Chap.18 "Leaving Bismarck"

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As I awoken from another strange dream that placed me in Waikiki of Hawaii where a battle took place, I looked at my watch and it reads 5:00 AM. I stretched my self and got up, To tell the truth, Sleeping on concrete is much more pleasant than sleeping in a wooden chair. I walked down stairs while everyone was still asleep and went down to the lobby's restaurant, I wasn't going to order anything as I didn't want to rush anybody. Jake came down and was more eager to know my story of what happen to the United States in my timeline, It took about thirty minutes to tell President Featherston about the entire history, He was shocked a bit as I told him. After I told him everything, me and him overlooked the restaurant which it was built back in the 70s, It had old paintings of the Victorian era and it was completed with Grey Marble. The place was so sparkling that I am surprised that they kept it all clean even after the Seven Hours War and Uprising, However, I was busy working on a crossword puzzle as it was a way to pass the time. I worked on it for around a good five minutes and then stood up and just faced the window, Facing the window and looking towards the street while looking up at the sky at the same time was a remarkable experience.

I saw George Jones the store clerk just picking up boxes and unloading them near a truck, Kirkland and Johnson were near the entrance of the city keeping watch. Then the restaurant employees came out and asked me of how long me and Jake were here, I told them that it was fine and to not rush anything even though I was the President. They were almost surprised of me being here with them but they went ahead and asked me and Featherston of what I would like for breakfast, Featherston went first, He ordered a omelette with bacon while I ordered scrambled eggs with bacon and toast. Jake also ordered his favorite drink while I ordered my favorite drink which was ICE Sparkling Water Kiwi Strawberry. While waiting for our breakfast, Featherston started to whistle the tune of a famous Civil War song "Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!", I started to sing the words of Tramp Tramp Tramp and soon most of the employees also joined in to. As 7:00 AM rolled around, Rotha including Starbanner and members of my staff came down and sat at the table. Everyone ordered their breakfast and waited while talking about past events, I however was still talking to Featherston about his own universe but it was even more complicated to even understand.

As the meals came out, I heard a juke box playing my favorite song "Every Man A King!" For which It was named in honor of my most favorite role model and governor Huey P. Long Jr., Huey was a man of the people who opposed communism and fought for the American People. I was happy in the meantime and enjoying my meal as everyone was. It soon became clear that this was the first normal day, I felt very funny a bit because It has been awhile since I had a normal day. After we all finished eating, I went outside for a breath of fresh air, As I looked at some people in the eye, I could feel tension just radiated around and it became more intense as the minute went by. I saw Jones still unloading supplies while Bakker II was still selling his buckets of pure waste, All seemed calm and relaxing until ten minutes later. There came a rustle down the road which was near of what used to be a Walmart, This building was later converted into a normal food house but I wanted to see of what in the name of the world was causing this uproar. I ran down to of where Jones was and I asked him of what the hell was happening, He said that Bakker II became insane and was dumping his buckets on people as some sort of a prank.

I went around a corner to where a courtyard was and saw Bakker II shoveling manure into a bucket and then splattered the shit on the road, He said on his bullhorn: "BUT WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!". He kept shoveling and preaching about Bowel movements which made me think that this nutcase was a perverted obsessed asswipe, This bullshit continued for hours and I couldn't help but laugh hysterically at of how he was making himself look so low that it made me feel a bit sympathy for him. George Jones came around and aimed his Winchester lever action rifle and shot at Jim's buckets saying: "You ever wonder how great it must've been out here before the cultists took over?", Jones took cover and all hell broke loose than a minute. Bakker II began to preach: "No More Pain, Jim Carbon is laying on the airfield just north of here at this moment", After he said that, A huge crowd of his supporters just cheered almost like they were being hypnotically controlled. This is where I started to be worried, I told Kirkland who was behind me with Jake to bring the battalion here.

