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(Just a quick a/n- I know I'm late for holloween but I'm gonna add it in here. I don't care if I'm late for holloween bih)

Y/n's p.o.v

I walked towards kyle, blushing a bit. He was a bit surprised of how I dressed up. "H-hey Y/n!"He wore a tux.


I gave him a quick hello. We both say down. A felt a hard, quick breeze.


I leaned forward towards Kyle. When I put my hand down, I accidentally touched his hand, but he seemed fine with it so he let me.

Why is almost everything in my life awkward???

He flipped his hand to his palm and intertwined our fingers. I was red as his hair.

Oh god.....

"Y/n?" We both faced each other. "Yes?" "I, uhm, I have something for you...I spent a lot of time saving for it...."


He brought out a white box with a green ribbon. "Aww, you didn't have to!" I smiled. I slowly opened the box... it was a beautiful bracelet with a small heart charm. I absolutely loved it. "Here, put it on!" He put the lovely gift around my wrist. I took a quick glance at it and hugged him tight. I whispered: "thank you so much..." I gave him a peck on the cheek. He took my hand. "Y'know that's not the only thing I have for you..."

Oh, he's so generous.....

I let go of his hand. "N-no, I- I couldn't!" "Oh, but you could!" He took out his hand like he was my butler escorting me. I sigh, smile, and took his hand. We had fun, talked about some stuff.....

He really does care about me....

But Kenny didn't......

No, you should get him out of your mind, have some fun for Petesake! But.... Do I still miss him? No, I don't. I do! I mean-..... It's obvious I do... Why do I still think about him? I'm dating Kyle, I don't need to worry....

We took a stop. "Y/n, can you close your eyes?" "Okay..." He covered my eyes anyways. "Where are we going?" "Shhh, you'll see..."

*time skip*

We had some stops here and there, but was able to make it where ever we are...."okay, I'll take off your blind fold!" Darkness was gone, but What was shown to me was the beautiful sea. Me and Kyle stood on a high hill , next to tree, and on the back of us was South Park.... The view was great. The night sky simmered through the water and the sky was all sparkly and shined of blue and purple... I was speechless of the beautifulness of the place. I hugged Kyle. "Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I hugged him tightly. He smelt like cinnamon candles. "Your welcome! I needed to show my appreciation..." I noticed that he set up a picnic on the soft grass that was lit by candles.

Oh, it's just like in the movies...what a cliche...

We both sat down...

This is great and all, but... isn't this going to fast???

My smile turned into my normal, bored face.... "Kyle?" He looked at me. "Yes, y/n?" "I-I-uhm"

Y/n why are you being HESTITANT

"I gotta ask you something.....Don't you think this relationship is fast?" He smiled. "If you think that, I'll be able to slow down for you! I'm sorry if this is just to much, I just..." He clutched my hand. "I love you so much...." He then kissed it.

How adorable!

I sat there, flustered, yet grateful of what he contributed. We ate f/f (favorite food) and drank some soda. There was a bench behind our spot so we decided to sit there. We held hands as we walked to the bench and never let go. "Y/n?" "Yeah?" "I want you to know..." He say there a bit shy. "I want you to know that no matter what, I, I love you...." I blushed a bit. "Kyle-" Both of our phones rang. "Dang it! Sorry, I- we? Gotta take this...." we said at the same time. We both giggled. We parted ways and took our calls. "Yo, Y/n, it's Raven!" "Sup, is there anything you need? I'm currently with a date with kyle...." "okay, first off, yeah we need you, freedom pals caught us snooping around and their calling back up, might as well call you. And second of all, TELL ME ABOUT YOUR DATE LATER!!" "You got it Raven!" I ended the call and ran to Kyle, he ran towards me to. "I gotta leave!" We both said in a hurry. "Wait, why do you have to leave?" He ask me. "Family emergency!!" Which was the only thing I could think of. "Okay, I'll drop you off!!" "N-no thanks! I'll run!" He nodded and let me go. I ran to the park bathroom and changed my clothes.

It's been a while scince I was shadow...

I jumped through rooftops and ran towards the address Raven sent me, the park.

862 words
To be continued...

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