Chap.5 "Captial Ascending"

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Once I woke up from another dastardly long almost unresolved nightmare, I had a feeling of what was in both the Carolinas and New England areas. Even with Washington surrounded by some 50,000+ men and some scattered remnants of the 420th Artillery Division, I was worried that there could however be some type of Metrocops battalion or something even worse. As I walked down the stairs, I looked out a widow of the first floor to which I can see a derelict building, This one particular building was mainly used for office work but when the Legion came to power, It was later used as a supply depot. Looking at the fourth floor which was burned out beyond belief, I was sipping on some Apple Cinnamon Tea mixed with a little bit of honey, I notice something that would make me spit out my tea in disbelief. Once I looked towards the 5th room on my right, There stood the Man In The Blue Suit fixing his tie like usual. When I locked my eyes on to him, One of my assistants Waylon H. Harrison came with a report of the rebuilding of the Washington Monument, When he looked to face the man, He pulled out his M1911 and immediately started to shoot at the man.

Unlike anything I have ever seen, The Man turned away as if nothing ever happened. Kirkland, Johnson, and Starbanner came running to see of what was going on. I told everyone to remain on highest alert and to report the Man In The Blue Suit directly to me, I knew that the sneaky little weasel was going to try something. I told the Greater Patriotic American Fleet to sail into Baltimore Harbor to remain there incase of a possible sea invasion, The Yards were in the process or were just already rebuilt. When Vance and his Conscript battalions moved into the city, I had called him into the office of the Chief. Once he came into the Office of where my hole staff was, He looked liked he went through hell and just wanted a break. Being as a fair Chief to him, I asked him if it was okay that he would travel further down south to Mobile, Charleston, New Orleans, and Pensacola. He replied with a Yes Sir!. I also said to him that if Shit hits the fan, Be sure to radio into some Nationalist Combines that would be able to help.

I tasked him with the key task to see of what had become of the South Dakota-Class Battleship U.S.S. Alabama, But I needed to focus on rebuilding Washington. In no time, I would get the great capital Washington on her feet. In usual repair, We all had to do our part in fixing and renovating, Since some of the rumble was just too heavy to carry, We had to get big dump trucks and recycle them for materials. Big trucks that could handle over a thousand pounds were brought in to help clean the city, As I picked up pieces of rubbish and desolated concrete, I could not help but I had a feeling that someone was behind me. I looked over my shoulder and who do I see, The Man In The Blue Suit, As I slowly turned to face the man, I began to stare eye to eye. While everyone was either working or notice the Mans appearance, Some of the guards had rifles pointed at him but he then began to talk in that same gravely commanding manner that he did a year back. A list taken by a journalist of the dialogue is listed below of what was said between me and the Man in the Blue Suit.

G-Man: "Well, Well, I am deeply impressed Lieutenant Colonel by the way you handle the Combine and their Army."

Lt. Col. Daniel F. Hunter: "What do you want from me, Isn't obvious that you have caused so much and you just leave it to burn down on its own?"

G-Man: "I could however take responsibility for my actions back then but now, You will have a set of challenges for your services that would seem beneficial for my employers."

Lt. Col. Daniel F. Hunter: "To me, Of what I have seen of you, You have got to be the most craziest and damn well interesting person I ever came across in my life. but I must ask you this, What is the price if I decline?"

G-Man: "Well, I could give you a battle that you have no chance of winning."

Lt. Col. Daniel F. Hunter: "What's that supposed to mean to me?"

G-man: "In the mean time, This is where I get off."

After that brief confrontation with this insane person, Kirkland approached me and said "Sir, I am very worried about of what may happen next". I told him these words "Listen up everybody, I do not even think he's for real at all, I think he's just toying with us to try and get us on a wild goose chase around the country or the god damn globe.", After this, I went into the Office of the Chief and began to receive a report from the Cascade Range of the bunker. MacArthur was sending me a message saying that there were many conscripts and Legionaries gathered there to defend and renovate the bunker, A woman by the name of Alyx Vance was there rebuilding a radio station to communicate with the outside world.

I also heard that an insane monk priest who was based in the same town of where the Man in the Blue Suit was said to originate from Ravenholm Indiana had been holding off there ever since the Seven Hours War and Uprising had happened, Shortly after this, I called a press conference that would mark a speculation and theories just to of who is or what is the Man in the Blue Suit. I was asked the question by a reporter "What are your theories of who this mysterious two pieced business suited man is?", I told the reporter and everyone "Look, I do not have any damn clue of who the hell he is or where he even comes from but something keeps telling me that he is not human at all". I was not pissed off when I responded but rather exhausted and tired due to the work I was doing, I proceeded down the stairs of the White House and wanted to sit outside just to think to myself.

After an hour or so, I went back into the White House communications room and finally got a report from Captain Vance, He says that the U.S.S. Alabama has never been touched by any bullets or shards of explosions. I then decided that it was time to March Through Georgia into Alabama, I began to pack for the long journey to Alabama.

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