Who are you?

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3rd p.o.v

Y/n has been learning allot of things and trained alot, trained super good that she beat Butters or, Professor chaos, and the other kids in the villain group. Y/n chosed to be an assassin.

Y/n's p.o.v

I was doing some work, until I saw Raven walk up to me. "Y/n, I've seen you grow powerful than anyone in the team and I think, it's time for you to get out there. Fight with us, fight Freedom pals." I wanted to fight the bad guys, but at least I have a part on this. "I am truely honored to help fight!" I responded "Okay....Vex, are the minions there?" Raven asked. "Yeah." He lazily responded. "Shadow, go to the park with Raven." Venom responded. Me and raven skiped through the house's rooftops to the park, the view was amazing. Raven's walkie talkie started talking: "RAVEN, SHADOW, HURRY! I REAPEAT! HURRY! WE'RE GETTING OUR ASS KICKED!" "Yeah, no surprise." Raven respond sarcastically. We landed in the battle field. "We're here!" Raven yelled. 2 other super heros were there. One had a green question mark on his head, had a green M on his chest, and had his underwear outside.... Ewww... another super hero was Craig. He looked normal but with a red S on him. "Who are you?" The Green question mark guy asked. Holy shit his voice.... It's like Batman, but he's a kid. "Name's Shadow, this, is Raven. We work for Professor CHAOS." I seriously responded. "I'm Mysterion, this Is Super Craig, and The Butthole. " Mysterion responded. I slightly chuckled because of the super hero name 'The butthole'. "Sure, laugh all you want. We'll kick your ass." Super Craig said. Oh no he didn't... I got serious.

////////////////1 hour pasted//////////////////

I got 2 or 3 cuts, but I saw mysterion, super Craig, and Butthole bleeding so hard. It was the longest fight ever.

///////////////2 hours pasted//////////////////

I had about 5 cuts. Mysterion, Super Craig, and Butthole had low health. I feel so guil- "I'm Back!!!!" I come to see a kid dressed up like the Human Kite and fell to the ground with a bleeding nose. I felt so bad for him, no, Y/n, concentrait...... we continued the fight.

////////////////////5 hours passed/////////////

I felt tired as fuck. I noticed that the others were to. Sadly, we lost. And they won in Victory. I come to notice Raven Gone... Like she disappeared.... until I noticed I was in a different place. I looked around and saw Mysterion pinning me to the wall in a alleyway. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOI-" I got cut off by his hand covering my mouth. "Shhhh......." Mysterion looked to see if anyone was around.

Mysterion's (Kenny's) p.o.v

"Okay... I know it may be... wierd, about how we're enemies and stuff.... but, how?" I asked. "What do you mean how?" Shadow asked. "Y- Y'know, how did you train? That was the longest fight there ever was!" I said. I felt a sudden pain in my crotch.....I fell. She just had to kick me where the sun don't shine didn't she? "OW! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I yelled. "Because, you were getting to close." She responded. I pinned her again. "Like this?~" I asked seductively. Shadow had a tint of pink on her cheeks. She tried to push me away but failed. "M-Mysterion! Don't forget that we're still enemies!" Shadow yelled out while punching him. She was able to escape by jumping up onto a roof top. "Bye!" Shadow yelled while going back home. Who is she? I thought while watching her leave.

Word count: 603 words
To be continued......

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