Bitch..... (special👌)

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Y/n's p.o.v

I listened to the news station before I go to sleep to see if they talk about me and Raven. Surprisingly, they did. "South Park now has new villains in this town. Will Freedom Pals put them in jail, or disappoint us?" The midget in a bikini said. I decided to go to sleep. I wake up at 10:46 with Jenesis- and Jodine? Jenesis came up to me. "Don't worry, I was able to let her join our villain group. I trained her at day light at my house. Her name is Boom." She whispers. Jodine's outfit was pretty cool.

 Jodine's outfit was pretty cool

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I nodded. We all changed and left. Till I notice, I almost forgot my backpack. Boom and Raven stayed back while I get my bag. I took my bag, feeling a bit thirsty, I walk down stairs, grab a cup of water, drink some water, walk up the stairs, climbed up the window. But I heard a sound. I look back, seeing Cartman wake up. I run fast and hide under the guest room's bed. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT he did an evil smirk and decided to blow a blowhorn, everyone in the room woke up. Craig flipped him off. I notice he was sleeping with tweek.

My ship has sailed.....

"G-GAH! Cartman y-you Motherf-fucker!" Tweek yelled. "WHAT THE HELL CARTMAN" Kyle yelled while doing a tiny slap in Cartman's face. "HAHA! That didn't even hurt Jew boi!" Cartman teased. The boys left the room. I get out of the bottom of the bed and put one step on the window ceil. "Shadow?" I look behind me. It was Kenny and Kyle speaking in unison. "Uhhhhhhhhh- bye!~" I say while jumping off onto the other roofs. Oh goodie, their gonna be suspicious around me and the other girls... until I remember.....


"Yo, Y/n, Jodine put a post-it on the tv saying that we went to Starbucks so we can work on homework there" Jenesis said. I nodded.


OH, THANK GOD......But thier gonna wonder why I was there.... Shit.....

I jump back to the roof Raven and Boom was on. We countinued to parkour our way to HQ.


Boom's (Jodine's) p.o.v

Oh wow, this is fun. So this is what it's like....

Shadow's (Y/n's) p.o.v

We go to HQ and do some work. "Hey you guys! We have a problem here...." Venom yells. We stop our work and walk to him. "Professor Chaos got kidnapped by Freedom Pals...... again..." Venom rolls his eyes. "We'll stay here." Vex says. "Are you guys gonna do another make out session again?" Raven laughed. The two blushed. We laughed and went around town to see where Freedom Pals were. We saw Super Craig and Wonder Tweek in front of that 'U-Stor-It' place.

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