{Chapter 24} ~Annabelle~

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"Are you serious?" I gasps over the phone with Zayn. I had been studying non stop since I got home from school (with a little nap in between, of course) and Zayn's phone call was a welcome distraction.

"As a heart attack," I can almost see his wide grin over the phone. "We're going to be training for the next month and then take the test before jumping out the actual plane,"

"Wow Zayn, this is incredible. Sky diving cost a fortune," 

"Knowing Louis, he'd make us pay," We laugh at that.

"So, has Eleanor called you about the bachelorette party yet?"

"No--wow, what a coincidence, she just called. I'll call you back," I hang up and click over to Eleanor.

"Hello," I answer.

"Hello Annabelle, this is Tara," She answers.

"I'm sorry, but what are you doing with Eleanor's phone?" I ask politely.

"I stole it," she admits with no shame. I think if Tara and I had gotten to know each other before Louis' wedding, we would've been great friends.

"Why?" I ask simply.

"Because, I need to make all the calls for the bachelorette party without Eleanor knowing. It's going to be a surprise for Eleanor. What i can say now is for you to meet us at the restaurant 'Xanthe' X-A-N-T-H-E. We'll meet there with the rest of the bridesmaids and discuss the plan this Friday, around one thirty. But don't tell Eleanor anything," She stresses the 'anything' for effect.

"What if she locks me in a dark room with no food or water and interrogates me for information?"

Tara and I both burst out laughing. "Only under those circumstances may you tell her," She finally manages to say.

"Okay. Thanks for the call, Tara,"

"I owe it all to Eleanor," I have a feeling that if we had been talking face to face, she would've winked.

"I gotta go study now, so I'll see you Friday," 

"See ya then," We hang up and get back to our lives. Mine was probably the most boring. The final exams are coming up and I need to cram as much information into my brain before next month. i have missed out on a lot of lessons and such and really need to catch up. I was even starting to study after my chemo treatments, that's how desperate I am

In the beginning of the year, I applied to some colleges and still hadn't gotten anything back yet. With all the events that have been happening in the past few days, I didn't have time to check the mail box every day. 

Grateful for a reason to do anything but study, I go to the mail box and find the mail box literally stuffed. It's filled with numerous envelopes. I tug them out and walk back to my room with them.

Oh. My. God.

This is the hate mail Zayn was talking about. I'm a little scared to open them, yet extremely curious to see what these girls could hate on me for. I throw caution to the wind and open one. As soon as I'm done reading, the phrase 'curiosity killed the cat' comes to mind.

The 'letter' was the most confidence disintegrating, self esteem lowering, and degrading thing I've ever read. The girl wasn't even a good writer, so the structure was all wrong and it didn't really make sense. this is what I read:

Annabelle, you bitch, i heard that you were dating Zayn Malik. You think you're good enough for him, you disease infested little twat. I swear, if you give Zayn cancer, I will come to your house and kill you before you 'cancer' does. You're nothing but an anorexic AIDS infested whore that’s going to get Zayn sick too and when you do, just know I'll be waiting in the wings to cut your throat and take Zayn. You will never be good enough for him. I hope you die a slow painful death. No i wish you would just die already, do us all a favor. you're going to burn in hell, I just know it. 

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