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Kyle's p.o.v

"Hehe,*hic* ohh, *hic* look! It's a *hic* chicken nugget! *hic* hehe..." Y/n pointed at me.

A chicken nugget? The heck?

I was carrying her up the stairs. "C'mon, let's put you to bed." I started to step up onto the first ledge. "WOAH! WAIT-" Y/n kissed me. "Hehe, *hic* there we *hic* goo" She was pointing towards a mistletoe. I blush. "Hmmm~ *hic* Your sexy~ *hic* Scince I started- *hic* the first move. Why don't *hic* I be on top?" I blushed so hard. I felt as if my nose started to bleed.

Must be wondering why I'm in this circumstance right? Welp, here's the story....

-time TRAVLE-

Y/n's p.o.v

"Hey there, Ky-Ky! Come in!" Almost everyone was there. "Yo dude! Why are you late?" It was Stan. Kyle scratch the back of my head. "My mom and brother...." Stan nodded. "Oh! Here!" I gave Kyle his gift. I already gave people theirs. "Thanks! Here's your's!" He handed me his. "Thank you!" I put it under the tree. I left to go in the kitchen and try what eggnog tastes like.

Is it like milk? Does it taste like eggs? Is the mitochondria actually the power house of the cell??!!

I gulp and take a sip. It was bad, yet okay. For some reason I kept on drinking it.

Should I stop? Nah. Never.

"Hehehe. *hic* Ewwww, you *hic* look like a dumbass! Probably cause *hic* you are!" I chuckled at this giant, red, M&M and pointed like I was bullying it.

Kyle's p.o.v

Y/n was pointing at me and was laughing. She then called me a dumbass.

The fuck?

I start to worry a bit. "Hey, Y/n, are you okay?" She slurred her words. "I'm fucking *hic* fantastic!" I could tell she wasn't. And everyone left while she drank while the whole PARTY was going on. "Okay, c'mere." I picked her up bridal style. I walked towards the staircase. And now, we're here.

Why did I get myself into this mess?

Word count: 354 words
To be continued......
Date: dec.23.2018

Kyle X reader X Kenny- CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now