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Y/n's p.o.v

Before even charging at her, goody tooshoes came, godammit Mysterion....


I rolled my eyes.

(Oof. Welcome back to GOVERNMENT LABBB!!! Basically Y/n is a bit annoyed by Mysterion because she is his enemy, but also does not actually know him and think he's using her in some sort of way. Don't ask why, I'm just gonna say because I can)

Show off.....

And of course... He beat the shit out of her dramatically. The rest of the kids ran away out of the school except for Jess and Karen. I just stood there waiting for Jess.
He talked a bit to Jess and pointed to me. She nodded and ran towards me. "Mom! Mom! The nice man who saved us thinks your pretty!" I chuckled.

Awwhhhhh, so adorable! Wait- no, I'm not falling for his fuckboy tricks....

Jess held my pinky finger with her entire small hand and dragged me to Mysterion and Karen. Jess gave a quick wave to Karen and talked to each other and seeing if the other was okay. I didn't smile or anything; just watched. Utter silence...... "So...." His deep voice stopped the talking. "Why don't you help this little girl go home..." He handed me Karen's hand.

I'm such a motherly figure.....

I nodded and started leaving. They both waved and said goodbye.

Jess's p.o.v

Hmmm, mom looks a bit bothered... I better be in detective mode!

"M-mom?" She looked at me while we walked. "Yes Jess?" I was a bit shy to speak because I'm mostly shy.... "A-are you okay?" Karen jumped in our conversation. "Yeah, you seem a bit bothered Ms.L/n....." We stopped walking. "N-no, I'm fine. Thank you for asking!" She started to sweat a bit. "Is it because of my angel?!" Karen shot out.


"Y/n, will I ever have an angel?" She looked surprised for a second and smiled.

Did I say something?

"Awwww, Jess you already have an angel. If it's anyone, it's me and Shadow. We both really care and love you!" She shot out a big smile. "I love you to mom!" I gave her a big hug.

I really miss this.... I miss family... I miss love. It feels good for it to come back.... South Park isn't that bad......

I started hearing sniffling. Mom and I stopped to see Karen all teary faced. Mom and I starts to panic. "What's wrong Karen?!" I started to panic more than mom. She cries even more. "I-it's jus-t t-t-that I n-never have b-been in a c-complete and l-loving family.... M-My mommy and d-da-daddy wouldn't s-stop fighting.... The only p-person who helps i-is Kenny...." I hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear. ( this has rlly got me in the feels) "D-don't worry... I know how you feel and have been treated the same way. But be proud you have Kenny...." she started sniffing and cried her last tears. We both stopped crying and wiped off our tears. Y/n carried both of us and walked us back home.....

I really love you mommy......

[After walking and staying a bit at home.....]

Y/n's p.o.v

Can't believe in two days it's gonna be holloween. During lunch the boys told me their gonna dress up as packman. Cartman as packman and the rest as the ghosts. I thought it was a good idea because of the concept. I decided to dress up as sleeping beauty because Jodine was gonna be Snow white and Jenesis was gonna be Rapunzel. It was great. My phone started to buzz. "Hm?" I picked it up. "Hey there Y/n!"

Oh, it's Kyle

"What's up?"

"Uhm, wanna, hang out somewhere?"


"Okay thanks! Meet me at Stark's pond at 9:00"

Call ended

Wonder why he's excited...


I knew he wants me to dress fancy so I wore a light blue dress.

I knew he wants me to dress fancy so I wore a light blue dress

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I walked out and took my black jacket. As always, mom was always okay with this.

Kyle's p.o.v

I waited patiently for Y/n, filling my thoughts with all with cute and possibly just a LITTLE BIT of some dirty thoughts...

Godammit I just thought of something I shouldn't have.

I start blushing at all of the possibilities that could happen during tonight.


Mysterion (Kenny's) p.o.v

I sat on a ledge of a near by building in Y/n's neighborhood. I saw her in a cute and fancy dress.

Where's she going?

I decided to be the sly and cool Mysterion and took a flower and hid it behind my back.

Y/n's p.o.v

I felt like I was being watched, I mean- it is holloween... I walked throughout the shops. Thank god where I live there wasn't 'that' much people who were drunk. I stoped in my tracks because I just felt an urge.... (SPIDEY SENSES)
On que, Mysterion jumped off a building and landed in a heroic pose.

oh, I almost forgot about him....

I acted cool and stuff.... "Hey there Mysterion, Here to kiss my face off again?" I blushed a little bit from cringing... He rolled his eyes in response. I chuckled a bit.

What's that?

I looked at the hidden hand behind his back. He started blushing a bit and brought out a white Lily.

Just like last time.... What a cliche.....

I chuckled and plucked the beautiful flower out of his hand. "I don't know you at all, but a flower isn't gonna help you get into my pants." He playfully punched me in the arm.

Such a hard-head....

"So you wanna hang out?" He asked. "Oh, sorry, I'm going out to meet a friend, maybe next time...." His grin turned into a frown. I felt a wave of guilt. "I-W-We can hang out tommorow!" I gave him an awkward smile...

I do want to know about him...

His face lit up and nodded. "Stark's pond, at 11, see you there~" He dramatically left and I continued walking.

I mean- He is Mysterion. He seems like one year older than me. Doesn't he know everything? I noticed the blonde hair. He's definitely not Tweek nor Butters....

(Your shorter than Kenny and Kyle)

But his hair is a dirty blonde.... There's not that much blonde kids at school.....

I started approaching to Stark's pond.

I should think about this later...

WC: 1083
To be continued....

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