mother's day special💗

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Y/n's p.o.v

Nothing much happened in school, it was the same routine. At, home, I finished my homework until it was 5:54 PM. I sigh, eat my dinner, and sleep.


I wake up, being greeted with the coldness. I changed my clothes, out on my make-up, change my hair, grab my bag, and leave. I run at full speed, and see a house burning down.

I should go check it out....

I see a little girl, she was able to escape out of the building. She seemed to be 5 or 6......

 She seemed to be 5 or 6

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[I drew herrrr]

I see coon and the others try calm her down, but fail. The child ran away into my direction. I jump onto the ground. The little kid stops in horror. She actually trusted me and walk towards me slowly. I bend down. She hugs me. "A-Are you alright?" I ask. She sobbed onto my shoulder. "M-My mommy a-a-and daddy are still i-in there....." She cries more. "Look at me." I whisper into her ear. "I can't help, but what I can do, is take care of you. You got that, sweetie?" I ask sternly. She nods 'yes' "alright, now jump into my backpack..." I zip open my bag. She gladly jumps in. "AYE, ASSFUCK! GIVE US THAT KID!" Coon yelled. I didn't listen and jump back onto the roof of a house and run.

This little kid needs help....I should take care of her.....But she needs to learn self defense......I should train her back at HQ, and maybe, she could join us!

thoughts ran through my mind as I jumped through the rooftops of South Park. I finally get to HQ. "Hey guys!" I yell. They all pop out of their stations. "This better be good, I was busy playing Guitar hero." Vex crossed his arms. I take off my back pack, seeing the little kid peak out. "H-Hello?" She softly says. "Awwwww!" Raven says in awe. She carries her. "What's your name sweety?" She asks. "M-my name name's Jess!" She blurts out. "Awww!" Raven awes again. "So, 'Jess', why did Shadow bring you here?" Venom asked. (I forgot about Venom and Dark 😂) "oh-U-Uhm......." Jess started to cry more. ".....M-Mommy's gone...So as Daddy.....H-He's.........He's d-d-d-dead......" Jess cried onto Raven's shoulder while Raven was stroking her hair our of her face. "T-Thats......Uhm- terrible......L-Look, Jess, You might not know this.....but, um.....We'er super hero's! A-and uh, That mean cocoon guy and his friends w-were actually super villains! Right you guys?" Raven was convincing Jess about what she said- was actually true.....we all stood there confused. "Uhhhhh- You guys- Let's just have a little talk- outside, without Jess....." Boom opens the door. We all exit without Jess........."What the fuck Raven! We're not super hero's! We're super Villans!" I whisper yelled. "W-well, what are we gonna do with Jess? Her family died- I just thought....Hey! Let's make Jess stay, and treat her like family! I- mean, she really is alone....." Raven whispered back.

3rd person p.o.v

They all felt a tiny wave of guilt and sigh. "Fine" Boom, Shadow, Dark, Venom, and Vex say in unison. "Yay!" Raven shouts. They all walk back inside. "Jess, you'll be living in here. There's food in the mini fridge, and you'll be sleeping on the couch. We'll but you need clothes to!" Raven explained. Jess had sparkles in her eyes. "R-Really?!" Her smile warmed all of their hearts. "Yes!" They all said. They all did a group hug. What? Villans have a soft spot to!

Shadow's  (Y/n's) p.o.v

I continue doing my work, until I felt a tug on my pants. "Hm?" I look to my side, seeing Jess. "M-Mommy- Vex a-and Dark are fighting......" Her eyes were watery.


"Uh, Jess, why are you calling me mommy?" I ask. "W-well, I just thought- that I could call you mom b-because your like a mom to m-me and, you were just like her, beautiful, intelligent, and trustworthy...." Jess looked embarrassed.


I smile and pick her up. "Thanks Jess! I really appreciate the things you said, but for now.....Let's stop Vex and Dark....." Jess had a smile on her face. We hold hands and walk to Vex and Dark. They argued like fatass and Kyle........"STOP!" I yell. Everyone froze. "You guys need to stop fighting and be more responsible, you almost made Jess cry!" I point to Jess. They both groan and go back to work.

(I know mother's day was tomorrow, but I only post on Monday and on fridays because of school and some other stuff so, yeah, happy mother's day!💞)

Word count: 815 words
To be continued....

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