{Chapter 23} ~Zayn~

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"Zayn, what are you up to tonight?" Louis asks over the phone a few days after the dinner with my parents. I was lazing around, eating junk food and playing video games and the phone call was a welcome distraction. Annabelle was either studying or resting from her chemo treatments. I had already seen her that morning and am now bored out of my mind.

"Nothing. Annabelle spends most of her time studying or sleeping nowadays," I didn't want to, but I let a trace of bitterness escape.

"That's good. Meet me at Nandos in about an hour, bring no one. I've finally figured out what we're gonna do for the bachelor party," He says.

"Are we getting strippers?" I say jokingly.

He laughs. "Unfortunately, no, no strippers,"

"That's too bad. i may not show up," I say. Lie. I have nothing else to do tonight, so I already know I'm going to show up.

"Just come, mate. i'll pay for your food," 

"I'll be there in thirty,"

                                                                                      *  *  *

"Okay boys, the official bachelor party plans are set," Louis announces once everyone has gotten their food. We all stare at him anxiously, waiting for him to finish.

For the next month, we're all going to be going to Blue Skies Arena to get out sky diving licenses!" He anounces. Those who aren't eating, their jaws drop. Thos who were (Niall) nearly choke on their food and Liam sprays water all over the place.

"Are you serious?" Harry sputters

"As a heart attack," Louis confirms. This is huge, none of us have ever been sky diving, this was something I was saving for my bucket list. guess I might as well cross it off early.

"First you're going to go into the machine and do sky diving in there, then there's a written test. All this will take about a month, so there’s enough time before the wedding. When you past the test, we'll do the actual sky diving part,"

"Off a plane?" Liam says.

"No Liam, off a boat," Niall replies sarcastically. A buzz of conversation begins, about sky diving and how great of an idea this was. Louis is brilliant!

"I can't wait. When do we start training?" I ask.

"Sometime next week, I'll let you guys know," Louis answers. I nod and go back to my conversation with Niall on whether or not if he threw Jell-O off the plane, who would hit the ground first. I got to admit though, that would look pretty cool.

"Call me as soon as you make the appointment," I call to Louis as I'm heading out. 

"Don't worry mate, i will," He assures me.

My nerves are tingling with excitement. I had expected some type of party, but sky diving was the last i would've thought of. I unlock my phone, tweet this and post it on Facebook before calling Annabelle.

"Belle! Guess what?" I say, not waiting for her to answer.

"What?" Her voice sounds groggy, as if I just woke her up.

"So, Louis invited us to Nandos again but this was only for the men. We were discussing the bachelor party and guess what we're going to do?"


"We're going to go sky diving!" I finally say.

"Oh my god, are you serious?" She's definitely awake now.

"As a heart attack," I chuckle, quoting Louis. "We're going to be training for the next month and then take the test before jumping out the actual plane,"

"Wow Zayn, this is incredible. Sky diving cost a fortune," 

"Knowing Louis, he'd make us pay," Annabelle and I laugh.

"So, has Eleanor called you about the bachelorette party yet?"

"No--wow, what a coincidence, she just called. I'll call you back," She hangs up. I'm just parking the car when I hang up also. as soon as I get inside, i log onto the computer to Google sky diving. I want to find out as much information as possible.

Listening to people's reviews about it makes me even more excited. You're weighless and there's nothing between you and the ground but air. Unfortunately, during my search I also found the negatives of sky diving: dying.

There's a lot of stories about people getting seriously injured and then some dying. Reading these instill fear in me. What if something happened to one of us? I don't think Louis would ever be able to forgive himself if someone got hurt because of him and things would never be the same with that person.

I shake my head to rid it of these ugly thoughts. Just focus on the positive I tell myself.

************************************************************************************************************A/N: sorry this is so short, been feeling so antsy in the morning now and get really distracted. Annabelle’s will be longer. i have to wrap up this story so it should be done by august 19th, before school starts. Thanks for staying with me throughout the way, your reads/votes/comments are much appreciated :)

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