{Chapter 16} ~Annabelle~

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Dedicated to watermelonbuddy for being my new wattpad buddy!


"What the hell?" gasps a voice. "Annabelle! What is going on here?"

I crack open an eye to see the hulking figure of my father looming before me. Somebody's arms is practically cutting off my breathing and their feet are not where they're supposed to be. I turn to brown hair spilling across my extra pillow.

Lasyannaga! I forgot she stayed over last night! This must be why Daddy looks so pissed. Whoops.

 "Good morning Daddy!" I yawn and grin stupidly.

"What's Lasyannaga doing here? I didn't see her come through the front door,"

"Um, that's because she didn't," I admit.


"I found her in my room when I got back from my date with Zayn," Those words make memories and images of last night flash through my mind and I smile to myself thinking about how much fun we had. I can't wait to see him again.

"Well, next time, tell her she has to come through the front door," He says.

"Yes Daddy," He seems satisfied with this and finally walks out of my room. that's when Lasyannaga decides to wake up, but she's just a few seconds too late.

"What time is it?" She mumbles into the pillow, which is probably bathed in drool by now.

"Time for you to get up," I say, giving her a light hit upside the head with my pillow. She groans, but eventually rolls out of bed with me. We drag ourselves to my bathroom to brush our teeth. Zayn's clothes still sag around my thin frame, but I don't mind. 

All too soon, I have to take them off and put them away. i keep on the tee shirt, though. He never said I had to return any of the clothes. The boxers I put away for later.

"I'll make breakfast while you sit on the couch and wait for it," That's our usual routine when Lasya sleeps over. i make breakfast while she watches Saturday cartoons.

I make a quick batch of eggs, bacon, has browns and tea. I take my meds and join her on the couch. Daddy has gone off to work so we have the house all to ourselves.

We spend most of the day just lounging around, watching the telly and eating junk food. I can almost feel my teeth rotting as we sip on soda and munch on popcorn while watching our favorite soap opera.

When Angelica is about to be exposed for her affair with Hunter, my phone goes off. I groan, but it quickly turns into a smile when i see the name and picture on the screen.

"Hi Zayn," Lasyannaga gasps and rushes to my side of the bed, as if she'd suddenly get super hearing and be able to hear what Zayn and I are saying.

"Hey Belle. Okay, so you know how you said I had to take you out later this week so I can get my boxers back?" He rushes.

I giggle at the memory. "Yeah,"

"So, after working in the studio this morning--I gotta tell you how I woke up, but that's a whole different story--so back to the studio. After that, I went to go visit my mum and dad since they just got back from their trip. I talked to my sisters a bit and then my older sister, Doniya, asked about you. My mum wanted to know about you, too, so now we're having dinner at their place this Friday! Bye!"

Zayn abruptly hangs up. My phone almost slips from my hand with shock. Lasy sees the look on my face and takes it as the bad kind of shock.

"Oh no. What'd he say? Did he break up with you? That pussy would do it over the phone--"

"No! It's worse," I say. It takes her a while to understand what i'm talking about. When she does, her eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

"You don't mean--?"

"Yup. His parents want to meet me,"

                                                                                       *  *  *

You're probably wondering how this is a bad thing. A good thing would be Zayn wanting his parents to meet me. this is a bad thing because his parents are the ones who requested me, meaning that when i go to dinner with him this Friday, i was going to be asked more questions than a murder suspect. 

i was going to need lots of deodorant.

"Holy crap! What are you going to do? What are going to wear?" Lasy frets. My headache was already bad enough, no need to add the worries of my wardrobe to it.

"I know one thing. I am calling Zayn back," I redial his number and wait impatiently for him to answer.

"Zayn! What the hell!?" i don't bother exchanging hellos.

"Why hello Annabelle, yes I'm fine, how are you?" I wish i could see the smirk on his face so i could smack it off.

"You can't just drop a bombshell like that and hang up!"

"Sorry Belle. My parents do this all the time with Doniya and I's significant others. Even Perrie had to endure the dinner. Don’t worry though. As long as you're polite and answer their questions correctly, they'll love you. I know I already do,"

"Don't try to butter ball me up," i practically growl. "I'm still mad at you,"

"I'm so sworry Awnabelle. Have I been a bad boy?" He cooes in a baby voice.

"Shut up," I smile in spite of myself.

"I know that made you smile. I'll see you later,"

"Yes. Yes you will," I'm the first to hang up this time.

"What'd he say?" Lasyannaga immediately questions when I hang up. I recount as much of the conversation as I can remember.

"I feel sorry for you," Lasy says.

"Gee, you're helpful," I mumble.

"Sorry. I can help you with your outfit though, You should go with the elegant but casual thing again," By the end of the conversation, we've planned a shopping date around my chemo treatment appointment this Wednesday. For once, my treatment works with my schedule and I should be strong enough to go to the dinner that day.

My body might be strong, but I don't know if my mind will be.

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