Chap.6 "While We Were Marching Through Georgia"

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While we were marching through Georgia, I notice that most platoons were scattered which caused confusion than help. To add to the whole ordeal was the familiar First Civil War tune of "Marching Through Georgia", This song was composed for the late General of the Army William Tecumseh Sherman who was infamous for his march to the sea during the Civil War. My troops were singing the song as we marched from Atlanta to the coast of Savannah, To be honest, This song was catchy at first then it just became annoying as hell during the fifth day. During the sixth day of marching, Kirk came up to me with a young sharpshooter who was of the 4th Recon Squadron. Now when this event had happened we were only near Pembroke just outside of Savannah, This Sharpshooter whose name was Terrence had said that they were cut off divisions of the 44th Overwatch Infantry who were reported to be rebelling against the 33rd Georgia Militia.

I stood up on the M4 Sherman and started to sing the later chorus "We Bring The Jubilee!", After saying that everyone began to march and sing the song. When I looked up into the sky, I could not believe of what I saw, It was Sherman smiling upon me and my men. I have never felt so proud to see him up there and smiling, Even though, Sherman in reality would never felt any triumph over a defeated enemy I knew he would be more happier to see the combine a bit more defeated. Along the way, More portals began to open which only added more problems. Along the way to Savannah, I notice that these portals that were opening were in fact gaming universe portals which was not so bad but I was worried that we would meet characters from these universes that I had no idea that they would exist. When we were on the road, I saw a couple just walking on a road that were badly wounded.

Now I thought at first that these couple were indeed just a normal couple that was evacuating but when I got a closer look, I was in shock, These two were from another universe but were harmless. When I approached them, I decided to get them to the nearest medical tent. Once we all got to the medical tents just outside of the city, I told the couple to identify themselves. They said that they were the Langermann's, I knew for a fact that these were the two from a Horror game that came out back in another universe. The whole vibe suddenly changed when they said their first names, The mans name was Blake and the wife's name was Lynn. I knew that Kleiner must have screwed up big time and these two had been through a lot of hell. However, They still had courage to keep moving on and I promised them a house and forty acres.

By the time we all started marching, I remember to sing Marching Through Georgia. I said that we shall bring the good old bugle and we shall bring the jubilee. Every single one of my soldiers started to cheer for me while the two journalists Lynn and Blake were recording everything, All the soldiers started to form rows of 2 and began to march to Savannah on my orders and I told them to burn the ever lasting hell out of the combines property. I knew that as a humanitarian that I promised no malice should ever come to the any of the metrocops who were peaceful, I also promised the Nationalistic Combines who were helping cleaning up the city to have 30 acres and a bunker of technology. The U.S.S. Massachusetts, One of the last South Dakota-Class Fast Battleships of the 1939 variation was however moved from the cove to Savannah for repairs before the war. I knew that if we could bring back these old warships and rebuild or navy with these Spanish-American War to World War II era vessels which means that vessels from 1880s-1945 would be built, Vessels such as the Tillman Super Battleships and Montana Class Battleships.

Once we reached the highway that led into Savannah we all heard cheers and happiness that greeted our arrival, I knew that everyone would be safe and sound once I took the city. Meanwhile in Washington D.C., I received a telegram that was from Kleiner who was working on fixing our broken universe to stop the portals from being opened. Kleiner said that the portals were getting worse as time goes by characters from the second installment of Outlast 2 and other games a like were now poring into out universe, I knew something had to be done, I had to get back into Washington and hope for the best knowing that the whole damn city could be overwhelmed by these characters who aren't supposed to exist.

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