Chap.13 "Uncovering A Massacre"

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When I got to the room, I felt my whole body go into shock, As If a thousand jellyfish were latching on and off of me. The room was covered in of what I can only describe as "Markings", Markings that were of a hidden meaning. These markings were written in a Sanskrit type language, They were all written with blood of the corpses on the floor. As I walked into a light that barely lit the damn room, Then I heard a speaker system come on and what I heard next was the tune of "Born Free". The song was being sung by Andy Williams, I have to admit, I really loved the song but when the light came on to lit the whole room, I saw bodies stacked up and pilled around. Seeing this whole atrocious thing almost made me and the whole group just vomit, Rotha was crying because she could not believe of how such a person could do this to his fellow man. Kirkland and Johnson were in utter shock but there became a reality that such situations like this were all but possible, Jake and his Freedom Party Regiments were all but in complete disbelief.

The only time that I could recount an incident such as this ever happening in the history of the world was the Nemmersdorf Massacre that happened right near the end of the Second World War, Of what I can recall of the Nemmersdorf Massacre was the fact that it has been committed by the damn fucking commie soviet bastards of the Red Army. Of what I was witnessing was beyond comprehension, These bodies were all just gutted and torn to shreds. Judging of what Crimsonmoon, Leviathanfeldt, And Scarletwound have done, I would just want to literally have the pleasure of getting a damn ball bat out and beating the living shit out of them Sick Motherfuckers.

As I walked around, I found another door which led to the East Wing Hallway, As I opened the door I looked to my left and then to my right. When I looked to my right, I saw both Leviathanfeldt and Crimsonmoon just standing near a intersection and talking about Scarletwound and what the devil he was up to. As the two talked, Everyone was getting a feeling of dread as we heard a loud noise coming from behind us. The noise made me think for a split second, Is there something following us or is it a friendly?. I immediately pulled out my M1911 Sapphire Platted Pistol on whatever was generating the noise, Then came a shadow that began to slightly come out of the deep darkness. I shouted: "Put your damn hands up now!", Then the shadowy figure reveled himself in the light and it was The Man In The Blue Suit. I started to get very infuriated by this son of a bitch and began to curse at him, Kirkland and Johnson started to shoot at him for which the bullets just flew off of him as if they didn't even go through the bastard.

I knew for a fact that somehow the Blue Suited Menace would be behind some god forsaken thing like this, All of these dead bodies of these poor forgotten souls just used in agonizing ways is just scaring to my memory. We decided to rather than search for any evidence but entirely scan the building, Once we did the scan, It appeared to me that there were indeed underground tunnels which gone undetected by any means of seeing it. When the X-Ray scan went deeper, I was shocked that it revealed more than of what was expected. Beyond the underground tunnels revealed a great source of Sapphires in a cavern just under five hundred feet, But of what was scaring me was the fact of "Who built those tunnels". Captain Vance who was also with me said "President, Could there be the possibility of some kind of super weapon under the asylum?.", I said "Captain, There will and will always be a possibility of finding anything that could spell danger.".

I then said to everyone that we all need to get back to the lobby and find a elevator or some kind of stairway down into these tunnels, We all went back down into the lobby and was going to set up camp but something didn't feel right because the two bastards Crimsonmoon and Leviathanfeldt were lurking throughout these dreadful hallways. As I walked back down with everybody, I told a radio operator who was with me to set up an array and a Shortwave radio. The radio was a Eton Grundig Satellit 750 that came with a microphone, As we set up our command center and pitched tents up again, We noticed that darkness was coming soon and I had to broadcast a distress call from here to our main bases in Sandstone Minnesota, Aberdeen South Dakota, and the Headquarters in Kalispell.

I recorded the dialogue of what was said that day:

Lt. Col. Daniel F. Hunter: "Emergency, Emergency, Situation Dire, Location: Bleak City, North Dakota. This is President and Lieutenant Colonel Daniel F. Hunter, Repeat we are in a Zone Red type situation, Repeat we need assistance of an entire artillery regiment or tank brigade."

General Douglas MacArthur: "President, is that you?"

Lt. Col. Daniel F. Hunter: "Oh thank god its you General."

General Douglas MacArthur: "What do you need help with?"

Lt. Col. Daniel F. Hunter: "Well, We are holding out in an abandoned asylum just a few miles out of Bleak City in North Dakota, Right now, We need some assistance from neighboring communities and bases that are closer to us."

General Douglas MacArthur: "Wait, Did you just say your in Bleak City?"

Lt. Col. Daniel F. Hunter: "Yes."

General Douglas MacArthur: "God almighty damn!"

Lt. Col. Daniel F. Hunter: "Just get me some damn assistance!"

General Douglas MacArthur: "Alright, ETA: 73 Hours."

After the brief chit chat with the General, I got an answer from Sandstone, Minnesota. The bases name in Sandstone was Camp Superior.

Major General William Reinhardt Wainwright VII: "This is Major General W. R. Wainwright the VII, How may I be of assistance Mr. President?"

Lt. Col. Daniel F. Hunter: "Yes Major General, I am in need of Artillery support."

Major General William Reinhardt Wainwright VII: "Will be there within three and half days with all the support that you need, See you soon Mr. President.".

Lt. Col. Daniel F. Hunter: "Alright, Ill be waitin".

I was in shock that Wainwright VIIs voice was in deed a very deep Indianan type accent, Its just I would not want to get on his bad side. After speaking with him, I got a final call from Aberdeen South Dakota from the Aberdeen Military Base.

Colonel Armstrong Gordon Tibbits: "This is the Aberdeen Military Complex, What assistance can I grant you?"

Lt. Col. Daniel F. Hunter: "Yes, We need tank brigades here at once!"

Colonel Armstrong Gordon Tibbits: "Yes, I will dispatch a brigade to your location."

After that entire analog, I was more interested in building a defence against the two bastards and including the Blue Suited Menace. I told everyone to get some guard posts up and use the tables and chairs as cover incase the two fuckheads show themselves, I also asked Rotha to set up a medical station incase if anyone was to be wounded. Jake and his group however needed to get back down south, I assured him that he would reform the confederacy. I then set up a tent in the main office of where I based my location at, Rotha however, Trusted me the most and was going to stay with me all the time.

As I set my tent up in the enclosed office, I felt a set of arms wrap around me. I knew it was her and she was scarred and I decided to comfort her. Rotha blushed up immediately, To tell the truth, I knew that she loved me more than ever. The way she just latched on to me was of scarred and hopeless but at the same time a true love, Meanwhile, I told most of the men outside that they needed to take turns or put up cameras to keep an eye out. Rotha herself was a very strong person, She would fight alongside me forever as she said. As twilight in the sky began to became a reality, I decided to lay down and go to sleep while falling into a deep dream.

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