Chap.21 "The Train To Charleston"

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I awaken from slumber facing the celling, Rotha was sleeping on her right side while she cuddled up to me. I felt a bit uneasy until I was shocked due to a familiar voice of the Blue Suited Menace, I immediately sat up with my M1911 pointed at him as he stood in the right corner. Rotha then screamed so loud that it almost took my eardrum out for which everyone entered the room, Starbanner, Kirkland, Johnson, MacArthur, and several armed guards rushed in and aimed their guns at the Blue Suited Menace. The Blue Suited Menace walked with a calm easy step and said: "Well, at last we meet again President, I say that it was rather unfortunate that such individuals back in Bismarck have died but I am deeply impressed by you're work here", I said: "What in the hell are you doing here, why are you following me, have you just had enough?". He spoke within a low almost commanding matter: "I come here to present some rather troubling information that I have as you would say borrowed from the Combine.", he handed out a document for which I motioned for MacArthur to get the document, the old general walked up and kindly grabbed the document and read it from top to bottom. Then newsreels and reporters had came into the room to get a picture of the Blue Suited Menace, it was a little embarrassing but I rather would see the document than have it lost.

After MacArthur was done reading the document he had eyes of despair and lost, it was almost as if someone had taken something so valuable from him and destroyed it. He gave the document to me and when I began to read it, it detailed an invasion plan against the cities of Charleston, West Virginia, Baltimore, Maryland, and Georgetown, Delaware. I asked the question if this was an authentic document of the Combine military to the Blue Suited Menace, he bowed for which it was somewhat strange. Then one of the reporters Hogan Conrad had painted a full portrait of the G-man, I had to admit it was a rather great rendition of the man. Heres a picture of the painting:

(The same painting of the Blue Suited Menace as he appeared in the corner, Original by Hogan Conrad, Circa

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(The same painting of the Blue Suited Menace as he appeared in the corner, Original by Hogan Conrad, Circa. 2026)

The man said: "President, I believe you are needed in the state of where the blue ridge mountains are and of where the Shenandoah River proudly lays", this was even more bizarre as he said that there would be an attack on the Charleston State Capitol building. He then straightened his tie and walked into a portal of some kind and simply just vanished into thin air, I mouthed to everyone that they needed to get out of my room so I can get dressed into a new uniform. As they all scattered off into the hallway, I went to the closet and found a dress uniform that was very similar to the ones used by the Wehrmacht and the Allgemeine SS. The dress uniform including the baggy breeches had the color of a dark sapphire blue with the legions l located on the left side of the jacket, under the L was an assortment of medals, then I looked at the collar and it had the Medal of Honor on it. The uniform came with aiguillette that gone over the right shoulder, the shoulder boards were also composed of golden leaves completed with the markings of lieutenant colonel which was two chevrons on each shoulder board, finally the uniform was topped off with black jack boots.

When I put the whole uniform on, the boots were very tight fitting but I didn't really care that much. I went to the mirror that was in the room and looked at myself for which I had a sunken in face and it made me look like Peter Cushing for a bit or even Grand Moff Tarkin, I looked like an old aging person as I was now 40 years of age. Kleiner's anti aging system was working but I wanted to look way more official if I had a very serious appearance just like MacArthur, after I suited up, everyone was located in the dining room of the White House for which I paid no attention and wanted to go to Charleston. I also noticed that the parade belt on the dress uniform was white with the belt buckle having the stars n' stripes on it with 1776 written on it, I also had a sword for which I received as both promotional and ceremonial sword that was given to me when I was promoted to a lieutenant colonel. The military visor cap that also came with it was sapphire blue and had white rims on it, it was a very good visor cap and the very first one that I ever had. When I got down the stairs to the front doors, I overheard some staff of the White House talking in the kitchen, they were talking about me as a possible "Emperor of the United States". I thought they were bluffing but I noticed that they had faces of actually wanting a possible emperor to rule the nation, it became of great optimism to see them happy and laughing.

