Chap.10 "Bleak City, North Dakota"

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When I got to Bleak City, I could tell that evil itself was just roaming around the whole entire streets of this god forsaken place. When I got out of the damn truck, I felt so damn depressed just looking at this damned place, The feeling was a mixed of both Fear and Hatred. I managed however to get a picture of the Town Hall of Bleak, Here it is:

(Photograph taken by me of the Town Hall of Bleak City, 2026, Note this picture is said to contain a disturbing figure in the windows but it was a scare and nothing more

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(Photograph taken by me of the Town Hall of Bleak City, 2026, Note this picture is said to contain a disturbing figure in the windows but it was a scare and nothing more.)

Rumor has it that people started to hear strange and creepy noises during the nights that this town was active, I heard the stories but I just think these stories were just made up just to get a good scare from the public. While I walked around with the Battalion at my side, Kirk and Johnson were investigating more around the eastern side which was side to have holdouts of Resistance and Legionnaires. As me and Starbanner looked at some burned out APCs and busted to hell Abram Tanks, I notice that these Tanks were of an unfamiliar design and had Stars N Bars markings on them. But the Stars N' Bars color was reversed which caused me to think that this tank came from a different universe, Starbanner gave me a picture of the Tank and I notice that it was in the design of a Panzer IV but it had the Confederate Flag on it and it was painted in a Khaki almost Butternut type color.

I immediately remembered the Timeline 191 or Southern Victory Series which brought to my mind of the Confederate Mk.3 Barrel which is what they called tanks in the other universe, I also thought to myself that if Jake is really alive, He may kill us for damn sure. Starbanner asked me a question "What would Jake think about us?", I replied with "He may like us for being fascist Americans". Then we all heard the song "The Southern Soldier" being sung by a an unknown source, When we all investigated the source, We were shocked to see of what was in this burned out hotel. We all stood with our mouths agape, It was him, It was Jake and his whole Freedom Party and Army just sitting around a camp fire. The Freedom Party leader looked like a Tall Goebbels look alike that had a face that would put fear into something, I approached him with optimism, When he shook hands with me, He said in a very gravely voice "How do you do, President?". It made me shocked but I said in a friendly reply "I am doing great, President.", After that, They knew we weren't attacking or trying to restart the civil war.

The Stars N' Bars and Star Spangled Banner had flown together as well with both the Freedom Party flag and Silver Legion, When Captain Vance had arrived he saluted and shook hands with Jake. Jake had told me that when all contact was lost with Washington D.C., He including the Freedom Party and Confederate Army had side with the Legion and Conscripts to protect the States of both North and South Dakota, Eastern Side of Montana, Wisconsin, The Upper Peninsula of Michigan and the whole of Iowa. He also told me that his whole entire army was exhausted after the 5th battle which took place at Ft. Lincoln in the southern part of North Dakota, The Combine had literally tore the whole damn Western Areas up and gave it a newer name than it already had. I knew that the entire city had taken its toll on the destruction by the Combine, Almost as if it wanted to die with the help of them burning it down. However, There was a woman that was walking around the streets, As Featherston told me more about this woman, I was in utter shock. What Featherston told me that this unfamiliar who most never heard of or seen before was a pioneer in British Fascism, I never knew of such a person but the only person I knew of was Mosley who founded the British Union of Fascists.

Jake had handed me a Photo of this woman which I looked away for a bit to my right and saw a shadowy figure, I then look back at my right hand and of what I saw in the picture was a confusing figure. I immediately thought that it was a man judging by the way her hair was short and swept to her right side but when I looked closely in to her face, It was not a man but a woman. This woman was dressed in a uniform that was similar to the Khaki British WWI Infantry uniform with a trench coat that hanged on her shoulders, Another feature of her was the fact that she was known to have a military visor but she never wore it on camera. I asked a soldier who done some research on her to tell me her name, This woman's name was Rotha Beryl Lintorn-Orman who lived from 1895-1935. Rotha served in the Women's Volunteer Reserve and with the Scottish Women's Hospital Corps during the First World War, However during the 30s, She herself struggled including the British Fascists financially and was not a well liked person within the Fascist Community. In the final years of her, She was being Dependent on damn junkies and liquor to which her private life began to come into light, This thus damaged her reputation, She later died in the Canary Islands from a overdose.

Now I was thinking myself the same question "Why on earth are we learning about this weird woman", The question would be answered by me walking out of the Hotel and looking into the beautiful night sky. The Year 2026 would be interesting one since it was only February and North Dakota was colder than a turkeys nest, As I looked on the street into the distance of the Eastern entrance of the city, I saw the 77th "Dakota Hell Raisers" Armored Division coming into the city under my orders. However, I started to have the feeling that we were being watched on all sides this dark, lonely, and cold night, As most may not know that North Dakota cold get to around 0 and into the negatives. It was -1 and the winds were 20mph for which it gave us a time to settle down somewhere but I told everyone that if you see something yell as loud as you can, So as we all head off into different directions to settle down, I however still kept looking over my shoulder to make sure that nothing was there.

When I was marching with no guard or any staff since I could handle dire situations myself, I was marching down 2nd street where a General store was located, It had a few supplies in it and as well as my favorite snack Prickly Pears. In this store, I decided to set up my Caught which was an old WWI standard issue one. As I sit in my uniform, I decided to shout out Kirks name for which he came running and said "Yes Sir?" I said "If you do see her, Dont alarm anyone and tell everyone to just remain calm". He said "Yes Sir.", As I laid down, I looked up at the celling which it had now protection so all I had was my self. I starred endlessly into the Night sky, But yet again, The feeling of being watched started to plague me again but I remained calm. I looked at my watch on my left wrist and it read 1:00 AM, I knew I wasn't going to get enough sleep.

Fast forwarding to 3:30 in the morning when it was very dark, I heard a rustling sound that came from one of the isles of the store. I ultimately decided to check it out with my trusty Blue Sapphire Platted M1911 Colt pistol just in case if I was going into an ambush, When I got into the Isle and investigated the noise, I picked up this old can of potatoes which was empty. After investigating, When I look to my right to the Entrance and Street, I saw of what appeared to be a dark figure trying to stay hidden. Whatever this figure was, Knew that I was looking at what it was, But then a snowstorm had blown over and completely just snowed in the place but what started heading towards me was now of what I could make out to be a womanly figure. when my men had finally got the generator to the towns electric to work to power up the street lamps, I saw Rotha herself standing in a frighten posture of fear. Her face was bloodied with a few cuts but she had no trench coat which was vital in a below freezing storm like this, She then blushed up and collapsed into my arms. I caught her and brought her into the room and laid her down on the Caught, I immediately began to holler like anything before and shouted "MEDIC!" Real loud.

As she slowly laid down, I built a campfire in the building and placed my wool M20 wool trench coat over Rotha, Even when I was risking my life of freezing to death. As I heard boot steps of my men including Starbanner, Kirk, and Johnson and the Medic, As they came rushing in, They were shocked to see a woman in this condition. This condition was the first stage of Hypothermia, As the Medic looked over of the wounds, He wrapped in bandages and said "This woman is in poor condition, We may have to airlift her out of here." , I said "That may take some time, Doc.". I told everybody to go back to sleep, I would sleep on the floor next to a fire to stay warm. As I now lay on the concrete with the only pillow I had while Rotha had a two pillows, I then shut my eyes and dreamed.

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