3 kisses!

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Y/n's p.o.v

I wake up, seeing a naked Kenny sleeping next to me. The sun shined on him, defining his abs. I remembered what happened last night and blushed at the thought of it.

God, he's so hot..........

I quickly get out of bed and change into my clothes and decided to wear his parka .

I quickly get out of bed and change into my clothes and decided to wear his parka

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I felt so comfy in his Parka. It smelt like him, I kept on sniffing.

Oh god I better stop, I feel like a stalker.....

I stop and decided to order us breakfast. I call the hotel restaurant. "Hi, can I order a f/b and a fluffy stack of pancakes for room 77?" I ask. (F/b=Favourite Breakfast) "okay, would you want the pancakes with extra syrup?" A lady asked. "Yes mam." I answer. I thank her and end the call. "Hey~" I hear Kenny say. I turn around and blush a bit. "Wow, you look hot~" He flirted. I blushed even more. "U-Uhm...Thanks....." I say. "So a-about last night...." I say while  doing that nervous pose thingy.

(yes, I'm using it again)

(yes, I'm using it again)

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He kisses me. " You were great last night~" He wispers. I blush hard as a tomato. I hear knocking. "Pancakes & a F/b!" We hear. I push Kenny into the bathroom to change. I open the door. "Hi!" I greet while waving. "Did you order the F/b and Pancakes?" A lady asked. I nodded. "Enjoy!" She says while pushing a cart with our food. She left. I sigh and open the bathroom. "Okay, you can get out now..." "What was that for?" He asks. "Oh, that was just a lady giving us breakfast." I say while washing my hands.

/////Time skippppp////

Before Me and Kenny decide to leave and go back on earth I give him back his Parka. I wake up on my bed. I check what was today...


I got a text from Kyle.


Kyle😄: Hey Y/n, wanna go out somewhere?

Y/n💕: Sure, where?

Kyle😄: Let's go to the carnival!

Kyle X reader X Kenny- CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now