{Chapter 33} ~Zayn~

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"Ouch," I curse silently under my breath as the tailor pricks me with the needle--for the zillionth time that day. Everybody is getting their suits and dresses tailored this afternoon; i can hear some of the girls' cries pain in the next room.

"Why'd Eleanor put this so close to the wedding date?" i ask Louis to my left.

"Don't ask me, she's the bride," He replies warily. "Everything has to go her way or else she'll start breathing fire or some shit,"

Louis looks extremely tired and rugged, his eyes cloaked with dark shadows. This wedding planning is really getting to him, but he remains his cheerful self even when he looks like he'd rather be buried under the covers.

"I swear to God, if this dude pricks me again, I'm gonna shove that sewing kit up his arse," Harry mutters to my right. I chuckle and silently agree with him. This has got to be some form of torture somewhere because I literally think I'll die of boredom.

Two hours, Harry making good on his promise, and an iced coffee later, we were finally released from that hell hole. We got to the girl's area to wait for them and find them all lounging around in their underwear while Eleanor got fitted for her dress. I steal a look at Annabelle before she can cover herself up. She apparently likes the frilly girly stuff since she's "dressed" in a lacy bra and panty set. Much to our dismay, none of them wear thongs.

They gasp in shock, but Eleanor cuts them a look and Angela and Sarah literally tackle Louis. Lucky bastard.

"The groom's not supposed to see the dress before the wedding!" They hiss. They drag Louis into standing position with their hands clamped over his eyes. Everyone else just hangs back, enjoying the veiw and the entertainment.

They push Louis out and shut the door. He bangs against it in protest and they just ignore him. 

"Like what you see?" Angela smirks, her hands on her hips. 

"Yes. Yes I do," Harry's the only one allowed to say so. The rest of us would end up single by the end of the day if our girlfriends/fiancées even saw us glimpse at her. They put on these silk robes they provided for them and take their seats.

An awkward silence ensues as we all watch Eleanor get fitted. It's quite boring really, so I don't know what they've been doing for the past three hours. I Spy?

My feet are already worn out from the tailoring, so I take a seat beside Annabelle. She blushes a rose color. For what, I don’t know, but it she looks lovely. I put an around her and sit back casually. The rest of the boys follow my lead, although Niall has to sit on the floor since Savannah's seat can only occupy one person. 

"The girl's room is much more interesting then the men's," I murmur. Annabelle laughs quietly.

"I bet it is," She muses.

"You know what happened in there?" 


I go on to tell her about how Harry chased his tailor with his sewing kit, trying to make good on his promise and shove it up the poor lad's arse. At the end of the story, Annabelle can barely contain her laughter.

"I can't believe he did that! Harry can be so stupid," 

 Annabelle must've been louder than I thought because Harry's head perks up like  dog's upon hearing his name. "Who's talking about me?"

"We are," I admit. "I was telling Belle about the incident with your tailor,"

"You can't blame me! The dude was obviously doing it on purpose!" He cries defensively.

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