Chap.14 "The Two Maniacs Deaths"

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As I awoke from a dream from the Blue Suited Menace, I proceeded out of my tent without waking anyone up even Rotha was sound asleep. While up and atom, I decided to arrange my loadout of primary weapons, My main primary was a B.A.R.(Browning Automatic Rifle) M1918 that was a combination of White/Sapphire Platted, To be honest, The BAR is my most favorite weapon ever designed in history. My secondary weapon was my same M1903 Springfield with its attachment of the Pedersen Device and my last primary was my same M1911 Sapphire Platted Pistol. The reason for getting up early was because I rather investigate alone instead of putting everyone else's life on the line, As I proceeded up the stairs quietly, I opened a door that revealed a computer. I decided to get on this computer and looked at the time, The time red on this machine was 5:30 AM. My watch reads 5:40 AM, This computer's clock was not set perfectly after I got rid of the Daylight Savings Time. However, As I looked through the computer's files, I came across something interesting.

The files on this computer detail every single damn thing that occurred here in this institution, Going through these files really shocked and horrified me beyond belief. The files were of all patients who were brought here and stayed here while most of the other were of top brass executives and doctors, I pulled the file of the main one Scarletwound, It says that he was in trouble with the FBI, ATF, and an unknown organization that was also part of this slaughter house. I found footage of this sick bastard's torturing of patients, I almost gagged a bit on a video that showed a man getting his fucking fingers cut off. Immediately after that hellish videos, I then got out of the room and went towards a hallway that would lead me toward the cafeteria. Walking with the BAR M1918 in my hands was a hell of a job, This gun was fifteen damn pounds excluding the Bipod and Cary handle, All I had was a strap to walk fire the gun.

When I arrived at the cafeteria, It looked so clean that as if someone was renovating the building. I walked into where the tables were and I saw something that I never thought I would see in my life, What I saw was something that one would see in Horror novels. Looking up to see the celling sent a shock down my spine, I saw bodies suspended by ropes onto the celling. I counted at least over 50 of them, I almost completely fallen apart due to of how sick this act was. I now felt no second chances for Leviathanfeldt and Crimsonmoon, These two needed to have their asses kicked beyond mercy. I sat down with my head in my hands thinking of some of the other unspeakable horrors committed by these sick fucks, When I glanced up, I saw the two bastards who done this shit standing with their damn medical suits on. I pointed my BAR at them and told them that this weapon fought for freedom from sick fucks just like them, They taunted me by saying that they are proud of what they did. I took a chance to look at my watch and it read 6:50 AM, I knew most of my men were waking up and not being there for them as a leader would make them start search for me.

Knowing of what these sick maniacs would do to not only me but to free American Citizens, I would kill them of where these traitors stood without hesitation. Jake Featherston approached behind me armed with a 45. ACP Colt and aimed it at Crimsonmoon, Jake said "No worries my dear president, I got ya covered.". I forgot that Jake waked up before me just to make sure that everything was all okay, However, This chance to finally end these two devils lives were of great opportunity. I knew that doing this and finally getting the hellish job done would bring peace to Bleak City, When both me and Featherston had laid our fingers on the triggers, The Magnificent Power of the BAR on its infamous low fire mode was powerful that it almost knocked me off of the damn gun. But after we fired, The two had dropped to their knees and said these final last words together: "Prepare For Unforeseen Consequences". I knew those words would still plague me but for Featherston he said: "President, What did they mean by that?", I told him: "Its a long story but Ill tell you when we get back to Washington".

The loud shots of both the Colt but mostly the BAR had awoken everybody who were now searching the entire building, Me and Featherston just stand there just looking at the two now dead evil bastards. When everyone came in, They were shocked a bit, I said more of a prayer even though I didn't believe that much in monotheism and more in Metaphysical type elements: "May Godspeed You Magnificent Bastards Of Hell and Tell The Devil I Am Comin For Him Next!". As I shouted the order to burry these two, Everyone could see the turmoil in my eyes as it was my first time of killing an unarmed civilian. I however immediately shot the thought down and replaced it with the killing of two wanted men for sadistic crimes, I knew that this would cast a darker shadow over me but sometimes a soldier has to bear witness to shit that even one would automatically go insane or give them nightmares for life. As I got back down the stairs and outside in the cooler air of the North Dakotan grassland, I feel to my knees but I could not afford the luxury of beating myself up and so I took the pain and said they deserved to die.

Still everyone was there to comfort me even Rotha who saw war too was also there to keep my spirits up, To be honest, I never wanted her to see me like that ever. However, I needed to move on from this incident, I know that it may come up in the future. Now that Bleak City is now almost officially safe, I had to high tail it back to the City, It would best be a wise choice to hold out until MacArthur arrived with the entire tank battalion. By this time, We all heard a loud roar of a poison zombie in the distance, It was time to get to the city and prepare for a siege that would take a much longer night to survive.

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