{Chapter 17} ~Zayn~

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From the tone of Annabelle's voice over the phone, I can tell she's pissed. She's pissed, I'm screwed and there's no more food in the fridge. That has nothing to do with the current situation, but it's still a big problem. 

I scribble a quick list of all the essentials (basically semi-healthy junk food and soda) for the house keeper who's coming in today and head out to Milkshake City to meet up the boys. We we're meeting there to talk about the bachelor party and just hang out.

Niall is the first person there, still ordering his Milkshake at the counter. He's probably telling the poor employee to mix all the flavors. Last time he did that, he ended up vomiting the whole thing in the bushes because it was too much for him.

"And the strawberry and chocolate--oh, hey Zayn!" We do a quick guy handshake/hug thing and I wait behind him to order. As I'm waiting, everyone else shows up. Soon, all our orders have been made and we grab a small patio table outside.

"So, what did you guys have in mind for the bachelor party?" Louis begins.

We glance at each other, waiting to see who will speak the truth first.

"Absolutely nothing," I say finally. They burst out laughing at my blunt honesty.

"Yeah, we got nothing Lou. It's only been one day though, give us some time," says Harry.

"I knew you wouldn't I just wanted a reason to get a milkshake," He jokes.

"Sure. Like hanging with us wasn't your plan," Liam says with an eye roll.

Louis gives an eye roll of his own. "I guess we'll need more time. Eleanor's gonna start meeting with a wedding planner next week and we should have something ready sometime next month,"

We nod and sip our drinks quietly. 

"Are we getting strippers?" Niall blurts. We all almost choke on our drinks from his comment. We have to calm our laughter before anyone can say anything without going into a giggling fit.

"No, sorry Nialler” says Louis, "I don't think Eleanor would be too pleased about that,"

"But what if the bridesmaids get her a stripper?" Niall questions.

"Then there's nothing she can do about that," Louis replies. The image of Annabelle planning with the bridesmaids to get a male stripper is too much for me and I burst out laughing again. 

We spend the next two hours together, joking laughing, and just hanging out. Our milkshakes are long gone by the time the sun is setting. We say our reluctant goodbyes and head our separate ways.

I come back  to find my house spotlessly clean with a hint of lemon in the air. Food is fills the fridge and cabinets, most of the items are the ones I requested, others are ones I forgot, but she was nice enough to buy anyway. I'll have to give her a bonus for that.

i make some macaroni, change into some pajamas and sit down in front of the 72 inch plasma TV, flipping through channels until I find something good to watch. There's a comedian doing an act on one channel, so i stay on that.

                                                                                      *  *  *


A few hours later, an annoying buzzing at my side awakens me. The comedian has long since finished his act and some game show is on now.

"Ello?" I mumble groggily, not even bothering to open my eyes to check the caller I.D. 

"Hey Zayn. Did I wake you?" Annabelle soft voice travels through the phone. I feel like I've been given a shot of espresso. The sound of her voice makes me sit up on the couch and get a gathering of what i was doing before i fell asleep.

The plate of macaroni still lies on the coffee table, cheese sauce drying to a crust that's going to be a bitch to clean off. There's still about two inches of my juice still left and I gulp that down to quench my parched throat.

"No," I finally reply.

"Yeah, i did. I can hear it in your voice," I can hear her give a light chuckle.

"Ok, fine. I was sleeping, but I don't mind being woken up by such a pretty lady,"

I can imagine her blushing at my compliment. "I'm still mad at you," By the tone of her voice, I can tell she's only teasing, but I decide to play along.

"I've been such a bad boy, Annabelle. I must be punished,' 

"Ewwww, you perv! Ugh, images in my mind,"

We laugh over the phone together over that one.

"I've read the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy, though. I know many ways to punish you," She says.

I moan quietly. "Don't start what you can't finish,"

I hear her giggle quietly. "I have a chemo treatment this Wednesday, so we'll have to meet up sometime before that so I can get the money back for Lasyannaga's shirt. She's still bitching and moaning about it,"

"Definitely. How much was it?"

"Hold on," I hear a voice say something and then Annabelle cry, "No it wasn't!"


"Sorry, I was asking Lasy. She says it was two thousand dollars, but it's was probably more like two hundred," The price still makes me choke on nothing but air.

"Who the hell spends two hundred dollars on a shirt?" I sputter

"Lasyannaga," She deadpans. We share another laugh.

"I guess we could meet up on Monday," I say.

"That works for me, but it has to be afterschool,"

"Of course,"

"Yay," I wish I could see the smile that's probably lighting up her face right now.

"Wait--you said your chemo treatment was Wednesday?" I say, realizing something.


"Are you sure you'll be strong enough to attend the dinner?" 

"Of course. I only need about two days to get my strength back and I can rest the whole day before. What time will it be?" 

"Around eight. Are you sure you'll be strong enough? I don't want you fainting again like last time and--"

"Zayn! I’ll be fine," She snaps. I can imagine her nostrils flaring with anger, frustration and annoyance--at me.

"Well, I'm sorry for wanting to make sure my girlfriend was okay. Never going to make that mistake again," I say, trying to keep a tone offense out of my voice.

She gives an audible sigh. "I'm sorry okay? It's just, i get enough worry from my daddy and don't need you adding to it. i hate making people worry, it makes me feel like crap," 

Her voice sounds strangled now, as if she's about to cry. I feel like a douche again for being the cause of her sadness, but still feel a little mad about her snapping at me.

"I just want to make sure you're okay. I don't want you to be hurt, whether it's physical or mental,"

"I understand that. Are you mad at me?"

"A little," I say, “But I can think of many ways you could make it up to me,"

This gets a laugh out of her. "In your wet dreams. Goodnight Zayn,"

"Goodnight my Belle," I say softly and soon, her sweet voice is replaced by the cold dial tone of the phone.

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