Serious or not?

484 11 27

Shadow's p.o.v

We all went to the Freedom Pals Headquarters to fill out my new abilitys in my ability chart. Which was in Token's house obviously because he's rich and is in the Freedom Pals as a knock-off transformer made out of clear, colored plastic. Some other superheroes were there hanging out there and didn't know that I was coming. "What is she doing here?" Mysterion had his arms crossed and was leaning on the wall.

Woah, wait-

"How do you know I'm a girl?" He suddenly stopped thinking about what he should tell me. "Well?" I tap my foot. He smiled. "Because you fight like a girl, and you wouldn't think I would notice your boobs? You look like a cup D from what your wearing~" My face turns into a tomato and I try not cover it to show confidence.

Two could play at that game....

"Listen here you little shit-" I smile and pin him with my arm. "That bulge of yours is actually bigger than my boobs" I winked.

Why am I doing this, I might barf.

His face started blushing a bit.

Hah, pathetic

He shook that off and took the next move. He fliped me to his side and now he was pinning me. "You, me, bed, now." I started blushing like crazy.

N-no, you can't go back now, that's weak.

"Be my guest~" I kissed him on the cheek.

I'm kissing a guy I don't know.....But I did kiss him before.....

He blushed. Before he could say anything, he got cut off by Raven. "I SHIP IT!" She took pictures with her phone. Me and Mysterion quickly got out of our position. "GET A ROOM!" Call girl yelled out. "EWW WUHY WOULD YOU SHIP- actually...." Coon said.

Wonder what he's thinking bout.....He must be doing some evil plan....Maybe using him as my weakness?

I shrugged and we continued to fill out the chart. Me and Super Craig was sent into a room. He started asking me questions about my new abilities and asked me questions to describe it.

-after a long boring meeting...-

We left the room to be witnessing a argument of Raven and Call-bitch. "THAT IS NOT OKAY TO SHIP MYSTERION AND SHADOW!" "I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS AND A FUCK! I JUST SHIP IT! OF COURSE, IT'S NOT GONNA BE REAL! Or it can be a possibility though...." Yelling and chattering was all that was heard. I noticed Mysterion. He pointed to me, then him, and towards the exit. I nodded and as if we were both on que, we left. "Hey" "what's up?" I casually asked like what we did before didn't happen. "So, uhm, Can I ask you a question?"

You just asked one, but meh.

"Sure" "Were you actually serious or just joking because I was kind of confused." I chuckled. "Well, what do you think?" He blushed a bit, held my waist, and pulled me a bit over to him. "I thought you were serious..." I was surprised, but I didn't show it. Showing emotions are kind of weak. "Well, you guessed wrong~" I escaped out of his arms with a slow twirl. He kind of blushed. "Can I ask you another question?" "Shoot" "How did you change? Before you were a little blushing mess, and seemed easy to beat, and also wasn't like how you are now." Stupidly,  I think I can answer this... "Well, people change Y'know? People die, and get resurrected. People lie, and they move on. People cheat over you and they move on, leaving you like a worthless piece of trash...." I mumbled the last part and look down. He put a hand on my shoulder. I look at him. "Hm?" "Look, Shadow, I feel as if I had the same thing happen to me to. I fell in love with this beautiful girl... She had perfect h/c (hair color) hair.... The softest s/k (skin color) skin you can ever touch...and she was an angel... But later on, she's with another man.... But she wasn't the one who cheated on me....I was... I messed up. I let something take over me.... I don't remember how I messed up..... But I want to fix my problems and start again...." I saw a drop of a year go down his cheek and onto the ground. I chuckled for a bit and hugged him. Then whispered into his ear: "Guess we both have problems..."

758 words
To be continued...
Date: Dec.3.2018

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