It became more clearer as the fanatical preacher Jim spoke through that megaphone, He began to speak about "Revolutionary Death" and that the entire town was coming after him. I knew even back then that this guy was a totally sociopath, He began to go down the path of complete insanity. As he roared to the top of his lungs, He began to slur while speaking. When an M1 Sherman Tank rolled up with Lance Corporal Herbert Effinger Cold, The son of the infamous Indrid Cold who was the alien who started all of the most strangest events in the state of West Virginia, Had opened the tanks turret asking Jim to stand down. Bakker II's supporters armed themselves with stones and ball bats against Jones's supporters and the entire army, As Kirkland and Johnson came up behind me with my battalion of Legionaries. I spoke with Jim by walking up to him saying that he was sick and that he was tired, I knew this was a stupid move but Captain Vance and Jake Featherston got behind cover and began shooting while they were being supported by George. As chaos ensues again, I had to put the entire city under martial law without any objections. Instability skyrocketed like crazy all over again.

I began to just become enraged with frustration and anger and had to get myself out of the situation or else I would literally rain hell on Jim, I would let Starbanner handle this until I could get my sanity back down to earth. As noon time began to come around, I sat down on a chair near a burned out building and just started to think of how the hell we can calm the city down. I made a broadcast calling for clam while being presented with a very familiar battleship design for which it was the West Virginia in her 1941 condition, MacArthur then approached me saying we needed to leave Bismarck as soon as possible. He said that Bakker II had a garrison that was 200,000 men strong while our 50,000 men battalion was outnumbered, Douglas had said his famous words to the townsfolk that: "I Shall Return". As we all packed up and waited by the lobby, MacArthur was approached by a fanatical Catholicist preacher very similar to Bakker II but the strangest thing about Bakker II was that he had a strong dislike among Catholicists or anyone relating to that religion, But as MacArthur was approached, The preacher took his famous pipe which further fueled the flames of how damn mad the old general was.

MacArthur said these words while chasing after the son of a bitch yelling: "Iam gonna wip your ass you little son of a bitch, Come back here you cocksucker!!!". As he charged off into the distance, Bakker's supporters were now throwing Molotov's and burning the town hall down to the ground. I decided that Bismarck was no longer worth saving, As a whole convoy took us to the airport, Most of the damn brigades of Bakker's insane cult came in and demanded that I hand over the presidency. The damn fools left me no choice but to install order through the military, I ordered every able bodied men to shoot to kill. I knew they were Americans but in all honesty, I would never ever give the highest power in the land to insane cultists. MacArthur was armed with a M1911 which he carved his initials on it, I also pulled out my M1911 while being backed up by Jake, Johnson, and Kirkland aiming it at the insane crowd of the airport. I knew they were just decent and normal average people radicalize but an insane cultist but I had no fucking choice but to fire all we had at them, As the sounds of the 50 Cals and M2 Brownings fired, The radicals just laid down as if they were suspended in the air like a bedsheet in the wind and then fallen off. I couldn't help but cry with regret, MacArthur had said to me: "Son and President, This is a necessary evil, Remember that these people were lead by a insane nutcase".

I knew that MacArthur was telling the truth and I gave into the reality of the situation at the airport, Most shot up into the air due to tank shells or artillery ballistics. As they began to calm down, We were all at the terminal and gate waiting for Air Force One to arrive. Everyone by this time was sadden, down, and complete madness, Everyone didn't even say a word to each other until we got on Air Force One. Around an hour later of waiting for Air Force One, I was the first one to board and the captain had approached me saying of where I wanted to go. I told him to take us all back to Washington D.C., I sat down on the chair of the desk, I began to doze off a bit. However, I wanted to sleep on the bed after the very stressful day of this adventure to the Dakota's. I got up and went to the back of where the bed was and just took off my Legion uniform, To be honest, I had been going to sleep in it but I wanted to just relax for a bit. There was also a shower that was on the plane so I wanted to shower and rest, I also can't even remember of the last time that I showered but I was thankful that I had the option to take a shower. After I got out of the shower, I put on the official presidents robe and walked out into the bedroom and saw Rotha just sitting while reading a book.

I sat down on the bed and pulled open a drawer that had pajamas in it, I put on my pajamas and just feel into a good deep sleep.

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