{Chapter 10} ~Annabelle~

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At lunch that day, Lasyannaga heard about what Heidi had and goes to confront her. I beg her not to, but best friends never listen, do they?

"Eh, Heidi," She calls as she struts up to her table, in the center of the cafeteria like any queen.

"Yes?" says Heidi.

Lasy leans over the table and looks her straight in the eye."I hear you been giving my girl Annabelle some trouble. If I hear about it again, your trouble's gonna be with me,"

Heidi looks stricken and slightly scared. When Lasyannaga first came to this school, people made fun of her for being  mixed (Hispanic and black) so she set them straight with a nice can of whoop ass. She was also the school's biggest gossip, so she knew everything about everyone.

"Whatever you ghetto Spanish trick. Tell her to stay away from Zayn Malik and we won't have any problems," Heidi says.

Lasyannaga slams her hand down on the table, a loud slap ringing through the air. Before, she had only a few people's attention. Now, every pair of eyes was either trained on her, or me.

"Listen trick. Annabelle can date who ever the hell she wants. You ain't her mama, so you ain't about to tell her who she can and can't date. Besides," She gets a mischievous grin on her face and I knew she was about to deliver her final blow.

"Zayn doesn't like girls like doorknobs--everyone's been given a turn," And with that, she flips her brown hair over her shoulder and struts back to the table, leaving Heidi sitting there, mouth agape like a fish's.

"Thanks girl," I say when she sits down. She pulls me into a hug.

"I told you, it's no problem. Now, the only thing you need to worry about is what you're going to wear for these dates. I saw the pictures and I was like. . ." As Lasyannaga begins her constant chatter about clothes and people, i try to focus on what I'm eating. 

I bought a large BLT sub, even though I don’t have much of an appetite, I still needed the carbs and such. I force it down along with a few cookies, a salad and some milk. There. That should last me until about ten this evening.

I get no more trouble from anyone for the rest of the day, but people do start trying to kiss my ass. I figure it's because they think I have secret information about One Direction or Zayn, but really, there isn’t much to tell, except that Louis and Harry are NOT gay, just very good friends. Why can't people just accept that?

When i get home, I have a few hours to kill before Zayn gets here so I take the time to get some rest and nap. I’m woken up to the gentle shaking of Daddy.

"That boy is here to see you again," He informs, saying 'boy' as if it were some STD.

I roll my eyes. "Daddy his name is Zayn and why can't you accept that he and I are dating?" 

He snorts. "I will never accept that my daughter is dating some playboy from a boy band. Now go to him before he steals something,"

Wow, he really didn't trust Zayn. I roll my eyes again, but follow his instructions and go to the living room where Zayn sits. It's then that all the drama about him and me dating floods back to me.

 "Hey Zayn," I say softly. i try not to scare him, but end up doing that anyway. He jumps slightly and looks relieved to see that it's me.

"Hey Belle. Five o'clock, just like I promised, “He grins. He looks so extremely happy that it's impossible to tell if he saw the magazines yet or not.

"What's wrong?" he asks, noticing how unhappy I look.

I stare at him incredulously. "You haven't seen them yet?"

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