The fuck is this?!

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Shadow's p.o.v

I Jumped off of the last house near the park and landed on a lightpost like Spider-Man from the new ps-4 game. "Hey bitches!" I hollowed out.

God I miss this feeling.... a time where nobody stops me from showing my insane self....

"Finally, your here!" Raven shouts. I jumped to the ground in a superhero pose. "Hey wait a minute!!!" Toolshed yelled out. "I just noticed, we're out numbered!" I chuckled. "So what? To scared you guys might lose just because of ONE more addition? How pathetic, really~" They were all pissed. Sure, I didn't enjoy saying those things. But as a super villain, I love pissing people off. Suddenly, Human Kite flew down. "Backup's here!" He did a superhero pose. I rolled my eyes. "What took you so long!" The fat racoon boy scolded. "Well, I was b-" Raven cut him off. "HELLOOO?! WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE! IF YOUR NOT HERE TO TALK, DO IT WHILE YOUR NOT IN IT!" She got everyone's attention. The superheroes sighed and went back into their fighting position.

Here we go!

We all got did the same. Of course,  we went first, because I was there before Human Kite.


I haven't been Shadow in a while...I should remember some fighting techniques and my special skill.... Oh! I know, I could use my telekinesis! Heh, this is gonna be easy...

Raven charges at Coon while he does the same, Boom went for toolshed, and I ran twords human kite. "I will never lose to a super villain like you!" He yelled out. I chuckled..."we'll see about that~" I kind of sounded devilish to be honest, I worked on my voice so I could traumatize my enemies. He flew up in the sky, getting ready for his move.

What an easy target~

I slowly bring up my whole hand, and focused on where I want to put him.


I jerked my hand back into place, facing the ground. Not to hard, not to soft. But with human kite flinging back down to the ground with a hard thud.

Daymn, I'm powerful

"W-wha-t  t-t-the..." He weakly lifted himself a bit with his dominant hand and his other one laying on the ground... I stood there, feeling accomplished at what I've done. But I knew...this was just the beginning.... He finally stood up. His friends were knocked out.

Ugh, such a slowpoke....

Luckily, he was still breathing. I didn't kill him. I don't plan to... "H-How d-did you do t-that?" I roll my eyes. "And how are you still alive?" The superheroes looked at me like I was serious. I chuckled. "I'm joking, I'm joking!" They all "Ugh"-ed me.


"Whatever, you'll lose to me anyways..." He charged at me and attempted to punch me. Of course, he did, but I didn't move on accident. I spared him.....only on that one hit. He then tried to hit me in the gut, but I dodged.

My turn!

(When you see any underlined words, it means your using your telekinesis to do it
Ex: I flinged him to the other side of the room)

I flew him into the playground equipment. Again, I'm not trying to kill him... He hit his head on the slide.

Oof, must of hurt so much... good thing I'm not him!

He fell to one knee...

Human kite (Kyle's) p.o.v

No, I can't give up! I fight for a cause! I fight for Y/n! I fight for my friends! I fight for my family!!

I was in great pain, but I stood up. It felt like hell, heck, I'm already in hell. "You won't stop me..." I did my special move.... I flew into space, and did my special kite-beam-thing... (it's been a while scince I saw The Fractured Butthole, DON'T JUDGE ME!!) I flew back down towards earth, seeing shadow on her knees and full of cuts.

Hah, karma's a bitch

We suddenly hear a toilet flush. He came out of the boy's bathroom. "SUP GUYS WHUT DID I MISS?!" It was coon with a piece of toilet paper stuck on his foot.

My fucking god....

While I was being distracted by coon's dead-ass, Shadow flinged me into one of the park's trees and ran towards me to attack. "WOAH, WOAH, WOAH!!! THE FHUK IS THIS?!" She suddenly stops. "What?" He started getting pissed. "HOW THE FHUK DID YOU SUDDENLY GET TELEKINESIS?!" She rolled her eyes. "AND HOW THE FUCK DO YOU STILL LIVE WITH YOUR BIG MOUTH?!" Everyone except for Coon chuckled.

Word count:787 words
Nov, 25, 2018
Tobe continued...

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