{Chapter 21} ~Zayn~

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"I'll be home by curfew!" Annabelle calls to her father before we leave. Tonight's the night. We were going to have dinner with my parents, but from experience, I knew it would be more like an interrogation. 

Annabelle fiddled with her hair and purse on the way there, biting her lip nervously. I reflect some of her anxiousness, shoulders held high and stiff, hands gripping the steering wheel. This was going to be just as hard for her as it was for me--okay, maybe not--because I want my family to accept her. If they don't . . .

I park the car, and all too soon, it's time for the dinner to begin. I grab Annabelle's hand, both for comfort and an anchor. 

"You ready?" i ask.

"As ready as I'll ever be," She sighs.

"Hello Zayn," My mom greets me with a hug at the door. "This must be Annabelle," Her eyes quickly, but obviously, scan over her outfit. She shows no sign of disapproval and gives Annabelle a hug, too.

I breathe a sigh of relief. Annabelle is wearing this red blouse thing (I'm not a fashion designer, I don't know what it's actually called) with not too much skin showing, but just enough to look sexy. She went in the right direction--no pun intended--with the trousers instead of a skirt and modest heels. She looks classy and elegant, without overdoing it.

"Zayn's back! And he brought his girlfriend," Taunts Wahilya when she sees me. She too is dressed for the event. 

"Zayn's got a girlfriend, Zayn's got a girlfriend," Safaa chants, joining in on the fun. I roll my eyes and ignore them to give her a hug. Wahilya has apparently become too old for my hugs.

"Don't worry, I’ll grace you with my presence," She says right before she gives me a hug. I'm surprised, but I hug back. As soon as we're done, there's another person to greet. it just doesn't end.

"Hey Zayn," says Doniya. "Don't crush my ribs with a hug this time," She warns, narrowing her eyes. I obey and give her a light hug. 

"So, this is mystery girl," Doniya muses. I forgot all about Annabelle. She awkwardly stands off to the side as we greeted each other. 

"I forgot all about you Belle," I say. I grab her hand and bring her closer to where we stand.

"Annabelle, this is my older sister. Doniya, and my two younger sisters, Safaa and Wahilya," I point to each. "Doniya, Safaa, and Wahilya, i would like you to meet my girlfriend, Annabelle," Better to clear things up right now and admit to her being my girlfriend. No point in hiding it.

"She's pretty," Safaa is the first one to speak. She grins at Annabelle before moving on to go play with one of her many games. Her attention span doesn't last long, so I knew she'd be back. 

Wahilya stands there, scrutinizing her for a minute, before smiling. "I like her," She says.

"Me too," agrees Doniya. "She must really like Zayn to be willing to have dinner with us tonight," She adds with a light chuckle.

Annabelle's hand loses the death grip it had on mine and she visibly relaxes--until my father comes down the stairs. that's when the death grip comes back and I can totally understand why.

My father wasn't exactly tall, but his whole demeanor was quite intimidating. He has a powerful stance, sharp eyes, and an even sharper mouth that could cut you down until your self esteem is nothing.

"Good evening Zayn, this must be that girl you were talking about," He says, also looking Annabelle over. he meets her standards and they shake hands. I shake hands with him also and greet him.

"Well, let's not keep your mother waiting," says my father, "she spent all day making this food," 

Wahilya drags Safaa away from her game and to the dining room where a feast is set up. There are plates of Arabic cuisine lined up and down the eight seating table. My mouth waters at the scent of mimosas.

My mum and dad sit at the head of the table. Doniya and Wahilya sits on either side of my mum and Safaa sit in the seat just before my father's seat. Annabelle and I sit beside Doniya, with Annabelle in the middle.

We start passing out food first before the interrogation begins.

"So, Annabelle, what do you do?" My mum asks.

"Nothing yet, I’m still in high school, I’ll be graduating in just two months," Annabelle replies. 

"What do you plan to do once you graduate?" My dad asks now.

"I don't know yet. Considering that the cancer doesn't kill me off first, I’ll probably go into journalism," She says this with a joking tone, but everyone who hadn't known about her cancer practically chokes on their food when they hear this.

"You have cancer?" Wahilya gasps, eyes wide as if Annabelle were a rare specimen. "What kind?"

"Breast," She answers with no embarrassment. 

"Whoa. When'd you get it?" The conversation now goes from a questioning about her, to a questioning about cancer, which Annabelle seems comfortable with answering. This may sound horrible, but for once, i'm glad she has cancer, Now my family can focus on that and nothing else.

"Wow, that must've been tough o deal with," My mum says sympathetically when she hears the bit about the gene.

"It was. I lived most of my life in fear that I would get it and I did. It even ruined a relationship for me," Annabelle says and again she mentions this past love. It kills me that she still won't talk about it.

"Thank you for the lovely dinner, Mrs. Malik, your cooking was wonderful," Annabelle says. "I'm afraid I have to leave now since I still live under my father's roof, I still have to obey curfew,"

I look at her and silently praise her. That was the perfect exit. She complimented my mother's cooking, and showed that she was a good child by wanting to obey curfew.

"No problem dear. You stop by anytime you like," My mum says, giving her a light hug. She hugs everyone goodbye, their faces alit with happiness, mirroring mine. They obviously liked her and the thing my mum whispers in my ear only confirms it.

"I like her, Zayn. i think you two could go far,"

I beam with joy. it takes all my will power not to jump in the air and "WHOO!" with excitement. I also barely refrain myself from skipping to the car.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," Annabelle and I say simultaneously when we enter the car. we laugh at the coincidence.

'You thought it was going to be bad, too?" I ask.

"Yeah," She replies, "meeting the parents are always nerve racking, stress inducing, and interrogating,"

"Hmm. Well, mine are even worse. Luckily, the topic of your cancer managed to veer them off course," I say.

She gives a light laugh. "At least it's good for something besides getting out of school,"

I give her an admiring look.

"What?" She says defensively.

"It amazes how you can joke about this all the time," I admit.

"Me too," Her voice is distant and sad, as if she's recalling an old memory. An uncomfortable silence ensues. By the time we get back to her house, I thought she was still day dreaming, but it turns out she fell asleep.

I shake her gently. "Annabelle, you're home," I whisper.

She jerks awake like everybody does when they're abruptly awoken. She gets out the car and rights her clothing.

"I had a great time," I'm grateful to see her smiling again.

"Me too. Now that you've met the family, I should probably confirm with the media that we're dating," I say.

"I'd like that," She says. We embrace and kiss, our tongues playing a game a of tonsil hockey.  A sharp rap on the window interrupts us. We look up to see Annabelle's father's angry face.

"Oh. my god," Annabelle can barely contain her laughter. She buries her face in my chest until she can get herself under control.

"I guess I better go," I say, also trying to calm down.

"Yeah, before he sends a hit man for you or something," Annabelle says. We hug one last time before I have to return to my car and back to my house

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