{Chapter 41} ~Zayn & Annabelle~ La Fin

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The rest of my day is spent moping around in my room, not engaging in any activity with anyone. While everyone else is busy para sailing, or hitting the bar, I lie in bed, trying to mend this broken heart.

I call her and her house phone, countless times, but soon they both just go straight ot voicemail.

It kills me to do this, but in mind, I go over every little thing we did together, trying to find any tell tale signs of her betrayal. Was it really just an act? I could've sworn I saw some pain in her eyes as she spoke to me those harsh words that will forever be branded in my mind.

"Zayn!" Shouts a voice whose accent I recognize as Liam's, followed by sharp knocking. "I know you're still upset about Annabelle--we all are-- but you still need to eat!"

I ignore him and roll over to my side, burying myself deeper in the sheets.

"Open the door, Zayn, or i can knock on it all day," Liam continues to shout. I groan and give in. He gives me a strange look when he sees me.

"What?" I say defensively.

"You look horrible," He says. 

"Thanks," I reply sarcastically.

He shrugs. "Well, I've just never seen you let yourself look this bad. You could look in the mirror, but I don't recommend it," 

I not-so-playfully punch him in the arm and go towards the small mirror on the wall. Before I get there, my phone rings with a call. The screen flashes Lasyannaga's face on it.

"Hello," I answer.

"Zayn?" Her voice sounds stuffy, as if she has a cold or has been crying. "I cpuldn't let things end between you two like this. Annabelle will probably hate me for doing this, but here's the truth,"

I take a seat on the couch as Lasyannaga tells me the story. Apparently, Annabelle found out she was going to have to have a very risky surgery and was almost certain she would die. She concocted some crazy plan where she would break my heart so I could hate her and she wouldn't be hurting anymore of the people she loved.

"That's ridiculous!" i say when she's finish. "If she would've told me, I could've been there to support her! When's the surgery?"

There's a long silence. My body fills with dread, fearing what will come next. 

"It just started. If you take the jet right now, you could probably make it," says Lasyannaga.

"Thank you so much Lasy. I owe you, big time," I says hurridly. I hang up before she can respond. The entire time, Liam was listening on to my side of the conversation and now looks at me for an explanation.

"I'll tell you after I shower," I promise. i as walk there, i pass the mirror and realize Liam was right. I've never let myself go so much. A thick coat of facial hair lines most of lower jaw, my eyes are red and swollen from crying all day, and my hair was a disheveled mess upon my head. 

I tear myself from my reflection and step into the shower. Fifteen minutes, a lot of explainging, and three bagels later, Liam and I are headed to the landing area. He insisted on coming, so i let him.

The trip there is a silent one, me eating as much as I can so I don;t starve later and Liam entertaining himself with Twit Cams and video games.

Seven hours feels like seven years, but we finally touch down at the airport. I rush down the stairs and into the street. even though I'm hurrying, I keep my sense up in case any fans see me, so i can make a quick getaway.

Liam hails a cab and we wait for what seems like another seven years before making it to the hospital. I throw some bills at the cabbie and rush inside.

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