say. "I am spent and my muscles feel like jelly. You should get some sleep because I can tell we're all going to be quite sore tomorrow morning,"

Liam has always the logical one (our fans have named him Daddy Direction) so I decide to follow his advice about this one. Harry just shrugs and say, "Your lost,"

We say our goodbyes and goodnights and then head our separate ways.

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