Chap.15 "The Siege of Bleak City"

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As we all headed back to Bleak City, I set charges all around the entire asylum and lit the whole place up like a Christmas tree. I never looked back at the damn building, To me, It deserved it to free the poor souls. Walking back was at least very hopeful but I still had some guilt, However, I shrug it off and kept telling myself it was the right thing to do. While we were all walking back, I still was thinking of the Blue Suited Menace, His damn face echoed throughout my mind like a slideshow. MacArthur who was now in the border town of Baker Montana, had just contacted me of his plan to route out the zombies that were about ready to lay siege to the city. Captain Vance along with a Private named Manwich were exchanging more on what had happened to the U.S.S. Alabama's sister ship the Massachusetts, I remember back then that when I was a youngster I was on a field trip and went to see it. Seeing the Massachusetts was amazing, It also made it into a game called World Of Warships made by Wargaming the same company that made World of Tanks.

The best attribute of the Massachusetts was that it's secondary batteries could literally tear anything apart in 9.0 km, World Of Warships was a great game back then. However, I needed to focus on Bleak City. As I now approached the well defended city, I felt hopeful about the defenses which were made up of captured Combine Turrets and Mortars. There were lots of people who were hiding in Bleak City but some of them were in fact survivors who made it out of Black Mesa, I wanted to talk to them about of what they were doing at the time of the incident. It started to enrage me a bit but I walked away and said nothing more, While checking the defenses, I noticed near the front gate that there was a man in a suit that looked just like the Blue Suited Menaces one. When I got a closer look, I recognized the infamous flat top hair cut and decided to walk towards him. While I walked fast towards him, He looked behind and saw me coming after him.

He walked away into an unknown location that was beside the entrance and disappeared, I immediately pulled out my pistol and marched with a steady step towards a burned out of what appeared to be Toyota 1999. As I looked inside, I saw nothing of interest and started investigating more of what led me out here in the first place. When I looked up, I saw the mountain and for the sake of my well being decided to climb it even though it was just like a plateau. While on top, I saw the smoke of the asylum just sizzling down, It must've seen better days than this. However, When I was looking and the smoke cleared away, I saw of what seemed to be a whole herd of headcrab zombies just freely roaming. I then saw a zombie in which it's skin was barley attached to the skeletal feature, It was hunched over as if it was hit by a car, Another difference in this new zombie was that the Headcrab attached to it was more slender in shape due to the thin legs of it. I knew these damn things were multiplying but not only that, The Antlions were also causing problems elsewhere in Nevada and parts of Utah. I ran back to the front gates and reported of what I saw, Rotha and the Others were in the main HQ building which use to be a Hotel Lobby.

With the sky now becoming a bit dark due to the fact that it was already around 5:00 PM, I started to walk towards my tent that was in the same building that Rotha and I meant in. I sat down in by my bed still overwhelmed from such a crazy week, The feeling was just so damn much that I just wanted to go to sleep. These events have really took their toll on me and it just made me feel so down but I had to put aside the feeling and hold it as tight as I could and focus on the situation that would develop tonight, All I could hope for now is MacArthur to help us. Kirkland and Johnson came in and wanted to speak to me of how all may go down in the next hour, We all decided on one quarter of action and it was to defend until reinforcements arrived. Featherston and his army were going to defend the main entrance incase of any overwhelming odds, I began to notice more of the reasons of why we were out here. I had a sneaking suspicion that we were all puppets and the puppeteer was none other than the Blue Suited Menace himself, But, I still needed to focus and picked up my main weapons to go to the entrance and defend.

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