Chap.11 "A Friendly Brit and A Lone Silver Legionarie"

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Once I awoken from another terrible dream from the G-man, I was laying on my right side and I notice that two arms had wrapped around me. I was still half asleep and not wanting to look of who's hands it was, But, When I turned my head just a bit so the corner of my left eye could see of who it was, It was Rotha just cuddling on my back. She looked a little bit better than last night, I looked at my watch and it reads 5:00 AM. I turned over to talk to her, I said "Hey, Rotha." She replied with a lightly sounding "Hmm?", I said "Do you need something?", She said "Ill get up in a little while, Give me a few more minutes please.", After that I decided to get myself off the floor and proceeded outside where dawn was just starting to peak a bit. Looking outside, I saw campfires with my men just sleeping alongside the Freedomite Confederates. Some had to take turns to watch for unsuspecting enemies or anyone who was not apart of the Axis, I started to walk about the whole street that had tents with the Scarlet L on them.

I walked down to a burned out apartment building and proceeded to the roof to look out for any mercenaries or raider hoodlums, I got my binoculars out and just looked at the flat almost Kansas like land. Upon scanning the whole prairie, I spotted a mountain that was called "White Butte", I decided to hike to it even though it was a minute from town. I hooped over the on to the ground but I was silent enough so nobody heard me, But, The feeling of being tailed by Rotha still hadn't subsided but it always kept me company. As I jogged across the open fields, The freedom cold air was hitting my face with pure passion, It felt so liberating.

After that minutes worth of jogging, I came to the mountain and climbed it and saw an asylum to the East, This was beyond strange and I never even knew that such a place existed, This Asylum was just like the one in Danvers, Massachusetts. However, It had people running throughout the damn building, I had to investigate this due to the fact that something terrible could be happening in it. Then I heard Rotha struggling to get up to me, I lended her a hand and helped her up, She had a smile that filled me with warmth. She then asked me "How did you know that I was following you?", I said "I have a sixth sense that I can tell of when someone is following me.", I looked at my watch and it was 7:00 AM in the morning. Most of my men were waking up and were eating breakfast, I could see Starbanner, Kirkland, and Johnson talking with Jake Featherston about the universes colliding. However, After nine minutes of standing around, An explosion from one of the main towers of the asylum had gone up. This explosion was not that loud and the encampment couldn't hear it, So, I had to blow my bugle and shout out orders like a maniac. When I was ringing the Bugle of formation, All of the men had put their tents up and marched to where I was, Most of them however were running like it wasn't shit. After when Starbanner, Jake, Johnson, and Kirkland had assembled in formations while Jake led the Stalwarts who were very similar to the Silver Legion, I began to announce a strategy of taking over the place to shelter from the blizzards.

However, I did not know of the name of this unfamiliar asylum gothic complex, Starbanner, Who grew up around here had said that the asylums name was the "Bleak City Mental Sanatorium", He also said that it was considered the most bloodiest institution in all of America. It was built back in the 1860s when the First Civil War was happening, It was originally supposed to house Alcoholics, Disillusioned, and Psychotic Patients that were veterans or wounded soldiers. The place was then bought by none other than both Leviathanfeldt and Crimsonmoon, The reason why they decided to buy the building was to lessen their sadistic ways and actually do something good for once in their lives. After they bought the building which they had renovated and recruited doctors, It was reopened in the early 1900s. However like I said about these two is that they had the uncanny ability to "Charm" their manipulative minds as if they knew of what to say to get around, After it was finally found out that these two were still up to their same old acts, The whole damn place shut down sometime in the late 1950s.

After reviewing the history, I decided to approach the building from the Eastern side and try see if there was a way inside. As I marched down on to the field towards the complex, The next thing I heard was the screams of men getting tortured, Then came a violent wailing that shook Me, Rotha, and Featherston except the soldiers. I said to Starbanner that he needed to get MacArthurs brigades out here to bring order, But I had to get inside the facility. Once I got to a window that had a room that looked like it was dilapidated, I jumped through it and looked around. I however had to take it very easy as I was now the only one in there and had to be extremely careful, As I looked around, I found a door leading into the hallway. When I opened it, I was horrified to extremes beyond doubt, Even when Rotha had gasped sharply after looking at this scene, I said "Rotha, Cover your eyes!", When Featherston came in he said sharply "Jesus Fucking Christ Almighty in Heaven!".

What we all saw was a patient lying on the ground with his torso just mangled and eyes gouged out, He then awoke which surprised the hell out of us all. He was still cough up blood but he could speak, I said to him "Who are you?", He said "Its me Chief, Remember?", The familiar soft spoken Texan voice was Major Jervas E. Kingman, This was the Major that I sent out to check on the Dakota region but never responded back to me of when the 7 hours war was happening. I said "I am damn surprised of how your still kicking at a situation like this shit.", Jervas said while coughing before dying "Y....You....Ha....Have.....T..To...See.....M..M...More......That....Is...In....This......Hellhole.", After he died, I knew that we were heading for something much more worse. Rotha who was a scaredy cat wanted to stay with me so I decided to have squads so we can take the building, I laid out the rules and said "Alright men and ladies, Were going to have to shoot some sons of bitches but remember, Of who were after is two psychopaths that are sadists.". After that, I pulled out my M1911 Sapphire Plated Pistol, A M1928 "Chicago Typewriter" Blue Plated Thompson SMG, and A Nickel Plated M1903A3 Springfield Bolt Action and proceeded to go out the door and march through the hallways.

The main reason for deciding this was to go to the lobby which was said to be big enough to house the entire garrison, Going through these hallways were like a never ending maze of corridors after corridor. My Bayoneted M1903A3 was sharp that it could cut through steel, I also notice that Rotha was grabbing on to my coat which I did not mind at all. Starbanner, Jake, Johnson, and Kirkland were following along with both Stalwarts and Legionaries just taking step by step and smoothly making their way into the now dimly lit lobby. After we got to the lobby, I said "Hold Up!", My sixth sense was picking up an unfamiliar "Guest" that was looking at us from above of the second floor. May I also point out that there were four floors to this place which was big than any other asylum that I had been to, It started to give me the creeps. Also, The Stalwarts were armed with the Tredegar Automatic Rifle which barred a striking resemblance to the M14 that replaced the M1 Garand in our universe.

Then when I turned and looked to the second floor balcony, I saw the two sadistic bastards just looking at all of us. This became more of a stand off as everyone looked at the two fuckers who had sadistic smiles on them, Then came me talking to these two right from my mouth of anger.

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