good day to be dead

453 6 9

Y/n's p.o.v

I wake up in my bed. My room's a bit of a mess, and I'm naked.....

What the fuck happened?

I sigh and stretch but was to weak to even get out of my bed and fell back asleep.

Ahhh, I love spring break....I get back at school next month!

I woke up, yet again. I rub my eyes and turn over to my side and read the time.


I groan from how tired I was. I sit up, smacking my lips a bit. My mouth was a bit dry.

I could go for some coffee right now....

"Ughh....." I sloppily changed my clothes into some comfort clothes.

" I sloppily changed my clothes into some comfort clothes

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I sigh, unplugging my phone from my charger

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I sigh, unplugging my phone from my charger. Then go downstairs. "Good morning, Miss.L/n" Kenny bowed. "Morning. Also, don't call me that, just call me Y/n!" I slouch down into my couch while unlocking the password to my phone. "But won't your mom think that's disrespectful when she comes back?" I scroll causally through coonstagram. "Yeah your right.....then call me...." I took a second and snickered a bit. "LASAGNE!" He looked at me like a madman. But during our conversation I kept my eyes on my phone. "Jeez Lasagne, I new you liked Steven Universe, but really?" I smile and turned to him. I noticed he had a eye patch on his left eye. My smile turns into a face of concern. "What happened?" I turn off my phone and walk towards him. "It's nothing!" He began to scratch the back of his head. I start inspecting the eye patch. "You were in a fight, weren't you?" I poked straight at his chest.

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