{Chapter 39} ~Zayn~

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***Author's Note***

Sorry guys, but with all the details and such that needs to be put into this final part of the story, I realized I will not be able to finish it by tomorrow. I'll try to make them as long as possible though :)


I stand in the doorway of the hotel room, watching Annabelle, the one true person I love, walk out of my life. When I finally snap out of my daze, I race back to the bed and put on a random pair of pants to chase after her. She couldn't have meant those things she said, right? Right??

I run faster than I've ever had to in my entire life. I barely remember the route to the landing area for planes, but make it there anyway. I get there to find . . . Nothing. Just the faint sound of it jetting over the island. She was nothing more than a tiny dot in the sky, heading back to England with our only plane.

I drop down to my knees in devastaion. Annabelle was gone. She really had meant it when she said all she wanted to do was sleep with a celebrity. She never truly loved me. When we made love last night, I thought she did, but obviously she didn't.

And what about Derek? Did he even exist? Or is her acting that good? What about her cancer? Was she ever actually diagnosed for that? Or just anorexic?

All the things she said, all the time we spent together, was it all just an act? A ruse to get in my pants? 

Similar thoughts spin through my head, chasing each other in circles, taunting me. I press my fingertips to my temples to try and control the approaching headache. I walk back to the hotel in a daze again.

i go through the movements; slide the key in, put on a tee shirt, and fall into bed. I stare at the ceiling and next thing I know, I'm asleep.

                                                                                       *  *  *

"WAAAAAAAAKKKKKKEEE UPPPPPPPPPP ZAYN!"  Someone shouts through my door, followed by a series of sharp knocking. I jerk awake and stumble over to the door to open it. Niall stands there, hand frozen mid knock.

"C'mon man, I know it was a great night last night, but you need some food in ya," He says.

I only nod. I feel like something terrible happened just before I went to sleep, but I can't remember what. As I search around the room for Annabelle, it all comes flooding back. The confrontation, her confession, me going after her. It all comes flooding back and it hurts like hell. It feels like my heart's been ripped out of my chest, and been run over, stomped, smashed and kicked upon. 

It feels like a broken heart.

"C'mon mate, let's go, you already missed break--" Niall begins to say, but stops when he sees the look on my face. "What happened?"

The burn of betrayal and hurt tightens my throat. and I barely manage to get the words out. "Annabelle. She left,"

And with that, all the tears that I'd been holding back, that went unshed, now spill down my cheeks. Niall says nothing and just lets me cry on his shoulder. Since the X Factor, I've never cried like this. None of us have. Yet, here I was, bawling like a baby on Niall's plaid shirt.  

He pats my back comfortingly as I sob. It seems like the tears will never stop, but they eventually do.  He silently hands me a tissue that I blow my nose in.

"You want to talk about it?" He asks gently. I weigh my options. If I tell Niall, he'll tell the rest of the boys. That will get me out of having to explain the situation myself. 

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