Freedom Pals

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Y/n's p.o.v

I went home and had to walk pass a dark alleyway. I saw lots of drunk people and even a strip club. Dr.Nico said these kind of people are bad and that I should not talk or touch them. I have a feeling someone's watching me......

The Human kite's (Kyle's) p.o.v

I watched Y/n as she was walking in drunky alley, hoping she wouldn't get hurt...A drunk person started approaching her. He whistled "what *hic* do we got here? *hic*" the man said... He took her wrist and Y/n was trying to get out of his grip. I flew towards the man, punching him. "Are you o-" I felt a pain in my back.

Y/n's p.o.v

A man saved me from someone dangerous...and behind him I saw another drunk person, stabing a broken beer bottle in my eyes teared up... but I was mad at the same time...I used my powers..I lifted him up from the ground and choked him..... (YOU HAVE LE FORCE) I let go...He ran away.... What did I just do? Did I....Almost kill him...I enjoyed it...but I know it's wrong... I thought. I ran back to my hero." A-Are you okay??" I asked. No answer... A dark figure started walking towards me.."P-please help." I said... It was another boy...he was wearing a white shirt with a T on it and had a tools...

he was wearing a white shirt with a T on it and had a tools

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Toolshed's (Stan's) p.o.v

I saw Y/n with The human kite asking for help. "Ma'am! Are you okay?" I asked "I'm fine, but he's not..." Y/n Responded... Kite was bleeding! Luckily I had bandages for emergency cases...."Here, wrap him up" I said while giving Y/n the bandages. She took his shirt of while blushing....and wraped the bandages around his back. "He has to rest...can you take him to your house?"I asked. Y/n blushed..."O-ok....but first off, who is he? Is he your friend?"Y/n asked. "His name is the Human Kite, yes he is my friend, and I'll explain everything at your house." After saying that I left. I followed her in the dark just to make sure where she lives and if she's gonna take good care of Kyle.


Y/n's p.o.v

Dr.Nico was able to let me bring the Human Kite home, she knew he needed help. Dr.Nico was busy making a serum to help stop the pain from the cut. She already took the glass out of his back. I layed him on my bed and I was sitting on my chair next to my bed. Oh god, I hope he's okay...he risked being hurt for me....

The Human Kite's (Kyle's) p.o.v

I woke up... where am I?... I fully open my eyes... "You're awake!!" A familiar voice said as they were hugging me...thier hair smells like coconuts.."Ow!" I yelled out..I saw them stop hugging me.. "Oh, s-sorry *giggles*" It was a familiar voice.... Y-Y/n?? "Y/n?" I asked.. "Yes?..Wait a minute....How do you know my name?" Y/n asked. Sh!t, I said her name! "I-I'm a super hero, I know everyone's name!" I lied. "Oh!" Y/n said. I still felt a pain on my back. "W-what happened?" I asked. "Oh, well, you saved me. Then, another drunk person hurt you on your back while you punched the first drunkee. Then your friend, toolshed, told me to keep you at my place to help you heal." Y/n Responded. Oh yeah, toolshed was there... I hugged Y/n and whispered in her ear... "Thank you..."

Toolshed's (stan's) p.o.v

I saw Kyle and Y/n... Awww... I didn't want to ruin the moment so I just stayed while they stoped hugging. But before they stopped, I took a picture to show Kyle. I went towards Y/n's bedroom window and knocked. "Oh! Toolshed!" Y/n said. "I'm here to pick up The Human Kite." I said while walking in the room. "Oh, ok.... WAIT, you forgot to explain about you guys and this super hero business!" Y/n said. Crap I forgot... "Oh yeah! Me and the Human Kite work in a super hero group."I said while sitting down. "It's called Freedom Pals, Our leader is ,well, Dr.Timothy. We work with other super heros like Mysterion, Wonder Tweek, Super Craig, and more!" I said. "Any questions?" I asked. "U-uhm yeah! How can I be a super hero to?" Y/n asked. I was scared she would ask that question... "Uhm....Well...Girls aren't allowed to play...." I sadly responded. "W-WHAT?!" Y/n panicked. "Y-Yeahhh......" Human Kite responded... "O-ok.... Well, bye I guess...." Y/n said... Me and human kite left. "Hey Human Kite." I said "What?" Kyle asked. "Look what I saw~" I said, showing Kite the picture I was taking.

The Human kite's (kyle's) p.o.v

I started blushing. "WHERE DID YOU SEE THAT!!" I yelled "Oh, in front of Y/n's house." He answered. "YOU BETTER DELETE THAT!!" I yelled while trying to catch his phone. After chasing for 30 minutes. "F-FINE *huff* I'LL SEND YOU THE PICTURE AND DELETE IT!!*huff*" Stan yelled. "*huff* F-Fine by *huff* me." I responded.


Y/n's p.o.v

I don't care if girls are not allowed to play, I'm gonna break the rules... I got myself a nice super hero outfit.

I had temporary hair dye, so nobody can figure out my identity

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I had temporary hair dye, so nobody can figure out my identity. I'm fighting because of my powers I was born with... I went to sleep.... it was 12:00pm... I felt a certain pain in my vains..... I ran in to the bathroom... My eyes were dark black, I looked at myself... my vains were dark black...It made me panic...I ran to Dr.Nico to help me... She gave me a shot to help.. I looked normal now.... The government knew this was the side effects of my powers....I went back to sleep in peace, ready for the next day.....

Word count:1039
To be continued...

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