Movie night

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Y/n's p.o.v

I dressed up in a green hoodie and orange jeans

I dressed up in a green hoodie and orange jeans

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And slipped on my shoes

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And slipped on my shoes. I brang a bag with me that had my supersuit,  (HONEY! WHERE'S MY SUPERSUIT?!) Makeup, temporary hair dye, phone, earbuds, portable charger, shots for my black substance,  and pepper spray.

I sigh and wait outside. I sat on a rocking chair attached to the roof of our porch and staired into the distance. I felt a bit, lifeless......

Is everything boring now? Is there nothing to do? Oh right....Kenny and sofia... I need to stay strong...I shouldn't stay sad and depressed my whole life... I am a courageous young woman..... Yeah....

I start to smile like an idiot.

Just because he thinks your his play toy doesn't mean he can get in your way.

I see a hand wave by my eye sight. "Hm?" I blinked. "Are you okay Y/n?, You spaced out and got your head in the clouds when I came...." I blushed a tint of pink in embarrassment. "Oh! Uhm- sorry!" He nods in approval. "Okay, well, let's go!" He leads me to a red truck.

Must be his...

*Magic time skip to the movie theater*

We talked a lot during the ride. Like memes, random stuff about each other, life story, awkward and funny moments in our lives, well, mostly his.... But once we got to the movie theater we kinda stayed silent.... It's just so....Awkard!

We got tickets to watch a scary movie since it was October. It was the movie Trick 'r treat, I absolutely loved it!

To be honest I love the character Sam! I think he's cute, although under his bag over his head, his head is a skeleton head, but still cute! Most of the time I rested my head on Kyle's shoulder, I was a bit tired...

Kyle's p.o.v

Oh. My. fucking. God.....


I blushed a bit after the movie.

Y/n's p.o.v

At the end we went to tweek bros coffee to have a little chat. It was enjoyable, calm, and just took my mind off of Kenny and Sofia....


I'll date Kyle until Kenny McCormick is unstable!


"H-hey uhm kyle?..." I shyly asked. "Yeah?" I blushed a tint of pink.

To be honest I kinda had a little crush on him, he would care about me, and defend me!

"Will you- Uhm...." He staired at me. "WILLYOUGOOUTWITHME?!" I blurted out. He blushed a bit. "I-uhm, I........I do!" He said like we were getting married. We both blushed, flustered of what we both said.

This is uhm.... Awkward.....

Word count:452 words
To be continued....

Kyle X reader X Kenny- CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now