oh, my god.....

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Human kite's (Kyle's) p.o.v

I cover my mouth.

I kissed her. I FUCKING KISSED HER! Why did I kiss back? What the hell? The most important thing, is that WHY DID SHE TASTE LIKE Y/n! Is she- no, she couldn't be....Y/n would never be like shadow......Is she keeping something from me? I better ask her on monday.....

"Holy shit dude..." Toolshed said. Coon, he kept on yelling at me. "WHAT THE FUCK Khite!" Coon yelled. "I-I....." I was speechless. We all stood there, idiotic.


Shadow's (Y/n's) p.o.v

I gently open the door......


"Hey! Wanna help me screw in the lightbulb?" Raven was on a ladder. I shake my head 'no'. "Hey!" Boom and the others greeted. "So, what's on the agenda?" I sit down and drink some Cola. "Well, We noticed that the Freedom Pals are getting quite close to finding our Headquarters, so, we'll need to find a new base." Vex said. "Professor Chaos suggested that we go to that 'U stor it' place, but Freedom Pals would quess that we would be there, so we decided to hide in the woods. We'll build a secret underground base." Boom explained. I nodded 'yea'. "But before we could do that, we need to find a secret backup base...." Boom explained. "So, Shadow, me, Vex, and Boom, we have to go around town and find a place where we could hide. Is that clear?" Raven ask. We all hummed 'yes' in unison and left.

(Sorry if it's short)

Word count: 265 words
To be continued.....

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