{Chapter 12} ~Annabelle~

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Everyone else has arrived to Nandos before us, except Harry and Liam who soon join us. Louis and Eleanor both sit at the head of the makeshift tablethat supposed to accomodate us all. I take a seat beside Savannah.

"Alright, lets order first," Louis says. I hear Niall give a silent "Yes!" under his breath.

I order a lot of food, so much that it rivals Niall's, and I know everybody wants to question me about it, but I pretend like I don't even notice the stares.

When everybody's orders have arrived, Louis begins.

"Okay, we called you all here to discuss the wedding party. I have chosen Harry as my best man," Harry lets out a whoop, but I can tell he was expecting it. "And Eleanor has chosen Tara as her maid of honor. Everbody else will be bridesmaids and groom's party, agreed?"

"Agreed," We chorus. Wow, this was much shorter than i thought it would be.

"You will know the location of the wedding when you get the invitation," Louis adds. "Now," He raises his glass filled with some alcoholic substance, I can't tell which, but it looks like beer. "We feast!"

As soon as the words escape Louis's lips, Savannah beings talking to me and brings Eleanor inot the conversation.

"Eleanor plans to have the wedding sometime this summer, maybe after you graduate so it wouldn't interfear with your studies," She informs me.

"And, we'll meet up later this month to plan the bachlorette party," Eleanor extends her hand. "Give your phone so I can program my number,"

I hand her my phone and soon Danielle is striking up a conversation with me. This is about the dresses.

"I have a few steches done and I wanted all the bridesmaid's opinion on them," She shoves a notebook into my face. The page is filled with beautiful dresses. The waiter comes with our food and I'm grateful the distraction so i don't have to choose.

Eleanor's other friends and her maid of honor start talking and introducing themselves, and they keep me busy for the entire time we're there. I almost forget Zayn is there, until he gives my hand the occasional squeeze.

At the end of the night, my entire schedule, practically until graduation, was full. Eleanor would be taking me out to get fitted for the bridesmaids dress, then we'd have to help her pick out a dress, and then we'd have to plan lunch and dinner dates to plan the bachlorettte party. Between those and my chemo treatments, I don't know where I was going to find the time, but by Eleanor's determined look, she was going to make time.

The dinner is over by my original curfew, eight o'clock. By that time, the sun has set and stars twinkle in the sky as we say our goodbyes and walk to Zayn's car.

"we have three hours to kill," Zayn says. "You wanna go back to my place?"

My mind and heart start racing at the same time. We had been alone in his earlier this evening, but that was only for a few minutes. How would we do with three hours?

"Sure," I answer hesistantly. What could go wrong?

                                                                          *  *  *

"Annabelle, please, put down the gel," Zayn begs. I'm standing over the toilet, holding his tub of hair gel dangerously. I tip it even closer, just to mess with him.

His eyes grow wide with fright. "I'm sorry okay, I didn't mean to," Zayn pleads.

"Apologize to my clothes, promise to pay Lasy back for her shirt, give me back my phone, and to take me out later this week,"

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