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Shadow's (Y/n's) p.o.v

I wake up in a room with Raven. We were tied up in a chair. A table was in front of us, Mysterion came in the room. We tried shaking out of this, but failed. "Don't even try." Mysterion said. " WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" Raven shouted. "We are keeping you hostage, and I'm asking both of you some questions." Mysterion staired at us. "Go ahead" me and Raven said in unison. " Do you work with any one in this business?" He asked while giving us the stink eye. "Yeah, but good luck finding them. If your gonna keep us hostage and use us, good luck with that." I responded. Who does this guy think he is?  "Do you work with Professor Chaos?" He started circling us. "Yeah." Raven responded while trying to escape. "Hmm, that'll be all. Human Kite! Take them to the prison cell... I'll retie them..." He untied our legs off the chair. When he was done with Raven. He went to me next, but seeing him do this, made me kinda blush... Human Kite was behind us and Mysterion was leading the way. Raven came up to me and whispered. "Shadow, we fight them on the count of 3. I take Kite and you take Mysterion." I nodded.  "One..two...THREE!!" Raven shouted. We fought them, they got knocked out. We untied eachother. But we didn't know there was someone watching us. It was the Butthole. He hand signalled us to come. We decided to trust him. We followed him and he led us to the back door. "Thanks butthole, we may be foes, but we owe you one. Here, if you need us, Call me" Raven said while giving Butthole a paper. We both left to come back to HQ.

Vex's (????????'s) p.o.v

I was just scrolling through coonstagram, waiting for Raven and Shadow. "Dude, Whadya wanna do?" I asked. "I dunno. You?~" Venom responded. God he's so fucking gay...I love it.... "Dude,that's gay..." I  Replied while looking at him. He looked at me, grinning. "Stupid head" I said while pushing his face away and blushing. Oh you didn't know? We're both gay. I did a little peck on his cheek. I looked at the door and saw Shadow and Raven in thier fangirl face. I gave them a bitch-fucc-you-face. They just flipped me off. "Oh! Hey you guys." Venom greeted. We countinued our work. Raven and shadow were just talking. After that, they left. It was only me and venom. We decided to sneak a lil makeout session. Halfway through the session, we heard the door open and froze. It was Raven. We all started blushing, but she was happy. "OH MAH FUCKIN GOODNESS!" She yelled while taking a photo. "DELETE THAT!!" I yell while throwing my slipper at her. I was blushing like crazy. It hit her but she didn't care. "I'm deleting it! Oh, and sorry for walking up on you guys like that. I forgot my keys." Raven said while getting her keys and walking to the door. "J-just continue what you gays- GUYS! DOING! BYEEEEEE~!" Raven yelled while leaving. What an embarrassment..... After 1 minute we decided to finish what we started and left.

Word count: 5452 words
To be continued.....

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