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(hO Ho h0-Ly ShIT i neVER pOstED iN alMoSt A WeEk)

(P.s: this is only my second Lemmon soo....pls don't judge me T-T)

Kyle's p.o.v

I felt so weakened by her. I tried looking around for the key to unlock my handcuffs. "Oh~?" She moved in closer. "Trying to look for a new tactic to escape~?" She then chuckled and started to remove her top half way. My face, became even more red. "The keys are between these babies~" she poked at her breasts.

(Jfc what is my life)

[Time skip because I'm really bad at lemmons]

After all that chaos I sit there on the bed, handcuffed, naked, and have a sleeping, naked, Y/n on me. My last tear fell down my face and onto my thigh. I didn't know what to feel. I felt a bit raped yet want to do it agian......

What the fuck?

I quickly shake that off and try to get the key. Somewhat, during 'that' the key fell out and I was able to catch it. I tried to put the key in the lock and was able to escape!

Yay me!

I felt accomplished. But still a bit chilly because, well, I'm naked. I change back into my clothes.

But what about Y/N?

I sigh and decided to clean up the room a bit. I picked off her clothes she was wearing and threw that into the trash. I probably should've burnt it. I then push Y/n under the bed covers and left her to sleep gracefully.

Hmmm. Am I forgetting something? Eh, I'll just leave it to Y/n.
I left the room and went in a bee line towards the stairs. I hear some sweeping. "Ugh..."

That voice sounds familiar....

I walk down to see a sweeping Kenny in a tux. "Kenny?" He turned around. "Kyle?" He almost drops his broom but quickly catches it. "What are you doing here?" We both ask in unison. "I'm the butler of the place." He crossed his arms, still with broom in hand.

That kind of makes sense, I heard he earns $30 a hour.

He tilted his head. "What about you?" He began to continue sweeping.

(SwEeP sWeEp SWeEp iTs SwEepInG TiiIMe)

I blush a bit. "I...I don't want to say...." he chuckled a bit. "One night stand?"

How'd he know?!

"N-No!" He chuckled softer and he said, without looking at me: "Nah, I'm joking, see ya, bud...." I began to walk towards and out the door. But I paused a bit.

"See you to."

Wc:440 words
To be continued....
Date: Jan.4.19

Kyle X reader X Kenny- CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now