{Chapter 31} ~ Zayn~

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"See you guys later, I'm going to Annabelle's graduation this afternoon," I inform the boys that morning. We're just lounging around on the furniture after doing some studio work. Annabelle's graduation begins in an hour, so I was going over to my house to get ready.

"I wanna go," Harry pops out of his seat excitedly. 

"You can't, you don't have an invitation," i say. He follows out to my car as I tell him this.

"Yeah, but if I just told them who I am--"

"No Harry, we are not having a repeat of The Hunger Games fiasco," I climb into my car, signaling that I won't be discussing it any further.

"C'mon Zayn, don't be a douche," He whines.

"You would know all about that, wouldn't you?" I speed out of there before he can process what i just said, a small smirk playing on my lips.

                                                                                       *  *  *

Just as I predicted, it took me an hour to get ready and I make it to the graduation just in the knick of time. Even though I'm wearing a wig, I keep my head low and just shove the invitation at the ticket master without looking at him.

I quickly scan the sea of people for Annabelle and her father. I find them and slide into a seat on the left of her.

"You made it," She whispers as the principle begins her speech.

"I told you i would,"

She glances at me again, as if checking something. "I can't believe you actually wore the wig!"

"I told you I'd do that also. I'm a man of my word," I say.

"It looks hilarious. I always wondered what you'd look like with a Beiber bowl, and now I know!" She laughs silently, the type of laugh where you don't want anyone to hear you, yet you can't help yourself.

"Hey, it was either this or a Napoleon Dynamite afro," This only makes her laugh harder. I laugh with her, it's contagious and I'm happy that I could make her happy.

We sit together, twisting what the principle says to make dirty sentences and make up life stories about the students when they start going up.

"She was born as crack baby, and wanted a different future than what was expected of her, so she strived to finish high school and get a scholarship," Belle says about the red headed girl that just went up.

"Good one," I compliment. We wait for the next name to be called.

"Gossamer, Annabelle,"

Annabelle looks shocked. I guess we lost track of the last names while we were playing our little game. She stumbles a bit on her way up, but accepts her diploma with the grace and confidence. In my head, i make up my own life story for her.

Annabelle Gossamer, diagnosed with cancer two years ago, was determined not to let it bring her down. She lived life to the fullest and graduated high school before going on to become awesome, I think silently. Okay, so that last part didn't make sense, but we never did talk about her plans after high school.

She returns, paper scroll of completion in hand and a face splitting grin on her face. She sits beside me and this time we just quietly watch the other students. The valedictorian delivers her speech at the end of the ceremony.

"And I just want to say that, if you ever feel like you've hit absolute rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up. Congratulations class of 2014!"

With that, the students grab their caps and throw them into the air. For a few seconds, there's a sea of blue caps in the air before they all descend onto the ground.

Annabelle unzips her gown to reveal a slim black dress. I forgot you had to wear clothes underneath. The dress makes her look like a tiny little doll set against her small, skinny frame. I hug her carefully, as if she might break in two if I do it too hard. 

"Congrats grad," I whisper in her ear.

"Thanks Zayn," She hugs me tightly before letting go. Her dad goes to hug her and give his own congrats.

Someone taps me lightly on the shoulder. I turn to find Lasyannaga glaring at me. If looks could kill, I'd be nothing but a pile of dust right now.

"Who you is?" She asks. She doesn't let me answer before continuing. "You know she got a boyfriend, right? She goes out with one of the biggest drug dealers in the business and when he finds out you been all up on his girl, we gon' find you and--"

I clap a hand over her mouth. "Lasy, it's me Zayn. I'm wearing a wig," i whisper to her.

She stares hard at me, taking in my features. Then I feel something wet and slimy glide across my hand.

"Bloody hell!" I exclaim as I tear my hand from her mouth. She licked me!  

She grins mischievously. "That's what you get. You're luck I didn't bite you instead,"

I wipe my hand on my jeans. She laughs at my attempts to get Lasyannaga fluids of me and goes over to Annabelle. They hug and congratulate each other and then begin their jabbering girl talk.

"I'll see you later then, bye," Annabelle finally says, a good thirty minutes later.

"So, what are you going to do now?" I ask her as we walk to the parking lot.

"Maybe get some fro-yo if Daddy'll let me," She bats her lashes at her father.

"No, I mean after high school. What are your plans?"

She looks caught off guard by my question. "Well, I got a scholarship to this university," She tells me.

"That's great!" I proclaim with genuine happiness for her. "Did you accept it yet?"

"No, still weighing my options," She murmurs distractedly.

"Well, you should do it soon before they give it to someone else,"

"Yeah . . ." She trails off. Silence ensues as we arrive to her car.

"Thanks for coming Zayn. See you soon?" She asks hopefully.

"Very." I kiss her and want to deepen it, but the waves of anger coming off her father makes me think twice. I pull away and walk to my car to go home. 

As soon as I get in there, I rip off the wig. That thing was sweaty and uncomfortable. I don't know how Nicki does it.

                                                                                       *  *  *

"Zayn, meet us at Mickey D's real quick," Louis says over the phone. It's a few hours after Annabelle's graduation and I was just about to go to bed.

"Okay, but don’t expect me to be on time," I warn.

"Just get your arse over here," He hangs up. I get dressed in some casual attire and wait for them. Niall and Liam are already there and Harry and Louis arrive together. We order some food before asking Louis why he made us meet here in the first place.

"Wedding news. We know what were doing for the wedding now," He says through a mouth full of McNugget.

"What?" Ask Harry.

"On June twentieth, we'll go to the island that JB's lending us and spend a week there. We'll chill three days before the wedding, then have the wedding, and chill for three days after. You guys have to leave three days after to sEleanor and I can have our honey moon,"

"Ooo la la," I says suggestively. Everyone knows what happens on the honey moon.

"That's awesome! We get to chill on a tropical island and see our best mate get wed," Niall proclaims. "I can't wait,"

"Me neither, but there's only a few weeks to pack, so get that done early so nobody has to go home early for sunburn," Louis suggest. We nod in agreement.

"Oh, and don't tell any of the bridesmaids. Eleanor wants to tell them herself," We agree not to. We finish our food quickly because we all have to get up early for the studio tomorrow. We bid our farewells and go home.

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