Anota one boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

916 12 15

Kenny's p.o.v

I walk back home, thinking about the fight tommorow...... the fight was scheduled before school...... What if I lose? Will Y/n still love me? Does she even have the same feelings for me?.... I was walking halfway through a crosswalk. Being inputed by a car honk, I look to the right of me seeing a car coming towards me for a whole second and getting hit by it. I woke up again, in the white void..... I decided to stay for a bit..... Jesus teleported me to Halehluia Hotel's. I stayed there for a bit and left...

3rd person p.o.v

The fight was cancelled because of Kenny's death..... When he returns, everyone will forget about the fight... But, Y/n will still remember....

Y/n's p.o.v

I wonder  what happens to dead immortals..... I mean, Kenny didn't come back..... I walk and accidentally fall in a sewer hole, and die because of the fall... I wake up in a white void, floating. I see Jesus. "Oh, Hi Jesus!" I greet. "Hello there, child. Do you want to stay in heaven for a while or go back to your world?" He asked. "W-Well, I chose...........Going home." I said. "Okay, just blink." I blinked. I wasn't in the void... I was in my room, in my bed. Wow.... It was the weekend so I decided to do some of my homework. After doing some I just watched some You Tube videos.

(I dare you to subscribe to Twaimz  on Youtube)

I get a text from Jodine and Jenesis.


Jodine 😆: Hey Y/n

Y/n 😏: Hey Jodine, what's up?

Jenesis😂: Yo, wanna have a sleep over???

Y/n😏: YES


Jenesis😂: Lamo, meet at 6:00pm at my house. You guys can bring some people 2.

Y/n😏: ok. See ya later ye guys

Jodine😆: See ya later alligators


Dr.Nico let me come. I told the gang about it. I packed up my stuff and got dropped off at Jenesis's house. While waiting outside, I see Jodine, Craig, Tweek, Token, Clyde, Jimmy, Butters, Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, and Stan. Wow....  I call Jenesis, telling her we're outside. She sees us outside with a Holy-Fucc face. She let's us in and we slept in a pretty big room. But, it was pretty crowded. We all decided to go to token's house instead because he has a big-ass guest room and I gotta admit, it's fucking fancy asf.  We decided to play a game, truth or dare. All of us participated. It started with Butters. "Oh Hamburgers, who to pick? Hmmmm, Kyle, truth or dare?" Everyone looked at him. "Uhhh, dare?" Kyle said questionably. "I DARE TOU TO KISS STAN!"  Butters yelled while pointing at them.

Stan's p.o.v

Me and Kyle blush. I heard Jenesis and Jodine squeeling over this... Godammit Butters..... I look at kyle, blushing even more. I give him a quick peck on the cheek. I blushed as red as blood. "T-ther-" I felt my vomit come up. I Run to barf in the trash can. Luckly, I made it in time.

Kyle's p.o.v

I blush... "o-Okay.... Uhm.... Craig, truth or dare?" I ask. "I ain't chicken, Dare." He said monotonely. "Hmmmm, I dare you to kiss Tweek." He blushed. Jenesis brought out her phone to record this. "On the lips." I added. Y/n was fangirling like crazy.

Craig's p.o.v

I blush, looking at the vibrating blonde boi. Sweating a little I was thinking rapidly.  "Fuck it" I said. I smashed his lips on to mine's. His lips were warm. He tasted like coffee and muffins. He kissed back. We kissed for 3 minutes and stopped for the damm air. We wiped off the spit trail on our lips. Everyone's face was mind blown. Me and Tweek holded hands after that. "Okay.... Kenny, truth or dare?" I ask

Kenny's p.o.v

"Dare" I say. What's the worse he can do?  "I dare you to kiss Y/n on the lips." He says. I blush, so does she. "W-What is this? A make-out circle?" I ask, jokingly. "Seems like it." Jodine said.  I'll finally get my shot.... Me and Y/n stair at each other, going closer...  Y/n came and just went for it. Her warm and soft, tender lips.... She tasted like cotton candy. I kissed back like the other people. I never wanted to stop. We ended up kissing for 5 minutes. I let go. Everyone had the same expression of when Craig and Tweek kissed.

Y/n's p.o.v

My second kiss...... I want to do that again.... He tasted like chocolate....  I blushed...

Kyle's p.o.v

I saw them kiss....... I felt a whole tsunami  of jealousy..... I left to go in the bathroom.... I started crying...... Y/n will never love me......

Jenesis's p.o.v

Shit, I have a story to save...... We all brushed our teeth and fell asleep for tonight......

Word count: 843 words
To be continued.......

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