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Kenny's p.o.v

I go on my phone and went on to Google.


I typed up and searched:"What is love?"

L0ve is th3 ch01c3- wait a minute....why is it like tha-

*poof* I was in..the void? "Hello there Kenny." It sounded like....

Morgan Freeman?

"W-why am I here?" The void got darker as we speak.

"You've finally been woken....Kenny, you found a true love! Here- just, take a seat." A chair popped behind me and I sat down.

"I know why you cheated on her..."

My eyes got a bit watery. "But I had to! I- uh-"

No! Don't tell the truth!

"Look okay! Who would ever like Y/n! She's super ugly! She doesn't deserve to be with me! She's a slut! She had sex with me and next thing you know she's with Kyle!" I stood up from my chair.

I'm so sorry Y/n..... I don't mean it- I have to do it.... I don't want to lose you nor my s-

"Is that really how you think, Kenny? What about the time you enjoyed her presence? What about the time you felt jealous? What about the time you would want to die for her? Kill for her? Lose almost all you had for her? Or did you just lie to just have a 'good time'?" I sat down.... and sigh. Tears streamed through my face.. I decided to tell him the truth....

-time skip because you'll have to wait why he cheated-

"Oh.... I see...Your in a bit of a fumble Kenny..." I nodded, I don't even want to speak... I've lost someone for another.....  (this is a hint peoples, of why he cheated on youuuuu) Some of my tears dripled into the endless void.
"Well....Let me tell you a story to help heal and I need you to do something for us later..."


Smoke started coming out of nowhere. Then it started showing a figure of a baby... "once upon a time.....It was a nice lovely day in heaven...But hell struck. They have came back, eliminating and bringing down some of our residents to come and join them. It was occurring while god was making Y/n...the beautiful angle she is...As soon as satan saw her, he wanted all his demons to get her. We all tried to save her....But we couldn't do we had to sacrifice her, satan gave us a deal that he'll kill and take every single angel until darkness rises only if he has Y/n..."

Woah, what?

"But why Y/n?"

"You'll see..." and he countinued to narrate. "He took her, and nominated her to be the new princess of hell, you see, the first princess didn't do her job, she didn't care, she would only give help to the elderly, subscribe to T-series and help orphans. Her father was obviously furious and sent her into earth, to change, but she took to long. We all planned to get Y/n back and we did! She was now safe, but she has some let's say... 'errors' within her, and hell is fully on the hunt, because she has grown powerfull with her 'error', and the 1st princess is still growing into an abomination......"


"But, what do you mean by 'errors'?" I tilt my head. "You see Kenny, there are some questions I cannot answer...This is one of those. But I need you to be a protector for Y/n. Goodbye McCormick." I start being shaken. I open my eyes somewhat lazily. "Kenny wake up! Did you miss school again?! You might get detention dude!" It was Kyle, he had bandages on his face and hands. Y/n was behind him, crossing her shoulders and seems a bit annoyed. There was also Stan and Cartman. "Oh, hey." I casually said. "Also, why do you have bandaids on your face?" I asked.

Y/n's p.o.v

I almost got shook while having Vietnam flashbacks. "It's uhmm....Complicated..."

Wc:682 words
To be continued....
Date: Dec.15.2018

Kyle X reader X Kenny- CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now