{Chapter 37} ~Zayn~

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Watching my best friend get married on a tropical island is the highlight of my life so far. Sky diving doesn't even begin to compare to the high of happiness I have as I watch him slip the ring on her finger. Even though I'm sweating buckets under the suit, I grit my teeth through it.

The reception takes place in the transformed dining hall, a ornate glass sculpture placed in the middle. I sit at the end of the long table in front of all the tables.

We pop the champange and Harry begins the best man speech. "So, one night last year, Louis and I were clubbing in Spain and Eleanor was away doing some modeling in Switzerland. They were miles apart. This girl keeps coming onto Louis, grinding on him and stuff. He just ignores her, as if she weren't even there. She says that she could she show us both a fun night. You know what Louis said to her?"

We wait.

"I'm single for the night!" He quotes Lil Wayne. We all burst out laughing, except Eleanor, who sits there with a frown of disapproval on her face.

"Just pulling your leg Eleanor. What he actually said was, 'Why would I threaten my relationship with the woman I love, just for a one stand with one I like?' "

A collective "Awww" rings through the air.

"That was the moment in which Louis proved his love and commitment to Eleanor, and I knew they were going to be together forever," Harry concludes. " Here's to Louis and Eleanor," He says, raising his glass. "Even though you both have had the opportunity to cheat and lie to each other, you never have and let's pray in the future you never do," 

"Good job, mate," I compliment him as he walks by. Soon, the food is served and it's time for the first dance.

Louis and Eleanor step out onto the floor, Eleanor still barefoot, but nobody seems to care. They wrap their arms around each other with looks of utter adoration on their faces as they waltz. The dance ends with Louis dipping her slightly and giving her a light kiss on the lips. The crowd erupts with whoops and cat calls.

I take Annabelle's hand and lead her tot he dance floor, where we dance the night away. At one point, it gets so hot, I just take off the jacket of the suit and throw it somewhere. 

Unfortunately, the night had to come to an end. We bid our farewells to Louis and Eleanor's family before saying our own to each other. 

"Don't break the headboard, you two!" teases Liam as he stumbles drunkenly down the halls, Danielle supporting him. Usually, he's very cautious about how much he drinks, but tonight it looks like he had a tad too much.

Eleanor blushes, but Louis just laughs. We part ways to our rooms.

"It's still early," says Annabelle when we enter. "What do you wanna do?"

I shrug. "Are there any movies?"

She sighs. "Yeah, but I don't feel like watching a movie," Her gaze shifts to the window. "You wanna go on the roof? I bet you could see thousands of stars here,"

"Sure, just let me change out of these clothes," I rush back to the bedroom to change into a tee shirt and sweats. When I return, Annabelle is waiting patiently for me by the door.

"I already asked the night audit and he showed me where it was," She leads me through a series of hallways before coming to a dark corner with a dusty door. She pushes it open to reveal a staircase.

"Looks like we'll be getting some exercise tonight," She mumbles. 

Three flights of stairs later, we end up tired and gasping for breath at the landing of a door. Annabelle pulls it open. We walk onto to the concrete floor of the roof together.

The night air is still around us, slightly hot like in the day with a slight breeze--just enough to ruffle Annabelle's hair beautifully. There's some type of makeshift bench the we can rest on.

We sit in silence for a few moment, just enjoying each other's company. Belle was right, the stars are great to see. They glitter like mile of diamonds strewn upon a dark canvas. I've never been able to see them this clearly with all the lights in London.

"You were right," I say aloud. "It's beautiful out,"

She rest her head on my shoulder, making me automatically put an arm around her.

"It is, isn't it?" She says quietly. "Not many people lives to see something so beautiful,"

"So, what happened to you and that Derek guy?" I immediately regret saying this as her face drops to one of sorrow.

"I guess I should tell you now," She gives a small sigh before continuing. "I went out with a guy named Derek, in freshman year before I was diagnosed. He was really sweet and my fist everything--even my first time. We had been dating for two months when I found out I had cancer. He was extremely upset about it. He dumped me as soon as he heard, claiming that he could've caught 'cancer germs' from sleeping with me. It really hurt me since I thought he'd love me no matter what. But, I guess I thought wrong,"

When she finsihes her story, I feel like finding this guy and strangling him for making her hurt so much. What kind of guy leaves her girlfriend just because she has cancer? 

"You don't have to worry about that with me, Belle," I tell her. "Because no matter what, i will never leave you,"

The moon light glows softly upon her sad face, only allowing little light for me to see her clearly. But, I don't need much light for what i do next.

I can tell she isn't expecting the kiss because she's stiffens for a moment. She then relaxes against me and pulls me closer. I hands travel through each other's body, exploring the new sights. I pull away reluctantly as things start to heat up.

"Let's continue this in the room," I say. She nods and I take her hand as we go back down the stairs.

As soon as the door is shut behind me, she ambushes me with kisses everywhere but my lips. My ears and jaw explode with a sensual overload. 

I slowly pull her into the bed room and lay her gently on the bed. Her brown eyes meet mine, filled list, excitement, and just a hint of nervousness.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask her. She nods. I trail kisses down her throat and in the hollow of her throat, receiving a moan of appreciation. My hands work on the zipper of her dress as her hands explore my abdomen. Within seconds, both of us have undressed each other. 

I lean back a bit to admire her in her nakedness. Bones jut out sharply from her skin, but I know it's not her fault. I trail more kisses down her body until I get to her navel. My hands work on her breast, squeezing them gently and marveling at the softness of them.

I ask her for confirmation once more before going in.

"Yes Zayn," She breaths. "I really want this,"

I plunge in, winces at her small cry of pain as I bodies merge. i kiss the stray tears on her cheeks.

"It's okay, it feels better now" She assures me. 

As my body erupts into euphoria minutes later, I lay my mouths beside hers and finally whisper what I've been meaning to say a long time ago.

"I love you,"

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