Chapter.25 "Beginning Of The Reduction"

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As I wait outside for the IRA and all of the Legionaries, Maleter and Darlington were more scarred of me due to of how fanatical I was about rebuilding the nation and destroying all of the traitors, what we were about to do to this anti-American motherfucker was to implement the most torturous methods known to man, I will make this traitor howl like of what Sherman did to Georgia back in the First Civil War. Darlington came out with Maleter while restraining the treasonous bastard, the hooded menace was pleading and saying that he was sorry for of what he did, but it his crying and begging would only infuriate me more as I took out my M1911 and clubbed him on his god damn forehead knocking him unconscious. I took a lot of pleasure and smiled when I knocked the cultist unconscious, I couldn't control myself but I honestly didn't give care in the world if I was harming this deranged cultist, all of these degenerate scum deserve every single action that we would implement on them. Darlington said to me: "I can't wait for this to happen to all of these cults, the systematic destruction shall be the great start to an new era for the American Dream", I said to him: "This is the dawning of a new era for the Commonwealth, in this era, I shall preserve the American Dream and the Southern Traditions, I will be the destroyer of cults". I paced around for around two minutes and finally Collins, the IRA, and everyone got here of where I was, I was now in an ultra-nationalist mood and fanatical with patriotism, I was proud to be this way and I will save the United States from it's enemies, Chief William Dudley Pelley would've been proud of me for now materializing his dream into reality.

Collins, Rotha, Vance, MacArthur, Johnson, Kirkland, and Starbanner came to me wanting to know of what I had in mind, I told them that my plan for a reduction pogrom against cults that are based in America would be another positive step in rebuilding the nation, everyone rallied behind me as we now were fanatical about saving America. I showed them this piece of shit cultist that we found, the cultist became conscious, he looked so damn defeated that I literally laughed and spat on this anti-American cocksucker. IRA General Daniel McKenna came to me with a clipboard that contained a list of the various active cults, I lift the cultist head up and showed him the list and said: "Look here fucker, ya see that, all of these damn sons a bitches are going to be motorized by mornin' and I will be the most monstrous person that they will ever lay eyes on, ya got that you cocksucker?". He was moaning an groaning but I made an iron fist and punched him in the gut so hard I think he broke a rib, I said to him now fully enraged: "DO YOU UNDER FUCKING STAND ME?!, ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW MOTHERFUCKER OR THOSE DEPTH CHARGES ARE GOING TO BE MADE INTO SQUIRREL STEW COME MONDAY MORNIN'!". He finally responded with: "Please, I beg you, I....I...I didn't mean to do it.", I instantly cut him off with a sharp bark: "REALLY!?", he said: "Wait, whatever you want just please don't hurt me". I said in a normal but in a low deep mean gravelly voice: "Fine, but, you better be honest with me you little son of a bitch, now tell us!", the bastard gave us names and addresses including ritual sites, now that the broken, beaten to a pulp, ass wipe has given me this information, I decided to do something even more primitive.

I said to Kirkland: "Kirkland, open this shitheads mouth, its time to oil up my dentistry skills!", the damn idiot was starting to struggle that we literally tied the fucker down to a big tree, most thought I was going too far but I mouthed to them all these words: "Y'all remember of how reconstruction started back then, well if you do, then you will know the reason why I am doing this and it is to preserve justice the ole Wild West way.". As I picked up my M1903 bayonet, I said: "See, life teaches us lessons, some of these lessons can be so damn fun and filled with happiness but then comes the ugly part of it and that part is the fight to stay alive and to do the most extreme things to live. The lessons that are cruel are teach to soldiers like me, Collins, O'Duffy, MacArthur, Kirkland, Starbanner, and Johnson so we can keep this great nation safe from any invaders.". While Kirkland was still holding the cultist mouth open, one of the radio operators told me that Rotha was on her way up here to this facility, I knew she would break down but I just didn't care as I had to teach this murdering psychopath who conducted rituals of what a soldier can do when faced with an foe. I had enough of stalling and prepared for ultimate justice to be delivered by this bayonet on this bum chums teeth, as I approached him, he began to sob and became hysterical while still begging me to stop, it only fell on deaf ears. I started with the top and only gutted five teeth, to add on to of what I would consider going to far was drenching the wounds with raw vinegar. This made the cultist screamed so loud that I literally took the butt end of my M1903 Pedersen and beat the fucker silly at least over five times until he was tired, after the "persuasion" methods used, this man was scarred to death of what I inflicted upon him. The bastard passed out and I walked away, Vance was not that horrified after this due to him witnessing Combine atrocities back at the Air Exchange Facility, the question remains of what the hell we should do with this idiot, I ordered him to be castrated publicly. Most of the entire group wasn't expecting me to say that but they obeyed my order, in order to get a nation back on it's feet, sometimes we have to bathe the tree of freedom in rich blood. I marched to Maleter's tank which was still in running condition, then I felt the feeling of being watched again but this time, the truck that Rotha was on pulled up right near the entrance to the facility.

As she jumped out of the truck, she was walking up to General O'Duffy, he was a bit confused as he was speechless at what he just witnessed of what I did to the cultist. Eoin and Michael was trying to keep her occupied by telling her of their lives back then, I tried signaling and doing hand gestures to Maleter who was walking back to the tank but it was already far too late, when she looked at the tree of where the damn son of a bitch was tied up too, she gasped and slowly approached him. As she got to him as close as possible, she started to tear up and ran towards the truck. I said to Maleter: "Alright, I think I am going to have to explain to her of whats going to happen.", I didn't really care that much of what she did as she didn't really have that much power or jurisdiction. I said that we have to reform the Navy and form a new organization, Maleter wanted know of what organization I would created, I told him that we needed to unite the entire army with the help of Vance, Starbanner, MacArthur, and many others. I started to think for this new organization and what it's purpose would be, I had to restructure the Legion and the entire army, Vance and his Conscripts and Gordon with his Rebels would have to be organized into a new army. This new army and organization would be two separate entities so confusion will be limited though both of these entities will be working together, I liked Collins idea of creating an army here in America based off of his IRA. The Legion will not be integrated into the new army but will be reorganized and expanded as an secret police while still keeping the same role as it always has, as part of the reduction pogrom, the government bodies such as the CIA and FBI will be do away with unforgivingly. I will destroy America's domestic enemies with pure passion and ultimate justice through the barrel of a rifle, there shall be no surrender, America will be forever safe again after the reduction pogrom.

I also heard that most institutions such as law enforcement were also with the cults, this caused more rage to boil with inside of me, the Supreme Court would also have to be dealt with in a very agonizing way. I also am going to move the government to Richmond, Virginia in honor of the Confederacy. I decided to get some sleep as the drive to Charleston would be a pain in the ass, I needed to get MacArthur to mobilize the army once we got there, I dozed off and began to dream.

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