Chap.1 "Requiem For The Nation"

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Lt. Col. Hunter: After the signing of the Treaty and Disappearance of the Man in the Blue Suit, I decided that it was time to head back to the Cascade Mountains of where the capital was. After all of this chaos, I was in a state that Johnson, Kirkland, and Starbanner could not describe. I was broken inside due to the shit that I have been through, But now, It was time to fix our Greater Commonwealth. The traveling from City 17 to the Cascade Range was dreadful, None of us talked, Everyone stayed quite until we got home. As I looked out from an airplane window and saw the sun setting while not looking at it directly, I wondered to myself, "Was there more to the Combine than of what we just witnessed?". Still on the plane, Most of the leaders that were back then reclaimed their respected lands while we the Legion handle America. Kirkland asked me a question that was kind of crazy but he said "So, What Now?", I said to him "Well, It is time to rebuild the country.",Everyone proceeded to look at me with me with a facial expression as if I told them something weird and began to question if it was even possible to rebuild all of the country.

After five hours of waiting, We all finally got off the plane. For what seemed so real at first, I took a look at the base which was in a state of utter decay due to so many raids done upon it. MacArthur who was already in the War room, Had got a plan to be an ambassador to the Combine. I told him "We need to get to country back on her feet before we can think about that General." He said "Well, It's an Idea at least, We need to figure out incase if their going to attack us.", I said "We need to know of how many counties we got under our control, Captain, Give me a status report.". I was given the last report before I left, It stated that there indeed was an attack, The attack was made by a bunch of zombies from Ravenholm which was in the midwest. I knew somehow they would get here but walking all of that way from Ravenholm, I wanted to know of why zombies would walk a almost impossible 3-4 month journey. I began to question if there were survivors or wastelanders just roaming freely, At this time, The East was a No Mans Land, None of us even have a clue if Chicago, Kansas City, or Baton Rouge was affected by the time the Seven Hour War started.

But until then, The only Far East we ever gotten was Denver, But however, I had to Direct Rule from Bunker 115. While directing rule from a military bunker, I herd that there were more sightings of the Man In The Blue Suit in Los Angeles. I put every patrol on for the man who got us into the mess we exist in today, While the Silver Rangers patrolled the Mojave and the now half drained Pacific coast, I got a call from Johnson who was a Major now. Johnson told me that there were remnants of the Combine in the region of the Cascade mountains, The only divisions up here in the range was the 1st "Fighting Hell", 2cnd "Hell on Wheels Tank Division, and the 555th "The Triple Nickel" Combat Engineers Battalion. I told Johnson "We can hold out for around another two days but we need more assistance", He replied "Yes Sir, I am sending you the Equipment you need just incase if they do attack." I replied with a "Thank You".

As I sat in my chair and putting my hat down on the desk, I could now only just sit tight and wait until the divisions get here. I turned on the radio to Silver Legion Radio Outpost to which I herd a very reliving song, It was called "Born Free" and the singer was Andy Williams. This song I liked very much and ordered a copy from the Outpost which it became a personal favorite of mine, But I still focused of how we were going to reclaim the East. Though do to this, I had a reconstruction plan for the Pacific Northwest and Southwest. From North to South and with help from Nationalistic Combine Researches and Builders who fled their Universal Union, The Plan was put into action by late summer. I felt more happy after the project got completed with great intention, Everyone would cheer when they would see me with Legion. I still wanted to create a new flag for the Independent Commonwealth of Free America with great happiness and high energy, The designs that were sent to me were of unimaginable proportions. But, I still needed a plan to see if we can reclaim more of the States out East. My Requiem For The Nation maybe or not remembered if I can succeed in retaking the East.

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