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Y/n's p.o.v

I woke up, being greeted with nice folded clothes and a plate of toast with strawberry jam spread.

I woke up, being greeted with nice folded clothes and a plate of toast with strawberry jam spread

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With a note on it.

I hope you enjoyed your stay! Don't be late to school!

Love, Janice~♡

I smiled and looked at the clock. "SHIT!" I jumped, it was 8:11, and school started at 7:45.


I quickly ran and snatched (that weave-) the nicely folded clothes. I put on the dress and put on some stockings because it's cold.

 I put on the dress and put on some stockings because it's cold

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And plus, it's cold. And to top it off, I slip my feet into some red converse high tops.

I yeeted the toast into my mouth like an anime girl and quickly ran to the main lobby and asked to leave

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I yeeted the toast into my mouth like an anime girl and quickly ran to the main lobby and asked to leave. I quickly got teleported to school, with my backpack hanging off my shoulders, and a late slip in hand, signed by mom.

Heh, how helpful heaven could be...

It was empty, and Craig was just ditching class, I saw him leaning on the front of the school, smoking. He didn't notice me until he just looked. I did a small wave. Of course, like usual, he flipped me off. A gust of wind flew up my dress.

Shit! I'm wearing super small shorts!

I blush and quickly put my dress back down. Craig blushed and looked away. I ran into the school, escaping the awkwardness.

Dammn, that was really embarrassing...

I ran to homeroom and slammed the door open. I also kinda got scared as well. I took at bite out off my toast and gave the teacher the late slip and lazily sat into my desk.

What a great start of school today...

I countinue eating my toast during class, while I saw Wendy and one of her friends passing notes.

Ugh, like usual...

I ignore it and pay attention, until the teacher started ranting about how great the other period is after us. I roll my eyes and notice Kenny's not here.

I don't need to care about him, he's the one who left me, I have Kyle. Don't walk up towards me to beg and cry for me to come back, it's your fault you assfuck.

I grumbled and broke my pencil in half. I accidentally stabbed my self. Blood started dripping from my hand.


I raise my stabbed pencil hand. "May I go to the Nurse's office?" The teacher looked traumatized and was about to barf.

Ew, gross

"Ye-*grumble* Y-yes. You *groan* may...Oh!Andtakekylewithyou!!.." They started covering their mouth. I quickly walked out of the room, and waiting for Kyle. Once he opened the door, he didn't notice me.

Oh I have an idea....

I creepily tip toe to him annnnd... *manly-ish scream* I started laughing as he started turning a bit red.
"That isn't funny!" He cross his arms. "Your adorable when your mad~" I chuckled off. He looked red as his hair.

"Am not!"

"Oh my little tundere, you are~" I held on to his hand and dragged him to the Nurse's office. I think I got some blood splatters on him. Eh.

I open the door into the room. "Good morning Ms.Puff...." (Yes, I'm naming the teacher Ms.Puff because why not) she had nice orange hair, an average body shape, looked like she was in her 40s or 50s, and had casual clothes on. I haven't been here in a while. Last time was when I scraped my knee. "Good morning Y/n and Kyle- Oh my god..." She staired at my bloodied hand. "Oh...Almost forgot about that" Kyle scratched the back of his head. "I-Uhm-....I'll remove that for you...."

-time skip-

"There you go! All bandaged up!" She finished rolling out the bandaid. The bell rang signalling that it was currently break.

Cool, I missed about half of my school learning.

We said our thank yous and left. "I'm bored, wanna do anything?" Kyle put his hands in his pockets. "Umm....." I kick around a rock near my foot.

I don't have anything to talk about....Oh! Wait! I remember that mom would be out tommorow night! I should ask her if I could have a Christmas party at my house!

"Well, I might have a Christmas party at my place!" We started walking towards my locker scince I needed something. "Oh cool! I'm down!" I hear steps and look behind me. Christmas trap music started playing...

What the-

"DId SomEBoDy sAY CriStMaS?!" It was Jenesis, in a cristmas sweater.

"Jesus fuck, you scared me!" Kyle sighed out of relief.

"Heh! Even without a mask!"

Dang, she roasted herself...

"Yeah Jenesis!" Wendy passed by. Jenesis rolled her eyes. "Hah! But not as scary as you, bitch!" Wendy stopped and turned around.

"Was that a threat?"

Jenesis chuckled. "If your dumb enough to not know it was one. Hehe, but your still dumb enough to have sex at a young age!" Wendy got pissed, but not as pissed as people said she was when cartman was being a douche. Everyone started staring at the two.

Kyle walked between them. "Hey! Girls!let's calm down! I mean- its Cristmas!-"

"No it isn't! It's Desember 16!" Jenesis seemed super calm and sly.

"Shit your right....Y/n, let's go, I don't want to get in to much trouble...." He took your hand.


Wc:898 words
To be continued....
Date: dec.15.2018

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