Chapter.29 "The Gem Standard Act and Reviving The HUAC"

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    I awoke in yet another cold sweat, I didn't have a dream this time for which I started to get worried, I looked at my watch and it was five o'clock in the morning. I turned on my ceiling light which had a fan on it, I turned the fan off and left the light on, I walked over to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for the day. While I was brushing my teeth, I felt an uneasiness chill crawl up my spine, it felt like I was being watched from an unseen force. When I opened the cabinet to reach for the mouth wash, I heard the same gravelly voice from that Blue Suited Menace, he said: "Well isn't this just like old times?", I said to him: "Well you always seem to be one who loves to bud in on events or should I say orchestrate them?".

    We both looked each other in the eyes without blinking, he said to me: "I've have had a special liking to you including for Doctor Freeman and Corporal Shepherd that I am offering a new position for you.", I said to him in reply: "What makes you think that I will help you?", he said: "I am not in the liberty to say but I could offer you a battle you have no chance at winning hmm". He then straighten his tie and went into a portal leaving no trace behind, I swear no matter what comes out of that guys mouth is of what a damn politician would say, but, I am glad he is outta here.

    After that bastard left, I decided to advance on with a few projects at hand, there was a request in which most of the population wanted to end the use of paper money, this is a step in the right direction for the economy. This would be the first bill that I would pass as President, I have to admit that I hated paper money because it wasn't properly backed by gold so I got rid of the worthless paper and instituted gems as the new standard, this would also bring back the bartering system for which I was all in favor of.

    When most of the people got up in the Gray House, I told every one of my staff to meet me inside my office for an update, as I made my way into the office, I noticed that there was a mess of papers laying near a filling cabinet. I didn't really think too much about it since it really didn't bother me that much to care, but I started to pick them up and arrange them in order. After I done that, everyone was awake and all gathered in the room, the first thing I told everyone was that I was getting rid of the paper money and putting in place the gem standard. Most of them were pretty shocked at this decision as it meant that paper money is now worthless, I said that it would be the best thing in order to replace the useless paper money.

    Kirkland, Johnson, Starbanner, MacArthur, Maleter, Rotha, and all of the others just sat at there and discussed this with each other. The paper to sign this idea into law was on my desk, I felt rather proud as this bill would destroy the taxes and worthless evil of paper money, I got a pen and signed it into law. After that, I sat there and began to take a roll call or take logistics as to whom is a field marshal and general in the current Imperial Army. I had around five field marshals and at least fifteen generals, the main field marshal that I trusted more than ever was MacArthur for a good damn reason, since Turgidson is a newcomer I wasn't going to be a easy on him mainly due to him showing up out of nowhere.

    Another idea came into my head about the paranoia of traitors and spies trying to destroy this great nation, I decided to revive the House Un-American Activities Committee, now a few of my staff were a little bit cautious on this plan but I insisted that it would be put into effect. Most would question this as it was a bit unorthodox but I said to everyone that Americas future is at stake and I couldn't have the Combine just waltz about thinking that they will rule over and conquer us again, MacArthur was all in favor for this plan to reinstate the HUAC, after that, I began to question more of what in the hell was the Combine up to.

    Meanwhile, I checked to see if the army had fully reverted back to the world wars technology, every thing that they got working again would prove to be better than ever. Several weapons made a comeback like the M1941 Johnson Rifle and the Winchester M1907 Self Loader, this made me happy that we were finally bringing back all of the old WW1/WW2 equipment, the best thing about this was that everything was now going to be made in the US of A. I checked the progress on both the Pacific Fleet and Atlantic Fleet, they were at 50% complete, I checked on the Air Force and they said they were ready at all times.

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