When I opened the door to the kitchen some were now looking guilty as if they done something wrong, I said to them in an almost happy grandfather voice: "Now, don't be afraid, I heard everything of what you all said and to be honest, I am somewhat at a lost for words as most would now consider me a king or emperor", one of the executive's came up to me and shook my hand while saying his name was Jack Lincolnshire Cannon said: "Mr. President and Lieutenant Colonel, I come before you as a loyal citizen and on behalf the staff asking me to speak for them, We believe that you should be a possible candidate for you as an emperor". I said to him as Rotha, MacArthur, Vance, Kirkland, Starbanner, Johnson, and most of my staff came including some of the reporters from before: "Mr. Cannon, I speak from the deepest of my feelings and truer thoughts about this talk of a possible appointment of me as emperor of this great nation, it is an interesting concept of me becoming one step higher in power and controlling more but we will have to hold a referendum and place of voting to make it official, we will also need congressional permission including supporters of the Legion and finally the military support.". I turned and faced everyone who stood behind me including Pal Maleter who was indeed honored to see me again, the young Hungarian colonel came to see me about the information that I received from the Blue Suited Menace.

I paced around and asked MacArthur if he would accept the position of emperor or the "American Caesar" as most people called him nowadays, he shook his head saying no and saying that it was silly for something like that to happen. I walked out of the kitchen and proceeded to the entrance, once opening the door that led outside, I wanted to take a stroll around the greatest capital in the nation. It was a very sunny day and the temperature being a good 60 degrees, I was now in the process of looking for a train to Charleston, West Virginia. I told everyone who was with me that we would be going to Charleston, this kind of shocked them for a bit but I had every reason to go there, something kept telling me that the city there was going to be in a hep of trouble if I didn't get there in time. MacArthur came to my side and said: "Do you really think that creep was telling the truth about that plan?", I said: "I don't know Douglas, but something keeps telling me that there may be a possible incident that could happen in West Virginia". Then Pal Maleter came up to my left side and said: "Well President, do you have a plan?", I said to him directly: "We need to get on the main train that can get us to the state capital".

We passed by so many buildings that were being rebuilt, the city so to say was a total mess, burnt out cars just sat on the streets, fires being lit in trash cans, and some of the historical landmarks were reduced to rubble. Going throughout this whole thing would forever put images of downright depressing and hopeless recordings into my mind, I had to block those images out and think more optimistic. While walking down to the station, I still couldn't help but feel that same feeling that we were all being watched, then I noticed that most citizens were bowing as I passed by them. It was strange and weird because I never thought anyone would ever bow down before me, this started to worry me just a bit because it was very unnatural but I decided to pay no attention to the actions that these citizens were giving me. We all finally got to the station which was well lit, the station was renovated and it had the appearance of Union Station that is in Missouri. My personal train for all of my staff and my crew was ready to pull out at anytime soon, I gave it the all clear to pull out, we all walked to the main passenger car which was a sleeper car. I was the first one into the car which the inside was so luxurious that it was amazing, the whole car had finely furnished chairs and tables with it's own bar, the car also had its own showers and bathrooms.

I sat down at a seat that was on the right side window and I looked into the window for which it was night now, the almost Grand Moff Tarkin/Peter Cushing like appearance of me spooked me a bit except my swept back blackish hair and my eyes also changed from blue into a more deep blue. To be honest, my appearance also reminded me of another character from another book titled Dead Space: Martyr with its protagonist Michael Altman, this appearance I liked because I now looked a bit more official but I had a great smile. Captain Vance sat across from me while Kirkland sat beside me and Starbanner right across from Vance, I told them all that I've received a report about a strange creature that was sighted just near the Charleston capitol building. MacArthur came up to me and said: "President, I have been briefed upon a possible die hard enclave of Metrocops just near the Shenandoah River including parts of the Kanawha River and the Town Center", I said: "Well, I wonder what in the blazes name of the world are they up to now", He said: "Shall I get the tanks rolling into the city?", I said: "No, I want to handle this in a peaceful matter".

After that, we all ordered dinner and went back to our compartments. My compartment was indeed very fancy but it had a gun case, this case was for a necessary precaution just incase if someone or something would attack the train. I went and laid down on my bed and gently rest my eyes as I fell into dream about the Citadel and City 17.

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