Moving in

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Y/n's point of view

"Is it this house?" I whined "We're almost there" Dr.Nico said. Dr.Nico is a scientist paid by the goverment and is my mom. (If you ask, adoption, Y/n Had to split up with her real parents cause THE GOVERMENT) I lived with her as long as I could remember. I've never been outside, this place looks so amazing!

Dr.Nico's point of view

I look at Y/n while she looks outside being amazed. "We're here!" I yelled "Woah! It's not like the lab!" Y/n said as I start opening our moving truck. "You can go ahead and walk around a bit, I'll unpack some luggage." I said. I hope she doesn't get in trouble, I love her, I'm a real mother to her   I thought.

Y/n's Point of view

I walked to a nearby place called "Tweek Bros coffee"

As I walked in, I saw a blonde,twitchy boy at the counter. Some people were looking at me like I was from a different planet. "H-How may I-GAH! Help y-you today?" The twitchy boi said "Uhhh, yeah, can I get a f/c?" (Fav Coffee drink) "That'll b-be $1.00" He said. Luckly, I had a 2 dollars in my pocket.

As I was looking around the store, I saw a boy wearing a orange parka, witch was cute.  Next to that boy was 3 other guys. One in a red puff ball hat, one wearing a green hat, and one In a red coat. The red puff ball hat guy started to walk up to me. Oh sh!t, what do I say

Stan's point of view

"Hi! Name's Stan, are you the new girl?" I cheerfully asked. She just nodded. "Uhm, hi, my name's Y/n and yes, I am the new girl" Y/n said She seems shy... One minute of scilence and awkwardness just passed. "Well I have to go! Bye I guess." Y/n said. "Heh, bye!" I said awkwardly

Y/n' s point of view

Welp, that was akward ima go back home

K dats all baiii

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